****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hi Deedee, you won't know me from tri 3 as I was too scared to post back then but I love the forum now and couldn't be without it! Your little lady is gorgeous xx
Hey Deedee! lovely to see you here. Glad all is well - she's doing brilliantly! Tilly still doesn't crawl and is only just starting to stand up and hold onto furniture but if she lets go she goes tumbling! What gorgeous piccies, hun - she's beautiful xxx
Great news about the job! :)

Sorry to hear about the eczema - is it likely that given his age it's something he'll grow out of?

Im not really sure, as i was his age when i got diagnosed with mine and its never left my side for the last 22 years :(..Im hoping he will grow out of it though!!, the steroid cream seems to be doing its job and he seems less red and scabby today which is good :D
Thanks ladies...missus took her first unaided steps on Sunday, she only did it the once but then yesterday she was walking quite far to her sister, shes still completely wobbly and falls at the end but its a great start, actually shocked as my eldest didnt start walking until she was 13 months so i was expecting it to happen somewhere around then :)

Hows all the other little june/july babies getting on?

Spammy - ah well done to Meri taking her first aided steps :)

Sebbiesmum - aw sorry to here Seb has been diagnosed with eczema. Don't feel crappy about it tho hon. It's not something you did deliberately. I don't know a lot about it, but I hope it's just mild.

Deedee - ah she's lovely :) I hope she starts sleeping through soon for u. She sounds like she is doing well.
Drake has been doing really well the past couple of weeks. He's learnt to clap, wave hello and says a noise that kinda sounds like hello, roll over from front to back, he's starting to cruise the furniture and when we r walking him sometimes hes letting go with 1 hand, but isnt steady enough to take more than 1 step. He can balance occasionally just standing there for about 5 seconds and he now has 2 teeth through. He's still not crawling tho.

I will upload some photos soon :)
Slightly off topic but i had my first spinning session today and oh my god my ass is sore! :|..I got OH to look at it earlier and he said it was bright red like a babboons :lol:

Ill be going again on Friday as i really enjoyed the work out despite feeling like i was going to pass out when i got off my bike! :lol:
Spammy - yay! would be great to be closer :)! really hope everything with your move goes nice n smoothly! well done to meri for walking! clever girl <3

Sebbiesmum - sorry to hear about the eczema! that really sucks :(:( hopefully it will be very mild and treatable! i know its easy to say, but at least its just eczema, theres alot worse things he could have!

Deedee - hi!!! your LO if beautiful :):)! im in the same boat as you with regards to the sleeping through (or lack there of)!! ive been saying for ages now tht im going to tackle it, as it is my own fault. he wakes and i give him a quick feed... anywhere between 3 and 8 times a night! its my own fault though, i just need to stop giving into him because he reeeally doesnt need the feeds. plus i think its holding him back from eating more during the day! just need to bite the bullet and have those few sleepless nights!

karen - sounds to me like tilly is gunna skip out the crawling and go straight to walking!!! very exciting :):):)!

well everything is great here!!! :) we've viewed a few houses and today we found 'the one'. its in macclesfield. so actually north cheshire, not quite manchester, but just a half hour train ride into manchester city centre. its lovely! its a 3 bedroom, for the same price as some of the 2 bedrooms we viewed. so very excited about having a guest room. especially seen as just now we live in a teeeeeeeeeeeeny one bedroom flat. it will be soooo refreshing moving into a spacious house! AAAHHH! so excited! so we have paid the fee to take it off the market, and our paper work is processing, they need to do the usual credit checks n such. so if all goes well with the paperwork then we should be moving in on the 26th of this month! very soon! so heading back to dundee either tomoro or thursday to pack our flat up!!!! really am so excited. but very scared too. OH starts work on the 28th. so we will literally only have like a day to settle in before im left on my own for 10 hours a day with dexter. in a place i dont know. with no people around that i know. and no internet at first cause of the move. so very nervous. think i will feel terrible about the whole thing til im settled in tbh. but it will all be worth it im sure!

