** May 2019 Testing Thread **

I don’t see anything rainbow but then I’m a terrible line spotter and it is super early for you. I’ll keep my fingers crossed extra tight for you x
Ladies I just took an ic and I posted it on countdown to pregnancy to see what people think and it’s had 5 votes, 4 are positive and 1 is unsure. Any I’ve posted on there usually just get voted negative! I don’t know though. I’m only 8dpo (SUPER early I know) and it’s faint but to me it looks grey rather than pink although it is the right thickness. I don’t rate these tests so I’m not getting my hopes up but just updating you all!

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I see a line Rainbow but can't tell whether it's pink or not! I really hope this is the start of your bfp!:dust:
Thread crashing to say Rainbow that looks just like my early BFPs on ICs. I vote positive for sure.
Hey everyone, looks like I missed a lot so far in May! Congrats to @Kitana and Rachel on your BFPs! It's so exciting that May has been kick started off so well!

Sadly I won't be testing this month or probably June as my husband and I had a big chat a few days back. He said that with our LG being young, his working 2 jobs, me working 1 job and uni and managing all our childcare solely between us, plus that we are in the process of hopefully buying a house, that he wants to hold off for a bit before ttc #2. I can only respect that decision and hope we can get the living situation and our finances in a bit better shape. Feels like battling against a very strong tide atm. But I'm sure we will get there. I hope its okay if I just hang around :) xx
Feeling 100% out already at 11dpo. Don’t know why I was expecting anything different to happen on the Gonal-f injections . I’m so angry at myself for hoping! 2 years is looming and I just feel like this is never going to happen. Going to the clinic all the time and going through the treatments is both mentally and physically exhausting. I’m sorry for ranting. I just woke up and had a little cry this morning, i just fell really helpless right now.
Feeling 100% out already at 11dpo. Don’t know why I was expecting anything different to happen on the Gonal-f injections . I’m so angry at myself for hoping! 2 years is looming and I just feel like this is never going to happen. Going to the clinic all the time and going through the treatments is both mentally and physically exhausting. I’m sorry for ranting. I just woke up and had a little cry this morning, i just fell really helpless right now.
Massive hugs babes. So sorry you feel like this hun. It must be so draining.
Remember that us ladies will always be here for each other <3
You really do have every chance of still getting that bfp, so try and have an ounce of positivity xxx
Thanks everyone. Well I took another cheapie this morning and I’m still none the wiser! Temp has went down ever so slightly which isn’t a good sign anyway is it? X

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Feeling 100% out already at 11dpo. Don’t know why I was expecting anything different to happen on the Gonal-f injections . I’m so angry at myself for hoping! 2 years is looming and I just feel like this is never going to happen. Going to the clinic all the time and going through the treatments is both mentally and physically exhausting. I’m sorry for ranting. I just woke up and had a little cry this morning, i just fell really helpless right now.
Aw I’m sorry. Be kind to yourself. Crying and letting it out is good for you. It will happen. It will happen for us all xx
What DPO are you? Slight temp drop isn’t necessarily a bad sign. Have you got a FRER, lines show better on these. X
I’m only 9dpo so super early I know. I don’t have a frer but have ordered some for the weekend x
Thanks everyone. Well I took another cheapie this morning and I’m still none the wiser! Temp has went down ever so slightly which isn’t a good sign anyway is it? X

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Hi Rainbow, hope you don’t mind me posting but I love following this thread & seeing everyone gradually getting there BFPs!

I just wanted to show you my tests as a comparison to show the difference in results with the IC. These were all taken the same day so as you can see the IC is so faint yet the other 2 are clearly very much positive results. And this was at 12dpo !! I didn’t get a really strong line on the IC until a couple days before AF was due (first pic). So fingers crossed this is the same for you !! Oh and the day before I done an IC and it was a stark white negative !

Really hoping this is the start for you :)

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Hi Rainbow, hope you don’t mind me posting but I love following this thread & seeing everyone gradually getting there BFPs!

I just wanted to show you my tests as a comparison to show the difference in results with the IC. These were all taken the same day so as you can see the IC is so faint yet the other 2 are clearly very much positive results. And this was at 12dpo !! I didn’t get a really strong line on the IC until a couple days before AF was due (first pic). So fingers crossed this is the same for you !! Oh and the day before I done an IC and it was a stark white negative !

Really hoping this is the start for you :)

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Thanks linette and congrats! I think your ic looks much clearer than mine though. Not getting my hopes up, we’ll see what happens over next few days x
Feeling a bit silly, full on cried and I mean snot, the works, because DH said he wouldn’t buy Chinese at the weekend AND take me out for dinner tonight, he said I could pick one.

Completely unreasonable hormones emotions driving me and dh crazy! I don’t know whether it’s from the injections or what but I hope it
Feeling a bit silly, full on cried and I mean snot, the works, because DH said he wouldn’t buy Chinese at the weekend AND take me out for dinner tonight, he said I could pick one.

Completely unreasonable hormones emotions driving me and dh crazy! I don’t know whether it’s from the injections or what but I hope it

ya never know!! im having potentially one of worst 2ww's ever for food cravings. another day another i want a takeaway night. ive only allowed myself one so far but its every blinking day i crave one.
ya never know!! im having potentially one of worst 2ww's ever for food cravings. another day another i want a takeaway night. ive only allowed myself one so far but its every blinking day i crave one.
Me too! I usually wait for DH to get in from work about half 7 for dinner and it doesn’t bother me but yesterday I made toast and cheese when I got home and today I’ve just finished a cheese sandwich...and I dont usually eat cheese or bread much at all! X
ya never know!! im having potentially one of worst 2ww's ever for food cravings. another day another i want a takeaway night. ive only allowed myself one so far but its every blinking day i crave one.

I do know, what with bleeding after sex at 8dpo and starting spotting today (11dpo) with pink on wiping. I had a little cry in the toilet at work when I saw it. I don’t know why I let myself get my hopes up that this would be it. All of my sisters required multiple rounds of ivf to conceive, maybe I should just accept I’ll be the same, but I can’t get it on the nhs in this area anymore and we don’t have a bottomless pit of money so I think we can only afford 1try.

I’m just exhausted. I’m sorry I’m being so pessimistic today, this is not what you girls need filling up your thread. I try to be optimistic for you all. I’m just really struggling today, must be the hormones or medication.
Ladies I just took an ic and I posted it on countdown to pregnancy to see what people think and it’s had 5 votes, 4 are positive and 1 is unsure. Any I’ve posted on there usually just get voted negative! I don’t know though. I’m only 8dpo (SUPER early I know) and it’s faint but to me it looks grey rather than pink although it is the right thickness. I don’t rate these tests so I’m not getting my hopes up but just updating you all!

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This looks like how my bfp started on the cheapies at 8 dpo!! Aww I really hope it is for you! Fingers crossed <3

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