May mummies and rainbows to be :)

lisey, I'd just ring the mw number you've been given. That's what I had planned on doing as I forgot to ask for it at my GP appointment. However, I had to go in for more blood work on Monday and got the midwife who took my blood to get the MATB1 for me.
I just have a midwife helpline number. Hope they don't mind me calling xx
I'm planning on stocking up on nappies etc soon and I remember when my son was born they said to keep him on the ready made cartons of Formula for the first 6 weeks does anyone know if this is still the case? I want to try and breastfeed but just in case lol
I'm not sure hun. Don't want to read n run but I bf with mine he wouldn't take formula at all. I even planned on expressing so hubby could bottle feed but he wasn't even having that lol
Pampers are buy one get one free in tescos at the moment. Not sure about the formula, I was never advised that with my son but was 100 years ago and everything has changed since then xx
That's a good point actually anyone got any experience with combi feeding I'm not having that long off so I'll need to get Lil miss taking a bottle this time too even if it is filled with my milk but if I haven't done enough I need to know there is as least something she can have. Found out as well hubby gets enhanced shared parental pay. So I'll get enhanced mat but not enhanced ShPP hubby does get enhanced ShPP so that's an awesome twist of events!
I have no experience of combining feeding but would prob start it from the off set as alot of babies won't take bottle once they are used to breast. Obviously she needs to be on bottle ready for you going back to work unless your hubby brings her in for feeds lol :) xx
I just realised I am in the double figures now. 98 days :) xx
Lol i just came on as it dawned on me you're down to double digits! !
One week til tri 3? I thought it was 28 weeks. Oh my goodness, tri 3!! Xx
They did scan me again today and will post pics later. Got a cute shot of his feet.

My torch blood results came back. They could see I was infected with CMV at some point and the figures suggest pre-pregnancy, much earlier in life. However, they can't give a 100% all clear because there was no blood left from my booking to test and compare it to and no amniotic fluid left from my amnio to test. I could do another amnio, but as the consultants aren't worried and really wouldn't recommend it, there will not be another amnio. Close monitoring with scans is the best option as risk is low. So more scans to see the little one. Everything looked good in the scan, so they aren't too concerned. But still small amount of blood in his bowel, so they'll monitor that. Again, they think it's linked to my bleeding. Placenta has shifted and is now high, so now I can plan for a natural birth! I could see him open his mouth and swallow today.
morning girls!

saw the consultant yesterday - mentioned his quietness and he has moved right behind my placenta, she listened and monitored for 10 mins and was very happy

but best of all i have ranitidine! docs wouldnt give me it but she was more than happy to prescribe it!! cant wait for some relief!

your all getting so far on now! getting so real xx
aww thats great news Kabuk so lucky to have more scans!

the consultant thought my bump was a little small considering how far on i am so they are going to start measuring me shortly and make sure hes fine. i was tiny before i fell pregnant and now feel huge lol i dont feel there is an issue but not going to turn down more scans if i need them :)
Hi girls! Finally signed the contracts on the new house this morning! 2 more days and we will be moving I'm so excited!

Lisey can't believe you only have one more week! 2 and a half weeks for me!

Glad your scan went well kabuk
Ohh single figures lisey!

Great news about your placenta moving kabuk, that must be a bit of a relief to have your options opened up again.

Nikki super about your move, hope it all goes well :)

Good that you are being monitored leigh :)

I've done my gtt this morning, had to have all the blood out the same vein as they couldn't find any others but other than that hopefully it went ok.
on the GTT Test, do they take full samples? i thought it was just little pricks - mine is the 9th feb!

wish my little man would move so i can feel him better
Great news about the scans and consultant appointments.
My midwife is booking me in for gtt in 3 weeks. Am i right in thinking it is a fasting test? So I take it its done in the morning. Just thinking about work, they will let me have the time no problem though. Also whooping cough after 28 weeks but she said GP does that. Not looking forward to that as lots of people seem to say its horrible. I have no issue with injections (I injected 3 times a day for IVF) but people seem to say its painful afterwards? xx

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