also, i know i dont need to say this, but just in case anyone was wondering. i know some of you may know me and my OH had a rough patch 2 months ago! but just wanted to reassure you that things have definitely gotten sooo much better. he has blown me away recently. he hasnt even graduated yet, and already he has found a job. found us a house. and is acting both responsible and loving/caring. im so relieved!

well anyway, ive went on and on!

hope your all well, you fabulous bunch! xxx
Littlesmoosh...that is exactly what happens with Elexis, she wakes and has a small feed, although tbh at one point i had managed to get her to the point where she woke and i gave her water or just her dummy but somethings gone wrong and shes back on the milk haha! i'm sure we will get there, ive forgotton what its like to have a full nights sleep although last night wasnt so bad, 10pm - 3:15am, 3:15am - 5am and then a few awakenings after that! And she always wakes crying too :/ no idea why!

The new house sounds lovely too :) i'm getting itchy feet where my house is concerned, really wanna move i just feel like i cant do much in the house with it being private rented, always in the back of my mind "what if the landlord decides to sell up" then i just dont have the heart to spend money on it doing it up to how i'd like it iykwim!

sorry violet! didnt mean to leave you out, sooo many people to catch up on!! wow! sounds like drake is really coming into his own! what a clever little cookie :):)

deedee - dexter just refuses water through the night, he gets angry is i offer it lol. and hes never had a dummy. im giving up breast feeding in less than 2 months, so hes going to need to learn! some nights my nipples are red raw when he decides he wont go to sleep without it in his mouth at all. soooo frustrating!!! least you had mmade some progress, so you know its possible!

i totally know what you mean about the private let. we are in one just now, and going into another one with this new house. but unfortunately its the only option for us just now. because we just dont have the money to do anything else yet... one day though!!!

Yvonne, I am SO glad for you. You sound a million times happier than you were a couple of weeks ago and it has really made me smile, reading your posts. I wish you, your OH and Dexter the very very best for your move and future together. How exciting!

Violet and Spammy - sounds like your LOs are doing brilliantly. Tilly is just taking aided steps like Meri, but can't quite work it out and kind of staggers around like a drunk.

Sebbie'sMum - hope you can get the eczema under control. I've heard very good things about Aveeno products. And you're a brave lady going spinning. I do no exercise at all, bad me.

Tilly is coming along nicely at the moment. She's extremely vocal and a lot of her noises sound like proper words, she just chats away and laughs to herself. It's hilarious. She's got this car toy that makes beeping and engine noises if you put the little man in the driver's seat and she's just, right this last five minutes or so, worked out how to put him back in the seat quite accurately to make it beep. I'm so proud of silly things like that. She's just ace. Here she is today:
Sorry if I've left anyone out. I love catching up with you all
Sounds like all the babies are doing really well :). I can't believe how old they all are, Finn is 1 in less than 3 weeks!

He's been cruising furniture for 4 months now but will not stand unaided. Ever! He's so so quick at crawling I just don't think he's interested in walking!

Finn still wakes 4 ish times a night and I would usually give him a quick feed and he'd go back off (same as you deedee and littlesmoosh) but I'm trying to wean him off the breast so I'm now offering a bottle every other time he wakes in the hope that he will start to realise he doesn't get fed every time he wakes. I'm going to continue to breast feed during the day for a while until he is used to not getting boob at night. I just pray that something will click and he will stop wanting milk at night!
Last night he took 7oz before bed then at 12 he took another 7oz! Not to mention several breast feeds from about 5am!

Thanks Karen :D..Well im still regretting spinning today as i cant sit down my bottom is that sore :|..My legs likewise, but as soon as i settle into spinning then im sure it will get easier as the instructor told me..Thinking about booking my class for Friday but im thinking ill still by aching by then :\..Ive also thought about Zumba, but then it hit me..A fat bird doing zumba..Id feel a bit awkward as i saw the adverts and their all really flat and toned..:\..Cant win can we? lol!

