Maybe's experimental 2WW! Inc symptoms..and tests and BFP!

Morning girls!

I'm feeling better today, what will be will be I guess!

I'm also confused, I got out the superdrug from last night (pic 1) and it's dried with the darkest line so far, i've been thinking am I going mad, do I dunk the tests the wrong amount of time? Am I just good at taking pictures? Does everyone get coloured EVAPs?

I did another superdrug and it's about the same as yesterday but darker than Monday's (pic 2).

To confuse things even more my cheapie looks lighter than yesterday??

I really don't think this is a BFP though, I'm worried about a chemical and I'm worried I just get messed around by tests.

Anyone know how to upload pics from your I phone to PF? I tried but choose file wasn't clickable?


If anyone could share there experience of EVAPs that would be helpful as i'm!!
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Hi Maybe
My very faint thick line from yesterday morning is now a dark thin line, but still a line. Your lines still a line... So I still think it's a + for you!!
Have you tested this morning?
I tested this morning & my line was slightly darker & thick again.
Keep us posted xxxxxx
Hey maybe, glad i caught this as i'm off out today,

All the evaps i have had on cheapies are either a thin grey line or it was that the antibody strip was more noticeable once the test had dried, i've never had a evap on FRER or any other type of shop test.

10DPO is still really early hun, i could hardly see my lines then, and they wouldnt have been picked up on camera, more noticeable in RL.

I really hope its not a chemical again hun, will be keeping fingers crossed for you. i would say stick to the FRER and forget the cheapies. you are deffo not out.

No idea about the iphone pics though.

Thanks Nurse,

I guess I kind of know they can't all be EVAPs I've made a plan where I'm going to test every day til I have no line at least then I'll know.

I'm thinking it's a chemical TBH as todays has dried lighter than yesterday's, I feel like doing another but I should wait til tomorrow really.

There is no doubt the line is pink but it turns more pink when it's dried out.

I've had pink evaps Maybe :oooo:

They'll be on the forum somewhere.

I'm thinking that you should be taking a pic after a couple of mins while the test is still wet - dried out tests always look more obvious, but shouldn't be considered.

If this is another chemical then it voids the theory of it being your progesterone. I wonder if maybe nothing is wrong at all except for you getting a lot of evaps and it's just taking a while - hopefully the clomid will give you the edge you need :)

I'm just struggling to think what could hinder implantation except hormones that isn't visible on a scan...

Maybe your BFP will still come this cycle :)
Thank you everyone,

Kezza I'm on mobile Internet hun.

Lou I wonder exact the same things last month was definitely a chemical, I could see the tests go from light pink to very light pink to White/grey.

I'm thinking I shouldnt bother with the Cheapies, I don't always have a line on them but when I have it's never as good as a Frer pink line.

I don't really know what to make of the superdrug ones, but I know both yesterdays are the darkest and the and the lines are definitely pink. I'll get a friend to do one and see what happens I think. I posted wet and dry pics on here, most recent is wet.

I don't know for sure whether this is a chemical and you might be right that I'm not out yet, i guess I'm only 10dpo.

Hubby and I are having chromosomes bloods next week so I'll have to see how that goes.

The plan with clomid is do 3 months and then have lap or HSG is I'm not preggers by then.

Im thinking there's not much benefit to me testing early and knowing about chemicals as ultimately there's nothing I can do about them and it only upsets me.

Maybe I should just wait for AF in future.

Really sorry to hear you had a chemical pregnancy last month. Lander had this too recently.
I'd never heard of chemical pregnancies before, and reading your last post about tests has got me a wee bit anxious as pretty much all my tests have turned positive in the 2 minute specified time, but an hour or more later have almost completely disappeared. I've been reading & it says you should go by what comes up in the specified time, nothing before & nothing after. Is this what happened with you last month?
I mean with the positive line disappearing sometime after the specified wait...? X
That's what I'm doing maybe I can't do all the testing! Just wait until 'late date' also I think that smep plan sounds good! Xx
:hugs: .. take a break from testing hun, wait until AF is due or late xxx
I'm gonna have a little break girls.

Good Luck to all still to test.


See you soon!


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