May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Lol ery, that's a stash. Glad you have felt her. It's is so worrying when they go quiet for a while. They need to sleep too though I guess :)
I don't have cravings apart from I love chocolate even more than before xx
im totally off chocolate, ill have like one and thats enough!

im wanting more veg but i wouldnt say im craving it. just trying to eat a little better x
I had loads of cravings but they have all disappeared lol although today I'm really craving French fancies!
Mine have all been sweet things, fruit, cakes, chocolate, mango chutney, pickled onions lol
No real cravings here. Still prefer salty/savoury over sweet. It's a good thing as it's all ready meals this week and probably next as we pack, move and wait for our fridge to be delivered.

This little one decided to go all crazy on my cervix last night. It was hard to get to sleep. He was just pounding away on it. After a day of very little bleeding, I sure had a good bleed this morning. I bet it was from all that abuse last night. I think he's positioned further back right now. I felt him this morning several time, but the movement was much softer.
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Yea i think they need 12 hours a day or something i think my lil miss has 4 wakey days then 3 sleepy days!

My car is back! So happy!
Ooh, just remembered I like salad at the moment. Usually hate salad. Weird.
Baby's movements are feeling really high up now at time, womb must have moved up/stretched higher again xx
Lol the salty for boys snd sweet for girls sure seems to be dinging true. Its weird how much of an even split we have! Cant wait til pay day though. My bank balance hates me :(
Hubby said i need to try salad this pregnancy coz i usually hate it lol i cont do rabbit food lol
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its payday for me today and i cried, saw what came in and what went out again!

im deffo craving salty and cheese still, had a nice bath last night and OH kept popping in with chunks of cheese for me to nibble on haha!

my movements are really soft too atm Kabuk, i think hes at the back, with a odd kick to my bladder now and again! hes still really low in my tummy. love feeling him kick when im laid in bed by myself x
I am awaiting pay day, its dragged since last months pay what with Christmas etc. Also feeling a bit poor due to paying for the car. I went to transfer some money yesterday from one account to the other and it amazed me how hard it is to get your own money!! They were asking what its for, deciphering how much money I have going in monthly...its my money!! Don't really know what it has to do with them!
Ery, I usually hate rabbit food too and esp tomatoes but I like them, my OH is in shock lol xx
I can't wait for payday, and it's not until the 15th Feb. I just have so many outgoings this month with the move. So glad I could get the couch on interest free credit. Still have to buy a washer, fridge freezer, bed and mattress before payday. I think I'll buy the coffee table too. Still have to pay the moving guys and the cleaner. I hate using my credit cards, but I might have to and then pay off those purchases immediately after payday.

The main difference in my diet now is that I east pasta almost daily. I rarely ate pasta prior to the pregnancy. I've always liked it, but was never a must have. The increase is also linked to the ready meals we're eating with no spare time to cook this week with pack, and then next week we won't have a fridge until Wednesday, so it'll be takeaway or ready meals.

The even split on here is pretty crazy. Can't wait to see how it all finishes when the team yellow ladies find out at birth. At work there are now 5 of us due April/May/June - 3 girls and 2 boys. I only work regularly with 3 of them and they are the ones having girls.
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Lol crazy.
There are only 2 people thst im aware of that are expecting. Both team yellow. One is due 4 weeks before me thevother 4 weeks after me. Im sure there are more pregnsntbkadies though our place is huge. Lol
3 of my friends are due the same time as me and we're all having girls lol
P.s. The sizes on our tickers are starting to become less cute and more.... ow lol. I remember my lego minifig pic that was cute..... the size of mjolnir...... thats a bit more ouchy lol
I know. At 25 weeks the little ones are already over a foot in length and weighing about 1.5 lbs. Crazy. Getting so close to their full length, but still have plenty of weight to put on.
I had midwife today. All good. She was going to give me the mat form but both forgot it seems. I don't have another appointment with her for another three weeks. I would prob need it before then as have to give at least 28 days notice to work for when I intend to take mat leave. It will be cutting it close and I may possibly take it earlier than easter holidays. I don't have a number for an individual midwife? Xx

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