MissJ's 2WW. **Updated Pg16 with DIGI OPK** ..And HPTs..

:dohh: Jen, genius plan, why the hell didn't I think of that! :dohh: I suppose that'd be better as well so I can hold my pee for a few hours. x x

Thanks Nurse, I thought it looked quite dark just unsure whether it was positive...have had a few dark ones so been a bit unsure!! x x
:dohh: Jen, genius plan, why the hell didn't I think of that! :dohh: I suppose that'd be better as well so I can hold my pee for a few hours. x x

Thanks Nurse, I thought it looked quite dark just unsure whether it was positive...have had a few dark ones so been a bit unsure!! x x

Hehehe! I got both my positive OPK's in the evening around that time - eeeep! So excited for you to get a positive OPK, it's like a mini BFP! x
Haha, you're right, defo like a mini bfp! So exciting to see definite lines but I have to remind myself it's only an OPK. ;) I was kicking myself this morning cos I've not BDed in a few days so I thought we were buggered. But maybe that's a good thing cos then the quality of the swimmers will be even better. (Sorry for the tmi LOL)

x x
Haha, you're right, defo like a mini bfp! So exciting to see definite lines but I have to remind myself it's only an OPK. ;) I was kicking myself this morning cos I've not BDed in a few days so I thought we were buggered. But maybe that's a good thing cos then the quality of the swimmers will be even better. (Sorry for the tmi LOL)

x x

That is SO true! And hun, if you get a positive OPK tonight you only have to wait 2 more weeks to test for BFP! Exciting exciting!
I'm a tiny bit miffed it won't quite be an anniversary present BFP (that's if we've done it!) but I'm sure if it is a BFP, we've waited almost a whole year for it, a few more days won't matter! x x
Ahhh it doesn't matter when it is as long as you get it - it can be a late anniversary pressie! x
I've got everything super tightly crossed for you my lovely xxxx
Thanks Kezza. :) x x

Jen - Nah, it doesn't matter, I know...but I feel like I've been stood at the back of a very, very long and slow moving queue for the past year! I'm dying to post in BFP Announcements again. The bonus is that if I am ovulating now, my cycle has been cut down to 38 days which is fantabulous. :faint: x x
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Your OPK looks really good chick!

Got everything crossed for you xx

Saving the digi for another day. :( Have done another OPK and it's fainter than earlier. Feeling really disappointed. :( x x
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Oh poo! I think it's got to be in the next day or 2 MissJ; I know it's so disheartening but KEEP GOING! You are so nearly there and as soon as that pos OPK comes up & you get that smiley face, you can BD like your life depends on it!
I just assumed that if OV was on it's way then the lines would stay dark then eventually smack me in the face when it was defo ov! Gah. Sodding things. I'll defo keep doing the opks, can't stop now I've got a POAS addiction again! ;) x x
Did an OPK this morning with FMU and it's a nice line but not as dark as yesterday. Will do another around lunchtime and then another later if I can. Also did another HPT, think my eyes are deceiving me!! :rolleyes:

x x
Just off to take it. Doubt anyone will see anything, I reckon my eyesight is getting worse trying to spot imaginary lines!! :rofl:

x x

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