Hey everyone.
Howl everyone's ok?
Hes gorgeous
@Jetina congratulations!
Still struggling with breastfeeding. Milk feels even less than before now. It still hasnt 'come in' I asked health visitor for advice last week, useless told me to just let him breastfeed more and said he must be gettin something because hes putting on weight, despite me reminding her that hes taking 4oz of formula after a 'feed'. I also explained I cant express anything at all now where as in the beginning I was able to express maybe 6ish mls with a pump. I'm not even getting drops now, I stupidly bought a new medela pump thinking my pump was the problem, that's turning out to be a waste of a few hundred!

I literally cant even get drops out with a pump now. I can only get 0.4mls out by hand expressing, bare in mind before I had him I was getting 2mls in syringes worth of colostrum eah time I hand expressed.
I'm so frustrated. I'm breastfeeding him as much as I can untill hes screaming with hunger, and then afterwards I'm hand expressing and then pumping for stimulation even though nothing is comin out, I'm doing it every 2 hours regardless if he feeds or not and I'm also doig it every two hours at night aswel. Its brutal. Ive started taking fenugreek too, I'm drinking loads and eating as well as I can.
All the midwives in the hospital, my midwife and the health visitor looked at his latch said it was fine and he had a strong suck. The midwives when weve been in hospital in ans out and the health visitor just havent taken my concerns seriously saying that some women just cant express milk but that he must be getting some (I dont believe hes getting anything but drops out at this point), but my own midwife agreed with me and thinks I might be the one of the 2%of women who cant produce enough breastmilk, apparently its higher in women with PCOS, I have characteristics suggesting too she said (breasts spaced far apart and tubular, no breast changes during pregnancy and no breast changes like fulness or soreness after delivery), but ofcourse we have been discharged from her to the health visitor.
I spoke to the national breastfeeding helpline yesterday who said the pcos is likely the issue and that I need to see the GP for medication options that might help with milk production. Although they wanted me that GPs are usually reluctant to prescribe meds as their off licence. So to do oots or research and be prepared before going in there. How I'm supposed to et a GP appointment with everything going on though I dont know. They advised one last ditch attempt of staying in bed all day with him and reducing his formula whilst tying to get him to breastfeed as much as poss, but did day its unlikely to work because of the PCOS.
Honestly I just feel like I've invested to much time and money now to just give up. And he seems to really like the boob, I think if he didnt seem to like it so much I would have given up weeks ago.
Im breastfeeding or, hand expressing and pumping every two hours now ans not even getting half of a 1ml syringe out, I am so frustrated. Hes 4 weeks old now so I dont have high hopes of getting my supply up at this point. But feel like I have to keep going.