May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I know. It seriously looks like this thread will be dead the 4-11 May.

My scan date has changed. It's now a day earlier on the 29th Dec. I'm going to be seen by the FMU again, so it's a scan with a consultant now.

Whats the FMU? Aside from first morning urine lol ciz i dont think that will be thst helpful lol

Sorry, completely forgot about that one. It's the Fetal Medicine Unit, which means bigger scan rooms and scans by consultants with trainees around watching.

I am going to FMU too, but nervous about the first time as its that same room they scanned me in when Harrison died :( but I remember the machine was different and they have a big screen on the wall so u can watch the whole scan which is great! I wonder how long the scan will be, I am excited and nervous at the same time!! X
I have to have scans from 30 weeks every 3 weeks for a programme on measuring the baby instead of the tape measure way xx
I would love to stay team yellow again, we usually do but I promised my husband he can get his own way xx

That sounds really interesting! I would love to see that programme! When would it be? How did u get involved with that? Exciting :) xx

She just said that I would be part of it and seeing them at the hospital. I didn't refuse so I thought why not, I've never seen a baby that late on before on a scan xx
I like the mug idea. I wonder if I can get one printed with lots of different Grandpa names, as he obviously hasn't chosen one yet.

Did you all let your parents choose what they wanted to be called? My FIL already has grandchildren so he is already Grandad.
I'd like to stay team yellow. We found our last time and I just think it'd be fun to find out on the day. Dh isn't convinced though.

With Moses baskets, just beware that they're not designed for carrying your baby in, just in case you were planning to move baby from room to room, or upstairs.
Our friend was carrying baby in Moses basket by the handles and one snapped and baby fell.
We've heard another story of this happening at the top of the stairs too...

We didn't get one last time. We used the carry cot part of the pram both downstairs and for sleeping in upstairs until he was nearly 3 months. It also meant if baby was asleep but you needed to go out you could attach it to the pram without waking them.
Firstly I'd like to say congrats on your pregnancies and secondly sorry for barging in on the thread it's just I've posted a new thread in the loss section which I really didn't want ladies of recurrent miscarriage to miss as I know some of you have been through multiple losses which I'm sorry to hear of and wish you all a happy and healthy 9 months as you deserve it.

I'm hoping that you can give me some advice and support on my new thread, and I'm sorry for bringing the tone down when it's an exciting time for you all. Just want to say thank you in advance for any advice/time you can give me. X x
We are planning to stay team yellow Ery. We wanted to with our first but the stupid sonographer just blurted it out! I was so angry. We decided not to tell anyone and only bought unisex stuff still. Then with my son we decided to find out and again kept it a secret but now we have one of each I think we will just keep this one as a surprise!x
I like the mug idea. I wonder if I can get one printed with lots of different Grandpa names, as he obviously hasn't chosen one yet.

Did you all let your parents choose what they wanted to be called? My FIL already has grandchildren so he is already Grandad.

My mum wanted to be called the gaelic word for grandma (I'm not even going to attempt to spell it!) but in the end my daughter just started calling her nana. Also my dad just became 'pa' cos thats what she could say and my son has learnt to call them these names too. My Mil has always been known as granny (name) by my stepdaughter so thats what the little ones use for her too. X
I like the mug idea. I wonder if I can get one printed with lots of different Grandpa names, as he obviously hasn't chosen one yet.

Did you all let your parents choose what they wanted to be called? My FIL already has grandchildren so he is already Grandad.

You can probably get something printed like that on ebay I would imagine. My mum and dad will just be nan and grandad and OH parents will be the Polish versions of those. Don't know how to spell them xx

I'd like to stay team yellow. We found our last time and I just think it'd be fun to find out on the day. Dh isn't convinced though.

With Moses baskets, just beware that they're not designed for carrying your baby in, just in case you were planning to move baby from room to room, or upstairs.
Our friend was carrying baby in Moses basket by the handles and one snapped and baby fell.
We've heard another story of this happening at the top of the stairs too...

We didn't get one last time. We used the carry cot part of the pram both downstairs and for sleeping in upstairs until he was nearly 3 months. It also meant if baby was asleep but you needed to go out you could attach it to the pram without waking them.[/QUOTE

That is scary. I used to carry my son all the time in the moses basket. I still plan to this time but will hold underneath too if you know what I mean xx
Thats is scary pebbles

Snowbee if your feeling creative you can always design your own word art picture. It shouldbe quite easy to whip one up on publisher microsoft word or even microsoft paint and the. Get that printed onto a cup. I did something similar last yr for my mum.

If you dont know what a word art picture is here is a one in a heart shape but you can simplify this by making a rectangle one that would easily wrap around a cup.

And i let the grandparents choose their own name. My gran became gran gran coz thsts what i used to call her mum. And it stuck when she bacame a great gran x
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Oh I like that idea. I'm just experimenting with a few ideas now...
Lol im obviously in a spending mood just ended up buying that darn picture :rofl:
Lou, I'd be nervous too. It was nice to see both the screen on the wall and the actual monitor. Being able to see the actual monitor allows the doc to point more things out.

We left it up to the grandparents. My in-laws (1st time grandparents) will be Beppe (Frisian for grandma) and Opa (Dutch for grandpa). My parents are Nana and Pop-pop- as it's their 13th grandchild, there wasn't any choosing going on this time.

For us, my dw will be mem (Frisian for mum) and I'll be mum.
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The room i was in there was the tv on the wall linked to the monitor so i could see what she could. It was terrifing coz the last time i was there it was clear bubs had no hb this time bubs was leaping all over the place the difference in emotions was crazy!

Keeponhoping: im sorry for losses and your right lots of us have been through it x i hope you get your ainbow soon. X
Our parents chose their own names. His parents are grandma and granddad, mine are Nana and Pa. But I find pa too short to say so I call him grandpa.
Since lunchtime I've felt sooo tired. Then my neck and shoulders ache and I feel like I have zero energy. No headache though and my nausea stopped nearly two weeks ago. It's not the first time.
Does anyone else feel like this?
I've been feeling like that most of this week thought I might have more energy by now got a bad headache today as well x
I'm getting more energy less sickness still have nausea but it's still irritating that I'm struggling to drink. Almost every drink makes me feel sick.
I'm the same. I'm great in the mornings, starting to feel tired by lunch and struggling in the evenings. It was like this every day but I have been having some better days lately. I'm pretty awake now compared to how I have been lol. I'm also struggling to drink, I'm thirsty and want to drink but after I do I feel rough. I've been experimenting with different drinks and all the same so far. I'm slightly better with hot blackcurrant. Being put off drinking is also giving me a headache! Damn it! I'm supposed to be going out tonight but I'm not sure I'm going to be awake enough to make it...
I'm babysitting tonight but I'm so tired I can't wait to get home to bed. luckily their kids have been good and gone to bed so I'm just watching TV waiting for their parents to get home lol

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