** May 2019 Testing Thread **

Hey just dropping by to say hello.

Had my scan today and started my meds for transfer. Back on 11th June and if all okay I will have my transfer between 18th - 25th June with a test date 1st week in july no doubt. So I will skip out on June and join the July testing thread. I hope it will be my last ever testing thread I ever need to join. Its about time that it's my turn.... Please pretty please I have waited and waited!!

It's defo your turn, got everything crossed for you! x
Hi lovely ladies,
I've been following along all month, but usually a good few days in between visits so by the time I read it, the conversation has moved on and other people have usually said the helpful things I would say, so no need to duplicate!

My husband and I didn't want to wait any longer so proceeded forward with our IVF in Europe. We got 10 eggs, 9 mature, 7 fertilised and by day 5 we transferred a hatching blastocyst with two more in the freezer.

I got my :bfp: on Monday 27th May and was over the moon. On Wednesday, I went for my first beta which has come back low at 21.3 and I spent the next 48 hours bleeding like a period but still getting strong positives. I suspect the prognosis is not good.

I'm sorry to ask, but does anyone have any experience with CPs and still showing strong on tests despite bleeding for 2 days or so? I'm not even using FRERS, but the first response rapid results. (Repeat beta due next week).

Just devastated and just want us all to get our successful bfps x
Hi lovely ladies,
I've been following along all month, but usually a good few days in between visits so by the time I read it, the conversation has moved on and other people have usually said the helpful things I would say, so no need to duplicate!

My husband and I didn't want to wait any longer so proceeded forward with our IVF in Europe. We got 10 eggs, 9 mature, 7 fertilised and by day 5 we transferred a hatching blastocyst with two more in the freezer.

I got my :bfp: on Monday 27th May and was over the moon. On Wednesday, I went for my first beta which has come back low at 21.3 and I spent the next 48 hours bleeding like a period but still getting strong positives. I suspect the prognosis is not good.

I'm sorry to ask, but does anyone have any experience with CPs and still showing strong on tests despite bleeding for 2 days or so? I'm not even using FRERS, but the first response rapid results. (Repeat beta due next week).

Just devastated and just want us all to get our successful bfps x

Oh hun I’m sorry, all my cps resulted in negative tests almost immediately afterwards. Is there any hope you might still be pregnant? Look after yourself xx
Hi lovely ladies,
I've been following along all month, but usually a good few days in between visits so by the time I read it, the conversation has moved on and other people have usually said the helpful things I would say, so no need to duplicate!

My husband and I didn't want to wait any longer so proceeded forward with our IVF in Europe. We got 10 eggs, 9 mature, 7 fertilised and by day 5 we transferred a hatching blastocyst with two more in the freezer.

I got my :bfp: on Monday 27th May and was over the moon. On Wednesday, I went for my first beta which has come back low at 21.3 and I spent the next 48 hours bleeding like a period but still getting strong positives. I suspect the prognosis is not good.

I'm sorry to ask, but does anyone have any experience with CPs and still showing strong on tests despite bleeding for 2 days or so? I'm not even using FRERS, but the first response rapid results. (Repeat beta due next week).

Just devastated and just want us all to get our successful bfps x
I'm so sorry hun... My cps were never very strong bfps and were negative the day the bleeding started. When I had retained product of conception after my mmc, they only became negative after I passed the tissue.
Could the bleeding just have been heavy implantation bleeding?x
Thank you so much for replying and giving me some information about your CPs. I would have expected the levels to drop, the line to fade and then bleed as a response to the drop in levels. So I am a bit perplexed. Going to retest in the morning.

I suppose it could be implantation bleeding but if it was, it was like a normal period for me (but I don't have heavy periods any more, it was just on the pads, on wiping and if I spent time in bed resting it would drip into the loo when I went (sorry TMI). I was convinced that it would be too much for it to now be viable. And with the HCG being on the lower end, that made me think this can't be good. I also had lower back ache and cramping with the bleeding to start with but the bleeding literally just stopped suddenly today.

I'm in limbo! But preparing for the worst... x

PS - I'm only 4+4 so presuming too early for a SCH and too early to have retained products of any sort. I'm thinking blighted ovum or ectopic again :(

Just to give indication of my line after 2 days of bleeding, attached is my first response rapid. (Top yesterday with FMU, Bottom: today, mid-morning urine).

Thank you so much for replying and giving me some information about your CPs. I would have expected the levels to drop, the line to fade and then bleed as a response to the drop in levels. So I am a bit perplexed. Going to retest in the morning.

