**May Mummies**

@night owl @MoominGirl
Quick Question: was considering buying a Tommee Tippee complete feeding set. (does apparently also warm baby food for the future). is it worth it, if we decide going to just try & breast feed only?

im not sure what’s in that set but it sounds like you will need bottles and a steriliser etc at some point as you would like hubby to be able to do some feeds so it’s up to you as to whether you get them now or just wait to see how it goes, don’t forget you can get same day delivery online, or just pop to Asda or Tesco, I know it’s hard when you see an amazing offer on things and do wanna miss out but I find there’s offers on stuff all the time these days! X
I would totally EBF if hubby was comfortable with not feeding him. But hes not, he really really wants to be able to feed him and has expressed this wish a lot. I'd love to EBF but as he wants to do it that much I cant. Also dont know how I'm supposed to pump before baby comes as GD midwife wants me too, I have no signs that I'm going to be able to at all, breasts havent grown at all so I'm quite worried I'm not going to produce any milk at all at this rate. X

If hubby feels that way it's a bit different. When I was finding it all a bit much, I asked my hubby outright if he was ok with not feeding and by that point he was totally ok with it and felt a lot differently to how he'd felt while I was pregnant. If he'd said it was still really important to him, I'd have found a different way forward. There's always a way to make things work for everyone.

If it helps, I'm very petite frame so not much bust and my boobs barely went up a cup size when I was pregnant. Once my milk supply was established, I swear I could have fed triplets!! Breast size is no indication of supply. I tried to express during pregnancy but didn't have any success with it. It would have been really useful when I was having difficulty establishing supply though.
@night owl @MoominGirl
Quick Question: was considering buying a Tommee Tippee complete feeding set. (does apparently also warm baby food for the future). is it worth it, if we decide going to just try & breast feed only?

If you really think you want to breastfeed only and hubby is happy not to feed if that goes well then I'd probably hold off. For me personally, I really needed to give 100% to breastfeeding as it really was difficult and I know if have buckled to the temptation of what would have seemed the 'easier' option.

Also for what it's worth, I've never used a food warmer. It's really easy to get swept into all the offers but these things come around regularly. I was lucky to get loads of stuff second hand from family members but I dread to think how much money we would have spent on things we never would have used.
@night owl @MoominGirl , diabetic nurse wants me to try as much as I can to pump beforehand ready for when baby is here incase his blood sugars are abit low.

I'm not sure when she wants me to start trying though she hasn't actually said, I'll be getting induced anywhere from 37-39+6. Blood sugars have been stable so far without the need for any meds, although they do say it gets harder the further along you are. He was measuring on the 90th percentile at 28 weeks at 3.3lbs despite the fact I've only put on 8lbs and kept my sugars within range so god knows what what hes going to be in the end. I suppose they will tell me when I next see them when I need to try and start expressing as I dont have an induction date yet. I'm guessing it all depends on his growth and my blood sugars xxx
I think I read that pumping beforehand can start labour? I’m not sure how true that is.
Struggling with heartburn/acid reflux this morning, i get a really burny sensation at the bottom of my throat that goes up in to my mouth, it’s so uncomfortable.
Ive had the same last week ish too. And since I started these iron tabs on friday the heartburn has been horrendous. Xx
I think I read that pumping beforehand can start labour? I’m not sure how true that is.
It can cause contractions! The oh and I tried nipple stimulation to try to kick start labour but the contractions died down an hour or 2 after.
I did deliver the day after so maybe it dilated the cervix a bit!x
It can cause contractions! The oh and I tried nipple stimulation to try to kick start labour but the contractions died down an hour or 2 after.
I did deliver the day after so maybe it dilated the cervix a bit!x

Youd think the midwife would bloody warn me then, or at least give me some info about it. She was very disorganized when I saw her a few weeks ago at the hospital though. Xx
Youd think the midwife would bloody warn me then, or at least give me some info about it. She was very disorganized when I saw her a few weeks ago at the hospital though. Xx

doesn’t surprise me with your midwife to be honest she sounds absolutely hopeless! X
doesn’t surprise me with your midwife to be honest she sounds absolutely hopeless! X
I have to agree, seems like she's giving you some very poor advice! I'd join a GD group on facebook, or even the Emmas Diary new mums group to get some advice, the ladies in the last one are super.

I was back in hospital yesterday with reduced movements again. I felt so silly when we found out he's absolutely fine. I was still getting movement but it didn't feel the same, like not as strong and not as many in an episode. It's so difficult having an anterior placenta, sometimes cushions movements so I can't feel or see them. I have to go in for a reassurance scan on Wednesday as a result, I know he's fine though, he's been going bonkers this morning. Been seeing my belly bounce all over the place, and his kicks have been so strong on the right that I'm feeling sore! If I didn't have so much "extra padding", I'm convinced you'd see his foot popping right out.
I have to agree, seems like she's giving you some very poor advice! I'd join a GD group on facebook, or even the Emmas Diary new mums group to get some advice, the ladies in the last one are super.

