MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

You never know hun........can't wait to get line spotting :)
Morning lovely ladies hope this is the next bfp to cheer us all up xxx
Here we go. CD25 opk and HPT.


x x
It's ok, not expecting anyone to see anything cos I defo can't lol. I'm not out though! ;) Took my AC this morning, feeling better now I'm taking it again. x x
I think I can see something but it's very very faint x

Really? I did an HPT yesterday, pics on page 9 of this thread. I tried to invert the image, got a really thin faint line but shrugged it off lol. I'll keep doing the OPKs, definitely. x x
I keep squinting at it and I'm seriously struggling LOL. Maybe I really have damaged my eyes haha!! x x
Same as wiganlass, something very faint I can see

I'd try again in a few days hun

Will do. :) I have the OPKs to give me a POAS fix for now. ;) x x
Think I see sumthing very faint too Hun but im not sure if it looks like an evap.


Hi Miss J, :)

Sorry to be a party pooper for you but I worry that you haven't even had a positive OPK for you yet, your OPKs look positive to everyone else in colour but what everyone needs to remember is that when the LH 'surges' (see graph) that is when ovulation occurs, in my opinion you haven't had your surge yet, because the colour of your OPKs has been consistent, I would expect that when you OV you will get a line much darker than the control like the picture below.

Have a look at your opks from last time they are all consistent with no clear surge.

If your cycle is around 60 days you won't OV until about CD 46, if it is 50 days you won't OV until CD 36, if it is 40 days you won't OV until CD26.

I would definitely keep testing hun, and would not tease your self with HPTs, don't give up the OPKs I'm sure you'll get your surge soon enough, try not to stress if OV comes later so be it, I think it would be a good result for you to be able detect your surge.

Just to let you know that AC made my OV later last time and has done the same this time too.

Have you used the diggi OPK?



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Thanks Louize. :) I still can't see anything, so have binned the hpt lol. x x

Maybe - Defo not a party pooper, I welcome any advice. :D I'm going to do another OPK in maybe 30-45 mins and see what that's like. I do think I have had one or two very dark OPKs which have been darker than the rest and stood out, but I still don't feel convinced, as I said earlier in the thread. I've used one digi before and got a dark blue line but not positive. With the HPTs, I didn't feel like it would be positive, I did it out of curiosity after my dark opk on CD13 (wishful thinking that I had oved early) but as I said, I couldn't see anything other than an imaginary line. ;) Am still only cd25 so time to OV yet. Thanks for the advice hun, really appreciate it. :) x x
No worries Miss J, :)

I'm actually laughing reading my sound advice as I have no bloody idea what's going on with my OPKs either, as my darkest has been CD14 then 13/14/15 were lighter, CD 16/17/18 were darker again but none as dark as CD14....and only part of the line is as dark as the control!

Are you keeping up....??

Then today CD19 they are negative??

Did I OV at CD14? or CD17? or not at all yet??

Time will tell eh?

Lol sounds similar to what I've been thinking. My CD13 was dark, hubby deemed it positive and said they were the same colour...they went faint then fainter then darker again!! I've had a couple more very dark ones, including yesterday's so I've no idea what's happening, just done another OPK and it's still got a line, not as dark as yesterday's though! Gah. Will just have to keep going eh? x x
Yep me too, here's mine from CD14-19, I put them over the light as I swear they are fading with time!

Did you notice yours are a lot darker this time compared to last time?



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Yep definitely. I've never had lines like them hence why I thought I must have oved already. Been to the loo and had some pinky red when I wiped.. sorry for the TMI but it was like pinky red EWCM. :confused: Had clear ewcm earlier but only a tiny bit so was very surprised to see this! :confused: x x

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