I suppose it could be implantation bleeding but if it was, it was like a normal period for me (but I don't have heavy periods any more, it was just on the pads, on wiping and if I spent time in bed resting it would drip into the loo when I went (sorry TMI). I was convinced that it would be too much for it to now be viable. And with the HCG being on the lower end, that made me think this can't be good. I also had lower back ache and cramping with the bleeding to start with but the bleeding literally just stopped suddenly today.

I'm in limbo! But preparing for the worst... x

PS - I'm only 4+4 so presuming too early for a SCH and too early to have retained products of any sort. I'm thinking blighted ovum or ectopic again :(

Just to give indication of my line after 2 days of bleeding, attached is my first response rapid. (Top yesterday with FMU, Bottom: today, mid-morning urine).

View attachment 85691
Sorry you have to go through this, I was in limbo for 11 weeks after the d&c and wouldn't wish it upon any woman ttc!
I think you should go back in for a blood test. The test you did this morning is darker than yesterday's one! Will keep my fingers crossed!x
Hi lovely ladies,
I've been following along all month, but usually a good few days in between visits so by the time I read it, the conversation has moved on and other people have usually said the helpful things I would say, so no need to duplicate!

My husband and I didn't want to wait any longer so proceeded forward with our IVF in Europe. We got 10 eggs, 9 mature, 7 fertilised and by day 5 we transferred a hatching blastocyst with two more in the freezer.

I got my :bfp: on Monday 27th May and was over the moon. On Wednesday, I went for my first beta which has come back low at 21.3 and I spent the next 48 hours bleeding like a period but still getting strong positives. I suspect the prognosis is not good.

I'm sorry to ask, but does anyone have any experience with CPs and still showing strong on tests despite bleeding for 2 days or so? I'm not even using FRERS, but the first response rapid results. (Repeat beta due next week).

Just devastated and just want us all to get our successful bfps x

@Sydney sorry to hear you've started to bleed. I had a similar situation. BFP in then Monday and started to heavily bleed on the Sunday. Bleeding lasted a week. I did a lot of tests and still was getting positives 4 weeks after my bleed. It's very frustrating not knowing what's going on. I have everything crossed for you xx
Sorry you have to go through this, I was in limbo for 11 weeks after the d&c and wouldn't wish it upon any woman ttc!
I think you should go back in for a blood test. The test you did this morning is darker than yesterday's one! Will keep my fingers crossed!x
I'm booked in for HCGs on Mon and Wednesday. Will be going to EPAU the week after given my history. I'll post today's test in a min.
@Sydney sorry to hear you've started to bleed. I had a similar situation. BFP in then Monday and started to heavily bleed on the Sunday. Bleeding lasted a week. I did a lot of tests and still was getting positives 4 weeks after my bleed. It's very frustrating not knowing what's going on. I have everything crossed for you xx

May I ask the outcome Nattles? I can't get excited about any of it because of just how much blood there was.
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Unfortunately mine turned out as a miscarriage however your lines do look like they're getting stronger, which is definitely a good sign. Xx

I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think a pregnancy that starts like this is really going to have a good outcome. I'm definitely going to have to stay guarded. I've already cried and grieved and now back in limbo land. It's really cruel isn't it :(
I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think a pregnancy that starts like this is really going to have a good outcome. I'm definitely going to have to stay guarded. I've already cried and grieved and now back in limbo land. It's really cruel isn't it :(

My sister bled until 20 weeks with her pregnancy! I have had 3 cps so I fully understand your fear and anxiety but just take comfort in your good lines xx
I think there is still a bit of hope as your lines are getting darker and the fact that the bleeding has stopped is also positive!
I hope that the test on Monday will be more conclusive!x
Here's my test this morning using FMU.

View attachment 85701

That line is a lot darker then the other tests, if it was a chemical test should be coming up almost negative now, hcg is clearly rising I think the hcg blood tests should give you an answer, when I had a chemical the test had gone to negative when I started bleeding and when I had a blighted ovum my tests didn’t really get darker day to day yours is a lot darker now within a few days, I’d say it’s looking like it very well could be a viable pregnancy but I understand how u feel about not wanting to get your hopes up too much, but good luck I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you xx
@Sydney ive had both outcomes. My ds I had 2 separate lots of period like bleeding and had a healthy pregnancy. When I started spotting last year I wasn’t too concerned but it ended in a miscarriage unfortunately. Both times I was in complete limbo with tests and scans to see if it was progressing.
I hope this is it for you, it’s a good sign that your lines are progressing but it’s still very early days.
Fx for you x

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