I know what you mean. I was the same, lots of tears and frustration through the 7 years never thought it would happen.
We want two but not desperately. More in a way of it would be nice to have two, but one is perfectly enough. I wont be doing this any time soon though, cant say I've had the easiest pregnancy. People are already asking me if I'm going to have another one soon and saying things like "why dont you just have another one straight away, get it all out of the way with"

. 1)its not that simple with pcos. 2) I have felt like pure shite for the past X amount of months, I am in no hurry to do it straight away again.
When I saw my midwife yesterday, she point blank said to me, 'oh theres no point us doing a birth plan because you'll be getting induced anyway so wont have much choice in the matter '.

great. Also not seeing her till 37 weeks now as I've got consultant appointments at 32 and 36. She said "I'll see you at 37 weeks, just so we can go through where you go if you go into labour early.". Helpful.
I feel like absolute rubbish this morning. These iron tablets seem to have had the opposite effect TMI and have given me a really bad tummy and diarrhoea. Also feel really sick. Apparently they give this version to pregnant ladies because its gentler and doesn't cause constipation as much. I've had constipation all the way though so you think itd be a relief. But no, I feel awful now. Hopefully it settle down soon and before I go back to work.
I explained the pain I've been getting when walking to her yesterday as well and she thinks babys head or shoulder is pressing on a nerve. Ouch. Explains why it hurts so much. Either that or could be start of SPD/PGP. Advised to go to walk in physio if t doesn't to away as apparently thats quicker than her referring me.
Currently curled up in bed trying to distinguish baby movements from gurgling upset stomach

I'm always moaning. Sorry ladies. Xx