**May Mummies**

Has anyone else had trouble with their emotions being all over the place? I swear, I haven't stopped crying since he was born. I know all the problems I've had with feeding aren't helping, but I burst out crying at literally everything. I was just singing to him while he was sleeping on me and bam, waterworks. I know I'm at high risk of PND because I have BPD, and another reason why I wanted to continue breastfeeding for that oxytocin rush, but come on! When I'm not crying I actually feel ok, everyone is telling me I'm doing great. He's even not lost much weight, just 6oz, so I must be doing something right.

Oh this is totally normal! I was randomly bursting into tears constantly in the few weeks after baba was born, I cried at every home visit from the midwife and HV, I was struggling getting breast feeding established, obviously very tired and the hormone changes after giving birth can be brutal, it’s the perfect storm for drastic mood swings! It should settle down after a few weeks but if you don’t feel a bit more stable in a few weeks definitely speak to someone hun

sorry for crashing your may mummies thread again! X
Has anyone else had trouble with their emotions being all over the place? I swear, I haven't stopped crying since he was born. I know all the problems I've had with feeding aren't helping, but I burst out crying at literally everything. I was just singing to him while he was sleeping on me and bam, waterworks. I know I'm at high risk of PND because I have BPD, and another reason why I wanted to continue breastfeeding for that oxytocin rush, but come on! When I'm not crying I actually feel ok, everyone is telling me I'm doing great. He's even not lost much weight, just 6oz, so I must be doing something right.

I gave birth one day before you so I know exactly where you are coming from, these past few days have been a mess, it’s just your hormones because your milk is coming in, I was also shivering uncontrollably and was told by the midwife that this was my hormones too! They really do play havoc on your body.

don’t worry about the oxytocin, you still get this from cuddling your baby, skin to skin, gazing at them etc xx
Oh this is totally normal! I was randomly bursting into tears constantly in the few weeks after baba was born, I cried at every home visit from the midwife and HV, I was struggling getting breast feeding established, obviously very tired and the hormone changes after giving birth can be brutal, it’s the perfect storm for drastic mood swings! It should settle down after a few weeks but if you don’t feel a bit more stable in a few weeks definitely speak to someone hun

sorry for crashing your may mummies thread again! X

don’t worry we are all first time mums looking for as much advice as we can get! Xx
@Jetina Baby blues are very normal. I suffered big time with the constant crying in the first few weeks after giving birth. It should pass once your hormones settle a little x
Literally hate that we havent,ive ended up saying to my mum if we havent named her by Friday you can!(lol) its seriously frustrating me.. i hate every name pretty much or feel it doesnt flow etc... I do proper hate that we havent named her
You know, the name will grow on her. I also had to adjust to Emilia when my daughter was born because it wasn't my first choice, neither was it my OH's. But I call her Millie or Mila now and find it suits her better. Maybe you could ask your oh to name this baby and you can name the second? What is his preference?x
Hey everyone.

Howl everyone's ok?

Hes gorgeous @Jetina congratulations!

Still struggling with breastfeeding. Milk feels even less than before now. It still hasnt 'come in' I asked health visitor for advice last week, useless told me to just let him breastfeed more and said he must be gettin something because hes putting on weight, despite me reminding her that hes taking 4oz of formula after a 'feed'. I also explained I cant express anything at all now where as in the beginning I was able to express maybe 6ish mls with a pump. I'm not even getting drops now, I stupidly bought a new medela pump thinking my pump was the problem, that's turning out to be a waste of a few hundred!:wall:I literally cant even get drops out with a pump now. I can only get 0.4mls out by hand expressing, bare in mind before I had him I was getting 2mls in syringes worth of colostrum eah time I hand expressed.

I'm so frustrated. I'm breastfeeding him as much as I can untill hes screaming with hunger, and then afterwards I'm hand expressing and then pumping for stimulation even though nothing is comin out, I'm doing it every 2 hours regardless if he feeds or not and I'm also doig it every two hours at night aswel. Its brutal. Ive started taking fenugreek too, I'm drinking loads and eating as well as I can.

All the midwives in the hospital, my midwife and the health visitor looked at his latch said it was fine and he had a strong suck. The midwives when weve been in hospital in ans out and the health visitor just havent taken my concerns seriously saying that some women just cant express milk but that he must be getting some (I dont believe hes getting anything but drops out at this point), but my own midwife agreed with me and thinks I might be the one of the 2%of women who cant produce enough breastmilk, apparently its higher in women with PCOS, I have characteristics suggesting too she said (breasts spaced far apart and tubular, no breast changes during pregnancy and no breast changes like fulness or soreness after delivery), but ofcourse we have been discharged from her to the health visitor.

