** May 2019 Testing Thread **

Thanks ladies <3
So bloody fed up!
I'm sorry char :( keep your chin up. Get that holiday booked! I have a feeling af will turn up for mine grr if it's not here in the morning I'll test just to make sure I have the all clear to enjoy some cocktails and wine on holiday! Xx
I'm sorry char :( keep your chin up. Get that holiday booked! I have a feeling af will turn up for mine grr if it's not here in the morning I'll test just to make sure I have the all clear to enjoy some cocktails and wine on holiday! Xx
Have the best holiday hun xx
Thank you xx

As someone else said get some idea of results perhaps today - maybe that will be your issue & sorted soon - make sure you get the numbers v important with sperm analysis! So count, motility, vilocity? Etc.. good luck
He’s managed to get an appointment for 5.30pm this evening, someone cancelled as he called up so we will get all the info tonight. Thank god! X

Get them numbers :p
You should write them down tho & all suggestions etc to process better when out of appointment
Aw sorry @chattychar1990 but it might be fate that the next cycle could be your lucky cycle as your psychic predicted! Let us know how your hubby gets on at his appt tonight too x
Hey just dropping by to say hello.

Had my scan today and started my meds for transfer. Back on 11th June and if all okay I will have my transfer between 18th - 25th June with a test date 1st week in july no doubt. So I will skip out on June and join the July testing thread. I hope it will be my last ever testing thread I ever need to join. Its about time that it's my turn.... Please pretty please I have waited and waited!!
I was still debating whether to test today or not, but I did and it was negative. I'm not really surprised, but I'm taking it at face value and going to bloody enjoy my holiday! Pass the wine :rotfl: just means the lovely af will be arriving while I'm away. Wonderful!
I was still debating whether to test today or not, but I did and it was negative. I'm not really surprised, but I'm taking it at face value and going to bloody enjoy my holiday! Pass the wine :rotfl: just means the lovely af will be arriving while I'm away. Wonderful!

Sorry to hear it was negative. enjoy ur holiday...have a cocktail or two for me xx
Hey just dropping by to say hello.

Had my scan today and started my meds for transfer. Back on 11th June and if all okay I will have my transfer between 18th - 25th June with a test date 1st week in july no doubt. So I will skip out on June and join the July testing thread. I hope it will be my last ever testing thread I ever need to join. Its about time that it's my turn.... Please pretty please I have waited and waited!!
I hope so to for you!! Baby dustttt x
I was still debating whether to test today or not, but I did and it was negative. I'm not really surprised, but I'm taking it at face value and going to bloody enjoy my holiday! Pass the wine :rotfl: just means the lovely af will be arriving while I'm away. Wonderful!
Enjoy those cocktails hun!! Let's hope AF does not show up!x

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