Sebs been extremely mardy today!, he's been majorly constipated for days and today he finally dropped the motherload!!..And he cried none stop for the next half an hour..Poor thing is still very uncomfortable and feeling sorry for himself..So off to get him some prune juice tomorrow..Sounds foul but if it helps him then i suppose its worth it :)
thankyou so much karen! your so lovely :)

tilly is just soooo beautiful! constantly shoving my laptop in my OH's face showing ofall the cuties to him haha!

if i dont have a girl next time round i really think i will be broken hearted!

ive realised that with all this moving house/job chat ive not really updated you all properly on dexters progress (bad mummy)!

he is such a little character! totally shows off to everyone. has to be the centre of attention, goes nuts if he isnt. he goes to everyone and anyone! just the other day he spent te train journey to manchester with a young girl sat beside me. he barely looked at me for 4 hours! he was so happy with his new friend. i got so jealous hahaha! hes walking while holding hands, and has made 3 attempts at walking on his own, but only manages one step then falls forward onto his hands! but the will is there, and im sure it wont be long! his new favourite thing at the moment is climbing stairs! he tried it at my aunties and was automatically a pro. the speed he can go up them is quite impressive. but i must admit, im sick of climbing them with him haha! must buy stairgates for our new place! (we dont have stairs in our flat at the moment, visiting family just now who have stairs but no gates!)! hes been able to say mum (mama, mumma) and dadda for months now. but last month he learned 'doggy, hiya and bye' as well. but it seems as though hes forgotten he ever learned them! he used them all for about a week, then just left them behind. so right now all he says is mumma and dadda... and then a load of nonsense lol! now that he is constantly on the move im starting to see the chub fall off him! hes totally leaving behind the baby days and entering toddlerhood! makes me both proud and soooooooo sad! he really is doing well, if only he would sleep through the night!

i am sooooooooo broody right now. really hoping my OH lets me try for another in just over a years time... but il cross that bridge when i come to it!

just wanna say, i love this forum, and having people to chat to that actually care about baby chat! i dont have many friends that have children and my life is just all about dexter, its nice being able to tell people about him :)

ahh sounds like all the little people are doing fab (apart from sleeping in some cases ;) lol)

littlesmoosh - Elexis hated the dummy, i only just started getting her to have one at around 7months in the hope that she would take that instead of a feed and sleep better at night...no such luck :roll:

Kirsty - Finn will get there with the walking, i think Elexis is just advanced at this as she was a late crawler and so most of the time before she learnt to crawl she would pull her self up on us and then grab our hand so we would walk around the room with her to give her that bit of freedom of movement rather than her been immobile!

Sebbiesmum - i've heard lots of people going to spin classes, what is it exactly? i'm on a mission to lose the baby weight big style, starting the gym within the next 2 weeks but i wouldnt mind trying out some classes too!

Deedee - he will walk while holding hands, has done for months and he cruises EVERY piece of furniture but if he wants to get from a to be he crawls! I wouldn't mind but I want him to walk as its really awkward when I take him to the park as he wants to crawl on the dirty ground, so if he walked the park would be way more fun :)

Karen - Tilly is beautiful. She has such lovely hair :) Finn only has very fair hair and only a little bit on top, nothing on the sides! If I have a girl next i will have to make sure she wears pink if she has hair like Finn!

aww bless him lol...mind you its still early days, my eldest didnt start taking unaided steps while 13 months :)

Aww looks like all the babies doing really well! :)

I haven't been able to post much since returning to work :(

Seb's doing well. Still cruising around the furniture but hasn't really attempt to stand unaided yet.

I keep trying to teach him 'dada' but he just looks at me and laughs! So no signs of saying any words yet.

He's been very unsettled the past couple of night and hade up to settle him but his 2 top teeth are bulging under his gums and he's a bit snuffely so I imagine this is why. The only problem with his sleep (for me) is his ability to wake up at 6am on the dot....I just can't seem to get him to sleep longer.

I finally taught him something! He can now clap and also I can now just say the word 'clap' and he will do it without me showing him how :)

Plastic storage box fun....


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Aww look at him in the storage box hehe!! sounds like his top two teeth are deffo on there way through, Elexis's gums bulged and were red raw and then they started turning white when they were nearly through, poor bubbas!


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