** May 2019 Testing Thread **

Thank you everyone for your insight and help. Feeling better now and just staying cautious until bloods and scans can potentially explain what's going on. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.

Congrats on the bfps this month and I really hope for better news for everyone next cycle. I reckon summer is better for conceiving over here!
I'm out! See you in June testing thread and Congrats to all May BFPs xx
Thank you everyone for your insight and help. Feeling better now and just staying cautious until bloods and scans can potentially explain what's going on. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.

Congrats on the bfps this month and I really hope for better news for everyone next cycle. I reckon summer is better for conceiving over here!

I am thinking of you. I hope for a positive outcome. I had a early mc post IVF, my tests were still positive the day I started bleeding but my line never got darker after 5 weeks plus 2 days. I had my hcg done say I started bleeding and it had dropped to 8. I think your lines seem really strong and I am hopeful for a successful pregnancy for you.
@treetrunks sorry you are out, thinking of you x
I am thinking of you. I hope for a positive outcome. I had a early mc post IVF, my tests were still positive the day I started bleeding but my line never got darker after 5 weeks plus 2 days. I had my hcg done say I started bleeding and it had dropped to 8. I think your lines seem really strong and I am hopeful for a successful pregnancy for you.
@treetrunks sorry you are out, thinking of you x

I'm sorry to hear about your mc :( Off for repeat HCG this morning but probably won't get the result till tomorrow x
I'm sorry to hear about your mc :( Off for repeat HCG this morning but probably won't get the result till tomorrow x
Good luck for your hcg results tomorrow. Got everything crossed for you x
CD21 now. Ovusense still hasn’t confirmed ovulation but FF has, I had loads of EWCM day 16 and have had sore boobs for days now (always happens after O) so I think it has happened.

Any charters have any input?

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CD21 now. Ovusense still hasn’t confirmed ovulation but FF has, I had loads of EWCM day 16 and have had sore boobs for days now (always happens after O) so I think it has happened.

Any charters have any input?

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looks like you defo ovulated if they stay high. if your body signs say day 16 then its very likely day 16. i had same this cycle where i just knew i was ovulating and it lined up perfectly with temps :)
HCG in 5 days has gone from 21.3 to 297. Positive increase but low end for 5 weeks.
How are you getting on hun? Did you have repeats done yesterday? X

I'm doing ok thank you - sorry for the delayed reply.. I didn't get an email notification. So no bleeding for a whole week now.
My repeat HCG yesterday was 762. So:

11dp5dt (16dpo): 21.3
16dp5dt (21dpo): 297
18dp5dt (23dpo): 762

Trying to remain level headed. I've seen a lot of happy stories from initially low HCG's but equally quite a few that haven't gone well. Really feel it can go either way. No more HCGs planned now and I'm booked into EPAU on Wednesday for assessment and a scan.
@Kitana - I never formally said what day I was going to test (official test date from my clinic was 1st June.. but I tested early). Could you put a BFP next to my name for 27th May? :)
@Kitana - I never formally said what day I was going to test (official test date from my clinic was 1st June.. but I tested early). Could you put a BFP next to my name for 27th May? :)
Of course I will!! Congrats hun!:hug:

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