miscarried at 20 weeks... very very long and alot of detail

:cry: :( When i read your story it made me cry
i am so very sorry for your loss the start of your story brought back
memories for me this has happend to me 8 times i have the sonographer
turn to me and say sorry no hear beat ... I was never as far gone as you was
My first was 10wks and the rest 8wks i had to have the dnc to remove
all my babies .. After my 3rd loss i had to be scanned at 6wk 7wks
and i use to see a heart beat at them stages but never when i got to 8wks
in march 2008 i lost twin girls 7wks and 8wks 1day no heart beat
when i lost baby B at 7wks baby A was fine i went at 8wk scan and there
was a heartbeat first time since my first had i seen a heart beat at that
stage i was told i had graduated and thought i had over come this horrible
Pregnancy loss every year which they put down to nothing wrong
just bad luck ... When i went at 10wk scan charlotte Baby A had died
that same day they told me her heart beat was fine and showed me her
spine etc .. I wanted to be scanned again cause i hada doppler at home
and i could swear i heard a heart beat other than my own ..
I had to put up a fight to get that second scan which i think is terrible
the least they can do is do this for us ...

In the end i got that scan and they did the heat doppler and what i heard
must of been my hear beat on the doppler :( I had a funeral for the twins
and the priest also kissed our babys coffin ... I have no children still
trying since my last loss i was told i have two blood clotting disorders
one called Aps and another called Lupas which form when pg and
cuts off oxergen supply to baby as small clots form in the placenta
Could this be the case with you ? When you have thesa clotting disorder
it can happen any time in pregnancy :( I now have to have 150mg asprin
and 5000mg of fragmin daily to stop this from happing when i am next pg..

I never got to meet my babys but i have scan photos of them all
I am really sorry for your loss if ever you want to talk am right here
hun pm me anytime :hug:

Those points sound very justified to me. Well done for deciding to let them know what they did wrong, I really hope you get the answers you deserve. You should have been treated so much better than that. :hug:

I cant even begin to understand your pain. You are a strong person to of got through this and I'm glad you have a lovely OH supporting you too. Wishing you all the luck in the world for the future. :hug: :hug: :hug: xx
I cant imagine what you are going through hun. It doesnt matter that you already have 3 children... a loss is a loss and that person should have understood that...

R.I.P Jamie and big hugs and prayers for all the family xxx :hug: xxx

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