**May Mummies**

Just layed in bed for those final 5 before got to get up and go to work &... saw baby proper move in belly! Ok not proper proper move nothing poking out but saw 2 areas of pushing up, must have been arms/legs soooo weird!!!!
@maythe4thbewit Sorry to hear of your loss. My hubby's gran died just before Christmas, we were hoping she would hold on to see the baby because she was so excited for it, and was the only one to predict the sex right.

@soffphie it's strange, but amazing and fascinating at the same time isn't it! My boy changed positions last night, so was watching the area around my belly button being tugged left to right, I burst out laughing, it looked like he was trying to break free.
@soffphie try lying in the bath, that always gets my baby moving! I love watching my belly in the bath x
@SugaryIris weirdly enough i get no movement out of having a bath!? Strange right? If i eat something ive been craving i get crazy movement etc..

Had my midwife today. Was moving around a lot and wasnt easy for them to get a loud version of heartbeat. But she described it "like a train" noise
@SugaryIris weirdly enough i get no movement out of having a bath!? Strange right? If i eat something ive been craving i get crazy movement etc..

Had my midwife today. Was moving around a lot and wasnt easy for them to get a loud version of heartbeat. But she described it "like a train" noise

apparently train noises suggest a boy! But of course that is an old wives tale and to me both a train and horse heartbeat sound exactly the same!
apparently train noises suggest a boy! But of course that is an old wives tale and to me both a train and horse heartbeat sound exactly the same!

Googled it and saw the same, cant distinguish between the horse/train noise either haha.? Was a difficult one for her to do (again) kept moving around apparently, tho again i didnt feel every time it moved. so strange that i still dont feel every movement. I also find it so weird that they feel your stomach and can tell where baby is.. its like how you do that!?
Googled it and saw the same, cant distinguish between the horse/train noise either haha.? Was a difficult one for her to do (again) kept moving around apparently, tho again i didnt feel every time it moved. so strange that i still dont feel every movement. I also find it so weird that they feel your stomach and can tell where baby is.. its like how you do that!?

I also think it’s amazing how they know, I try to poke my belly and guess but it all feels the same! Don’t worry, I don’t feel every movement even now, only big kicks etc but not really swooshing and general movements x
I also think it’s amazing how they know, I try to poke my belly and guess but it all feels the same! Don’t worry, I don’t feel every movement even now, only big kicks etc but not really swooshing and general movements x

Well i heard the placenta easier then we heard the heartbeat today. lol. she just called it a 'naughty baby' a lot.
apparently train noises suggest a boy! But of course that is an old wives tale and to me both a train and horse heartbeat sound exactly the same!
Whenever they listen to my boys heartbeat, it sounds like a fast thud right against the doppler, but then I'm not one for all the old wives tales anymore since they were all way off the mark for the sex. I did get told that when you hear the sudden swish sounds, that's baby moving.
@soffphie it's amazing isn't it? When I was in the maternity unit on Sunday it was a student midwife that was feeling my belly, she felt right around and could tell me that his head was down by my left hip and that he was curled round with his feet up by my stomach on the right.
Whenever they listen to my boys heartbeat, it sounds like a fast thud right against the doppler, but then I'm not one for all the old wives tales anymore since they were all way off the mark for the sex. I did get told that when you hear the sudden swish sounds, that's baby moving.
@soffphie it's amazing isn't it? When I was in the maternity unit on Sunday it was a student midwife that was feeling my belly, she felt right around and could tell me that his head was down by my left hip and that he was curled round with his feet up by my stomach on the right.

I honestly didnt think it sounded like anything lol, i wouldnt say specifically a 'train' or a 'galloping horse' just a normal heartbeat you hear from a baby? haha.
I think its pretty amazing how they can tell as well. very jealous must be awesome to be able to locate baby so easily.
My midwife has told me NOT to do kick counts. Seems odd to me. She also asked if i had a pattern and i said not really.. i have days with lots moving days where im like..move!!
My midwife has told me NOT to do kick counts. Seems odd to me. She also asked if i had a pattern and i said not really.. i have days with lots moving days where im like..move!!

