MMC at 14 weeks devasted *very very long post*

Hi Tina - only just got onto PF this moring and read your sad the others have said I am so sorry for your loss, and i know that at the moment there will be no words that will make anything seem better.

But take the advice of the ladies on here, and use PF to rant, rage, ask questions and lean on...not everyone has been through what you have, but always know that we're here.

One of my good friends lost her baby at 18 weeks last year, and they held a small memorial/funeral service for her lost baby. She thought she'd never recover but is now pregnant again, and furtheron than before, so please don't lose hope that you'll never have a child with your partner.

For now just grieve for your loss, and you know where I am if need to PM xx
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support it means the world to me xx
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support it means the world to me xx

If there is anything any of us can do then just let us know sweetheart

I have just read this in work and am now crying like a baby, like others have said our words are meaningless at the moment and we cant take away your pain, just know that everyone is think of you and wishing we could make you feel just a tiny bit better, all my love and hugs to you sweetheart xxxxx
i am so sorry hun. there are no words for the pain you are going through, but you WILL make it out the other side. Big love xx
Been thinking of you all night babes. Lots of love.xx
This is defo one of the top things that shouldnt happen in this world! Im so sorry to hear this horrible news...nobody should have to go through this, its so heart breaking to hear let alone face!

Wishing you all the strengh in the world to get through this hun, even though your heart will always have cracks i do hope each day it gets a little stronger. xx
Tee i am so very sorry! I want to offer you my love and support. My baby died at 13-14 weeks and i had a miscarriage . For a week i just knew my baby was dead! I know what you mean on that one. I told everyone that i knew something was wrong but as i didnt bleed i thought i was ok. Then one night i started to have contractions and i pushed my baby out! I silently screamed, i was alone too.

Now 4 years on i cant concieve i feel like that baby was my last chance. I will never give up though of forget but i am healed emotionally over it with time. X X X
This is a heartbreaking story. Thoughts are with you and your partner hun. There are no more words :( xxx
Hiya Sweet heart i feel your pain.its horrible when you loose a baby,iam 39 like you and i lost abbay at 20 weeks and 5days last year in october.It doesnt go away,it is still fresh in my mind like it happened yesterday.
You are in the right place,ladies in here have gone through the same.Iam not saying that their pain is less or more but we have one thing in common we have all lost ababy.I cant tell you to be strong.You will have to feel what you want to fee,but remember we are here for you.I will be thinking of you
Oh gosh. Im so sorry.

Bet your fed up of hearing that now. Xxxx
Im literally sat here sobbing my heart out!, what a cruel twist of fate!..Im very very sorry to read what you've had to go through! :(. My heart goes out to you in this situation!, ill be thinking of you.

If you ever need to talk, my line is always open :( xxx
I am so so sorry to read this what a terrible thing to happen I'm thinking of you xx
just read this today tee, i'm in shock and so so sorry hun xxxxx :hugs:
So very, very sorry for your loss. Big hugs. :hugs:
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have you already had medical management? as i also lost my first at 14weeks, actually for me the baby wasnt already dead but had a misformed skull and could never survive outside the womb, they offered me too to go through medical management and isaid i didnt want to do that they then offered me to go to an abortion clinic, which i did for a d&c. was heartbreaking but for me better than having to go through giving birth to my baby, I wonder if this is also an option for you? prehaps not if its already passed away, please try not to feel guilty its just something that happens and no one knows why, im thinking of you and sending all my love your way bigggest hugs, (ps i know the dread of the scan room iv lost a second the same reasons same way) xxxxx
Omg I'm just sat here thinking why oh why do you have to go throuh this. It's just torture for you. I'm thinking about you Hun and hope you get to hold or at least have a bit of time with your little one to help with the grieving
Huge hugs Hun xxxxx

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