I spoke to the national breastfeeding helpline yesterday who said the pcos is likely the issue and that I need to see the GP for medication options that might help with milk production. Although they wanted me that GPs are usually reluctant to prescribe meds as their off licence. So to do oots or research and be prepared before going in there. How I'm supposed to et a GP appointment with everything going on though I dont know. They advised one last ditch attempt of staying in bed all day with him and reducing his formula whilst tying to get him to breastfeed as much as poss, but did day its unlikely to work because of the PCOS.

Honestly I just feel like I've invested to much time and money now to just give up. And he seems to really like the boob, I think if he didnt seem to like it so much I would have given up weeks ago.

Im breastfeeding or, hand expressing and pumping every two hours now ans not even getting half of a 1ml syringe out, I am so frustrated. Hes 4 weeks old now so I dont have high hopes of getting my supply up at this point. But feel like I have to keep going. :clock:
Ive now had tooth out (whoop) was that or root canal and i have no energy or care in me to have root canal right now.

Expressing is going ok, some days are great others are rubbish - i dont seem to keep up with her changing/increased appetite tho :(

we will make a list of names we like go from there..

got to get drs to take over bp care so i can b discharged midwifes, nightmare bp effects r worse now then wen i was pregnant. i get random attacks where i feel like im going to pass out, i get really dizzy and sometimes deaf with it.

@Jetina your right about emotions - i think its part the reason why ive been so laid back with naming her, i love her defo 100% do, but i have to admit emotionally been a toughie

@maythe4thbewit sounds like your doing best you can... keep trying for sure.! i was told babies are better at getting milk out then machines so he is probably getting milk.
Sorry to thread hop - congratulations on all your beautiful babies!

@maythe4thbewit it sounds like you’re doing everything right. The only way to produce milk is by telling your breast there’s a need - through pumping or best, putting baby to breast as often as possible. The doctor may prescribe domperidone to help with supply. Fenugreek can increase supply, but it can also really damage a supply so I’d maybe consider stop taking that? What you eat and drink has no effect on milk production as breast milk is made from blood. But of course keep yourself healthy and hydrated! There’s a group on Facebook called breastfeeding yummy mummies - they have qualified peer supports and lactation consultants on there. If you have Facebook please join and post what you have above, they really give invaluable support. You’re doing amazing though you really are xx
First bath time. Can’t believe that Morgan has been here for a week already, anyone else just look at their baby and confused how they were ever inside them? I can’t be responsible for making something so precious, surely? X

I ended up back in hospital Sunday night for help with feeding. I broke down again because it was just so painful, I have grazes on one nipple from when I first started and his latch wasn't right and blisters on the other one because he has a slight tongue tie. Every time I feed him the damage is getting worse. The midwife at the hospital tried me with a nipple shield Sunday night, but it left my nipple pink and raw, and tried expressing from the other one but it just got too painful. My nipples have always been sensitive anyway, so the damage makes feeding excruciating. So basically my options to carry on feeding breast milk while allowing me to heal were off the table. It had gotten to the point that I was dreading every feed and I was so miserable that I just couldn't enjoy my time with him. So we started formula feeding early hours Monday morning, and the difference is already noticeable. I'm having the chance to cuddle him and have skin to skin without worrying about how I'll get through the next feed. I feel so guilty about having to change, and every time I see ladies on the Facebook groups talk about breastfeeding I burst into tears again, it kills me that I can't do something so natural, though hormones are probably playing a big part right now. I know that formula feeding him won't harm him, and with him growing up around dogs and us being happy for him to play like we did as kids, he'll have a strong immune system. I think I just need to find my rhythm with it now that I've figured out the minefield that comes with formula feeding.
I ended up back in hospital Sunday night for help with feeding. I broke down again because it was just so painful, I have grazes on one nipple from when I first started and his latch wasn't right and blisters on the other one because he has a slight tongue tie. Every time I feed him the damage is getting worse. The midwife at the hospital tried me with a nipple shield Sunday night, but it left my nipple pink and raw, and tried expressing from the other one but it just got too painful. My nipples have always been sensitive anyway, so the damage makes feeding excruciating. So basically my options to carry on feeding breast milk while allowing me to heal were off the table. It had gotten to the point that I was dreading every feed and I was so miserable that I just couldn't enjoy my time with him. So we started formula feeding early hours Monday morning, and the difference is already noticeable. I'm having the chance to cuddle him and have skin to skin without worrying about how I'll get through the next feed. I feel so guilty about having to change, and every time I see ladies on the Facebook groups talk about breastfeeding I burst into tears again, it kills me that I can't do something so natural, though hormones are probably playing a big part right now. I know that formula feeding him won't harm him, and with him growing up around dogs and us being happy for him to play like we did as kids, he'll have a strong immune system. I think I just need to find my rhythm with it now that I've figured out the minefield that comes with formula feeding.