I would be completely disregarding this advice! There are charities and organisations set up to encourage you to monitor movement for a reason. As someone who's first inkling that something was wrong when their baby was stillborn was reduced movement, PLEASE track it. Remember it's not every single kick you count, it's sessions of movement, whether they are every 15mins/half hour/hourly etc. You WILL get to recognise your baby's own routine and pattern doing this so you can easily spot any changes.
I would be completely disregarding this advice! There are charities and organisations set up to encourage you to monitor movement for a reason. As someone who's first inkling that something was wrong when their baby was stillborn was reduced movement, PLEASE track it. Remember it's not every single kick you count, it's sessions of movement, whether they are every 15mins/half hour/hourly etc. You WILL get to recognise your baby's own routine and pattern doing this so you can easily spot any changes.

Thanks Jetina I was going to go against this and record it anyway, seems most logical to me.
Morning ladies, how are you all doing? Got my 31 week midwife appointment this morning. I’ve also got my baby shower this weekend I think (it’s supposed to be a surprise but it’s not been kept a secret very well lol). Once that’s done I’ll be able to tally up what we have and make a list of what we need and get my hospital bag ready ... I’m starting to get excited now! Not long until we are holding our babies! X
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Morning ladies, how are you all doing? Got my 31 week midwife appointment this morning. I’ve also got my baby shower this weekend I think (it’s supposed to be a surprise but it’s not been kept a secret very well lol). Once that’s done I’ll be able to tally up what we have and make a least of what we need and get my hospital bag ready ... I’m starting to get excited now! Not long until we are holding our babies! X
Have the best time at your baby shower. Can’t wait to see some pics <3 xx
Morning ladies, how are you all doing? Got my 31 week midwife appointment this morning. I’ve also got my baby shower this weekend I think (it’s supposed to be a surprise but it’s not been kept a secret very well lol). Once that’s done I’ll be able to tally up what we have and make a list of what we need and get my hospital bag ready ... I’m starting to get excited now! Not long until we are holding our babies! X

Omg.. hospital bag!! Havent even decorated nursery yet or started the process!! :/ I feel we are really behind..
Enjoy Baby Shower sounds fun :)
I see my baby in 4D this weekend, Sat. Ever so slightly apprehensive as last 2 scans been nightmares and last time with doppler also (everytime she put doppler where was would move etc).
Buying the baby monitor and steraliser set. Hubby adement we have steraliser set
Baby still measuring right up at the 90th percentile but midwife said that was fine and she was happy, wonder if it means I’ll be having a big baby? She also kept telling me I have a lovely tidy little bump... how can I measure big and be small at the same time?!?!
Baby still measuring right up at the 90th percentile but midwife said that was fine and she was happy, wonder if it means I’ll be having a big baby? She also kept telling me I have a lovely tidy little bump... how can I measure big and be small at the same time?!?!

Maybe carrying all in back? I been told by people, not midwife, i could be carrying mine in back as i dont massively have a bump...

Any advice on Urinary infections ladies? Had a urine test @ midwife and drs are requesting a repeat sample so makes me think theyve found something - no symptoms
Maybe carrying all in back? I been told by people, not midwife, i could be carrying mine in back as i dont massively have a bump...

Any advice on Urinary infections ladies? Had a urine test @ midwife and drs are requesting a repeat sample so makes me think theyve found something - no symptoms

drink lots and lots of water and ensure you are emptying your bladder completely when you go to the loo x
drink lots and lots of water and ensure you are emptying your bladder completely when you go to the loo x

Only 'symptom' ive noticed and cant even be sure it is one, is i now wee a lot! (but this could be just pregnancy related?)

I do seem to be suddenly hit with third tri issues - i now get a ligament type pain in my leg and bum almost.. I also think i have a receding gum, this has really upset me because ive read to get it fixed you need grafts etc.. (i hope i just read wrong stuff), there is a gum hole in teeth near back, if left apparently the teeth can fall out-never had gum issues in my life

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