May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Aww fantastic that's still more than us lol. So far we have Leto Thor Loki Xavier and Duncan. I'm not 100% on any lmao (except Loki ofc that's just awesome lol) I can't do boys names! I thought of a name the other day that I actually liked... but I forgot it lol.
My husband bought tea, chips, egg fried rice and curry and after two hours I've thrown the lot up. Feel like I'm going backwards again with the sickness x
Am I mad that I don't really like flowers. I prefer chocolates, you can't eat flowers!! Xx
We're really struggling with boys names, too. So far we have Sebastiaan (Bas), Remko and Nico - I love Evert, but my dw hates it and she loves Han, but as much as I love Star Wars, I just can't get behind that name.

lisey, I'm not one for flowers either, but then gain they make me sneeze. I'm not one for chocolates either though. I'm so bad when it comes to little gesture gifts like that as there really isn't anything like that that I love. When anyone gives me chocolates, I take them into work so they'll get eaten, or I'll give to friend.
It's true I have hayfever so flowers make me sneeze too! I like my choccies. Trouble is everyone buys me nutty chocs as that's what they like I hate nuts lol! It's weird and like everyone knows it but they forget lol. I think it's coz my b day and Xmas are so close together I get generic things and forgotten a bit lol.
I self taught from watching YouTube tutorials. Of course I'm limited to squares or variations of squares as I can't read a pattern or anything! I've got my bubs blanket on the go though so I'm happy!


I've tried that with no luck but I taught myself to crochet from YouTube when I was pregnant with my son and nearly 3 years on can read patterns and make relatively complicated stuff. Haven't picked up my hooks in ages mind! Been feeling so rough, but hoping to get started on some bits for baby soon!!x
I tried to crochet, couldn't do it. I wanted to throw the hook across the room. Would love to be able to though.
I think boys names are really hard, we didn't have one name and we went through a list of 400!! Not one! Xx
My oh has never bought me flowers. On our first date he brought shortbread, chocolate and wine (and randomly sausages?!)! He does pick me flowers from the farm though, my favourites are snowdrops so he brings me those in winter. Then bluebells from the wood for our anniversary, primroses for Valentines and roses from the garden for my birthday.

Ery I love the name Thor! There is no way we could use it though, we are both small and I think with a name like that you need to be tall.

Kabuk I like Bas and Nico, it is tricky getting a name that works in more than one language.

We have agreed on a lot of names we don't like, does that count?!
Lol snowbee love those flowers so pretty lol. Me and oh are small too so it wouldn't look right lol. We are both natural blondes though lol.
Not a good start to my morning. Some wench on the tube thought it would be smart to push as we exited the train- I lost it. And now, I have a student who thinks he is king of the world and the telling a teacher 'I beg you stop talking' isn't rude. That's just the tip of the iceberg with that boy. Some of these kids really don't seem to know what it is to be rude- I'm rude for telling them to focus on their work and be quite. I'm rude for saying I think they are smarter than what their work shows. I just don't get it. After years of teaching in mainstream, I really hope my dw's company hits the benchmark that will see her salary sky rocket by the time we are ready to send this child to school because I'm not sending him/her to a mainstream school. That isn't because of teaching, it's because of the students I fear who will influence my kids and the lack of support from the government to ensure schools have the resources necessary to keep class sizes small and create a positive learning environment.

Sorry, rant over. I really have lost all the patience I normally have.
Your not the only one having a mental day. Mines more hormonal though. I just Hurst out laughing for no real reason then somewhere along the line it turned into tears then I really didn't know if I was laughing or crying and that made me really upset. Think hubby thinks I've lost it!
Crazy hormones, huh! I started crying whilst watching Supernatural last night. That really isn't a crying show.

My day has gotten a little better with my trip to the American food store. They has graham cracker pie crusts, so that is going to save me time when making pumpkin cheesecake next week. I also picked up some kosher dill pickles, my fave! I ate half the jar as soon as I returned to work. Everyone in the kitchen looked at me like I had two head, especially when I drank some of the pickle juice before putting it away. I also picked up some Mott's applesauce and french dressing (which is orange, completely different from the french dressing here). I also got a few other sauces I really liked. I'm making reuben sandwiches this weekend!
I've had a busy day finished clearing all the rubbish outside and inside inside my house with my mum. looking forward to a takeaway later as it's oh''s payday lol
Back to shite again. Opted to go home through zone 1 to get home quicker for crossfit but failed miserably because the bloody train is delayed and is t even calling at my station. So I'm paying £2.50 for a longer journey where I have to go beyond my stop and back track and now cancel my crossfit class because of these idiots. For what I pay, I shouldn't have to deal with this shite. Where does all the money go?
How long does the first scan appointment take? I'm getting the Downs test.
About 20mins or so depends on if your Bub's is playing game. I got in quite quick for a change but baby kept jumping about lol some people have to walk around for a bit or go drink something cold etc.

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