Spammy - yay! would be great to be closer

! really hope everything with your move goes nice n smoothly! well done to meri for walking! clever girl
Sebbiesmum - sorry to hear about the eczema! that really sucks

hopefully it will be very mild and treatable! i know its easy to say, but at least its just eczema, theres alot worse things he could have!
Deedee - hi!!! your LO if beautiful

! im in the same boat as you with regards to the sleeping through (or lack there of)!! ive been saying for ages now tht im going to tackle it, as it is my own fault. he wakes and i give him a quick feed... anywhere between 3 and 8 times a night! its my own fault though, i just need to stop giving into him because he reeeally doesnt need the feeds. plus i think its holding him back from eating more during the day! just need to bite the bullet and have those few sleepless nights!
karen - sounds to me like tilly is gunna skip out the crawling and go straight to walking!!! very exciting

well everything is great here!!!

we've viewed a few houses and today we found 'the one'. its in macclesfield. so actually north cheshire, not quite manchester, but just a half hour train ride into manchester city centre. its lovely! its a 3 bedroom, for the same price as some of the 2 bedrooms we viewed. so very excited about having a guest room. especially seen as just now we live in a teeeeeeeeeeeeny one bedroom flat. it will be soooo refreshing moving into a spacious house! AAAHHH! so excited! so we have paid the fee to take it off the market, and our paper work is processing, they need to do the usual credit checks n such. so if all goes well with the paperwork then we should be moving in on the 26th of this month! very soon! so heading back to dundee either tomoro or thursday to pack our flat up!!!! really am so excited. but very scared too. OH starts work on the 28th. so we will literally only have like a day to settle in before im left on my own for 10 hours a day with dexter. in a place i dont know. with no people around that i know. and no internet at first cause of the move. so very nervous. think i will feel terrible about the whole thing til im settled in tbh. but it will all be worth it im sure!
also, i know i dont need to say this, but just in case anyone was wondering. i know some of you may know me and my OH had a rough patch 2 months ago! but just wanted to reassure you that things have definitely gotten sooo much better. he has blown me away recently. he hasnt even graduated yet, and already he has found a job. found us a house. and is acting both responsible and loving/caring. im so relieved!
well anyway, ive went on and on!
hope your all well, you fabulous bunch! xxx