I was back in hospital yesterday with reduced movements again. I felt so silly when we found out he's absolutely fine. I was still getting movement but it didn't feel the same, like not as strong and not as many in an episode. It's so difficult having an anterior placenta, sometimes cushions movements so I can't feel or see them. I have to go in for a reassurance scan on Wednesday as a result, I know he's fine though, he's been going bonkers this morning. Been seeing my belly bounce all over the place, and his kicks have been so strong on the right that I'm feeling sore! If I didn't have so much "extra padding", I'm convinced you'd see his foot popping right out.

I’m the same with anterior placenta even now at nearly 31 weeks I only feel the strong kicks, not the swooshing and turning everyone talks about and some days its barely anything at all. I’ve not been able to identify any pattern at all so I wouldn’t know if they reduced or not.
I’m the same with anterior placenta even now at nearly 31 weeks I only feel the strong kicks, not the swooshing and turning everyone talks about and some days its barely anything at all. I’ve not been able to identify any pattern at all so I wouldn’t know if they reduced or not.

I was like that, but my tracker band has really helped me recognise a pattern Like if I haven't had 5 episodes of movement by 1pm, I know something's different. He's most active about 3am when I move onto my left side, after having breakfast, just as I'm getting hungry before lunch, and just before bed time. I think he's going to be a long baby, because even though my uterus is measuring a bit behind, they told me yesterday that he is curled round. Head is down by my left hip, bum is above my right, then feet are up by my stomach on the right, which explains why it's so uncomfortable when he stretches out and feels like he's right into my ribs. Daddy is 6ft and my Mum's side of the family are tall (brother is 6ft 4), plus my little boy that was stillborn was 30inches when he was born, so it's very possible!
@Jetina what tracking band do you have and how does it work?

Please correct me if im wrong but isnt it 28 weeks + that they take reduced movements serious?
@Jetina what tracking band do you have and how does it work?

Please correct me if im wrong but isnt it 28 weeks + that they take reduced movements serious?
I bought it directly from the Kicks Count website, I wouldn't be without it! You move it along every time you feel an episode of movement rather than every single movement/kick. They told me to use about 15 mins between movements to count them as separate episodes. band.jpg

With the reduced movements, they should be taking any changes seriously if you know your baby's routine and notice a change. That's twice I've been in now and both times have been told that they'd rather I went in to be checked over to be on the safe side, even if baby is fine every time. The extra scan was ordered by my consultant because of my history, but I think they do them anyway from 27-28 weeks if you go in with reduced movements.
I bought it directly from the Kicks Count website, I wouldn't be without it! You move it along every time you feel an episode of movement rather than every single movement/kick. They told me to use about 15 mins between movements to count them as separate episodes. View attachment 90163

With the reduced movements, they should be taking any changes seriously if you know your baby's routine and notice a change. That's twice I've been in now and both times have been told that they'd rather I went in to be checked over to be on the safe side, even if baby is fine every time. The extra scan was ordered by my consultant because of my history, but I think they do them anyway from 27-28 weeks if you go in with reduced movements.

Great info thanks, ill look to get one since im at a kick count stage soon - was still told not to do it till 28 weeks tho weirdly?
So, basically every time i feel a episode of movement i use wrist band? does anyone know how the kick count app works? is that the same so oh i felt something at 4pm so note 1 movement or is it a case of 10kicks in say 5mns and you click every time you feel a kick?
I'm still the same with movements too girls. This anterior placenta has a lot to answer for.

Had some really bad news today. My nanna, who I'm extremely close to has got cancer again. It's been back since October but they didn't want to tell me as I've not had the smoothest pregnancy. It's in her bones this time and is inoperable because of the location :(. They had her on meds to stop it spreading quicker but she had a very bad reaction to them, and they wont give her other meds as her immune system is way to low atm. It's more just managing pain now. She came down to see us today and you could see the pain on her face.

I have been on/off crying all day. I just start crying randomly. I am so sad atm :( x
I'm still the same with movements too girls. This anterior placenta has a lot to answer for.

Had some really bad news today. My nanna, who I'm extremely close to has got cancer again. It's been back since October but they didn't want to tell me as I've not had the smoothest pregnancy. It's in her bones this time and is inoperable because of the location :(. They had her on meds to stop it spreading quicker but she had a very bad reaction to them, and they wont give her other meds as her immune system is way to low atm. It's more just managing pain now. She came down to see us today and you could see the pain on her face.

I have been on/off crying all day. I just start crying randomly. I am so sad atm :( x

So sorry to hear of your news. I lost my Grandad December and its just horrible, he was really looking forward to being a Great Grandad for the first time - I have to try and not think about it tbh. x
I'm still the same with movements too girls. This anterior placenta has a lot to answer for.

Had some really bad news today. My nanna, who I'm extremely close to has got cancer again. It's been back since October but they didn't want to tell me as I've not had the smoothest pregnancy. It's in her bones this time and is inoperable because of the location :(. They had her on meds to stop it spreading quicker but she had a very bad reaction to them, and they wont give her other meds as her immune system is way to low atm. It's more just managing pain now. She came down to see us today and you could see the pain on her face.

I have been on/off crying all day. I just start crying randomly. I am so sad atm :( x

so sorry hun, I know there is nothing we can say to really make you feel any better, look after yourself and let me know if you need anything Xx

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