I’m sorry hun, I was in the same boat, tried nipple shields etc as well but my inverted nips meant he couldn’t latch, I tried pinching and pinching them till they were raw. It’s not a failure to use formula, although I’ve cried numerous time’s over the same thing. I have found I’ve been able to focus on bonding much more now that I’m not worried about feeding. X
I’m sorry hun, I was in the same boat, tried nipple shields etc as well but my inverted nips meant he couldn’t latch, I tried pinching and pinching them till they were raw. It’s not a failure to use formula, although I’ve cried numerous time’s over the same thing. I have found I’ve been able to focus on bonding much more now that I’m not worried about feeding. X

Part of my problem is that I'm just so engorged, I have a really good supply established, part of me isn't ready to give up, but I'm scared to put him back on because of the tongue tie and not knowing whether there's something wrong with the latch. I've actually healed a bit the past day or so, the blisters on my left have been coming away and the right one no longer has grazing, though does look pink. I'm not sure whether to go back to hospital tonight to get help with latching and maybe combi feed till my nips toughen up, because they're still really soft. I'm feeling so lost right now.
Part of my problem is that I'm just so engorged, I have a really good supply established, part of me isn't ready to give up, but I'm scared to put him back on because of the tongue tie and not knowing whether there's something wrong with the latch. I've actually healed a bit the past day or so, the blisters on my left have been coming away and the right one no longer has grazing, though does look pink. I'm not sure whether to go back to hospital tonight to get help with latching and maybe combi feed till my nips toughen up, because they're still really soft. I'm feeling so lost right now.

Do you have the number of a helpline you can call? Maybe combi feeding would give your nipples enough time to heal or expressing instead? I really don’t know what to suggest but as long as he’s fed and you’re both happy that’s all that matters xx
Do you have the number of a helpline you can call? Maybe combi feeding would give your nipples enough time to heal or expressing instead? I really don’t know what to suggest but as long as he’s fed and you’re both happy that’s all that matters xx

I seem to be going through phases of being happy with formula feeding one minute, then being in tears about not breastfeeding the next. I spoke to the maternity unit again hoping they would take me in to help with my latch etc. I just got given the number for the local lactation consultant, told that I could get a referral for his tongue tie but they're not sure if clinics are running at the moment, and to just try expressing to build up my supply. Guess not all midwives are as helpful as the ones I had on Sunday.

I tried him on the boob again this evening and was reminded that the initial latch is pretty damn painful, but also because he releases so much to relatch over and over, it ends up hurting even more. Added to that he gets so stressed when he thrashes his head about and can't latch, he screams his wee head off, it's heartbreaking. Managed 10 mins before he shifted position and it was painful again, so gave him some formula and the difference in how content he was was night and day. I fed him in just his nappy, so went straight to skin to skin afterwards, and it was then that I realised that if he was still on the boob then he would probably still be quite stressed and having him flake out on my chest like that might not have been possible. Every time I go through the cycle of being upset about it, I come out the other end feeling more relaxed about the idea when I have something like this happen, or I read something reassuring about it etc.
I seem to be going through phases of being happy with formula feeding one minute, then being in tears about not breastfeeding the next. I spoke to the maternity unit again hoping they would take me in to help with my latch etc. I just got given the number for the local lactation consultant, told that I could get a referral for his tongue tie but they're not sure if clinics are running at the moment, and to just try expressing to build up my supply. Guess not all midwives are as helpful as the ones I had on Sunday.

I tried him on the boob again this evening and was reminded that the initial latch is pretty damn painful, but also because he releases so much to relatch over and over, it ends up hurting even more. Added to that he gets so stressed when he thrashes his head about and can't latch, he screams his wee head off, it's heartbreaking. Managed 10 mins before he shifted position and it was painful again, so gave him some formula and the difference in how content he was was night and day. I fed him in just his nappy, so went straight to skin to skin afterwards, and it was then that I realised that if he was still on the boob then he would probably still be quite stressed and having him flake out on my chest like that might not have been possible. Every time I go through the cycle of being upset about it, I come out the other end feeling more relaxed about the idea when I have something like this happen, or I read something reassuring about it etc.
I was just like you with the breastfeeding. I. Just. Couldn't. Stop.
When I switched to 100% formula with my first I felt like such a failure! But my DD never complained, she was less stressed than on the boob that's for sure. She started to sleep longer and longer stretches but still I couldn't give up! I even pumped for absolutely no reason and kept the milk in the freezer. Until one night I thought to myself how ridiculous it was to waste so much time pumping while I could be sleeping.
I kept the milk in the freezer for months because I wanted to keep it "in case" lol
I realise how silly I was but I completely understand your situation. It's harder to stop emotionally for you than for your LO.

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