*March 2019 Testing Thread*

I’m so sorry if that’s the case. Have you had any bleeding? I know you’re pretty sure what you think is happening but my friend had severe pains early in her pregnancy. She was with me and was in tears but hadn’t realised she was pregnant. We ended up phoning nhs24 and she went to a&e. The pains happened the next day too but she had a healthy pregnancy x
It’s just that this is the same pain with previous miscarriages. So it all came back to me. I don’t feel nauseous anymore either
I’m keeping everything crossed for you xx
Thank you rainbow. This is the 3rd miscarriage and my husband definitely doesn’t want to try anymore. He said it wasn’t meant to be. But how do I stop trying and how this is happening:(
Thank you rainbow. This is the 3rd miscarriage and my husband definitely doesn’t want to try anymore. He said it wasn’t meant to be. But how do I stop trying and how this is happening:(
Aw I am so sorry I really hope you are not misscarrying. Are you going to try get in at doctors ? It is positive that there’s no bleeding xx
Thank you rainbow. This is the 3rd miscarriage and my husband definitely doesn’t want to try anymore. He said it wasn’t meant to be. But how do I stop trying and how this is happening:(
Where do you live maximus? Have you had any testing done? If you’re in the uk you would now qualify for that and maybe by the time that’s done your husband would feel different...BUT hopefully it’s not going to come to that x
Where do you live maximus? Have you had any testing done? If you’re in the uk you would now qualify for that and maybe by the time that’s done your husband would feel different...BUT hopefully it’s not going to come to that x
Yes I live in the UK. But I doubt they would do anything. I had 21 day bloods done recently all came back ok. I had laparoscopy and that was also ok apart from mild endometriosis. I would love to get more investigations but my husband doesn’t want to look into it anymore. I just guess why this is happening something to do with my uterus as it’s the same pain every time and I also have this type of pain just after ovulation so I always say to my husband something is not right. Have you had pains very low down before?
Also these pains are very low down and very crampy. It started when I was 39 years old.
Do you have any obvious issues at all? like are you cycles normal, always ovuate etc?
Its quite sad that had we sucked it up, been brave, we could know by now.. i dont know if ill ever come to regret not just going for it and testing. How did you chose the clinic? have you chosen based on who you intend to go with if ivf/iui needed? im not sure how easy it is to transfer the results over if for example you test with one but decide later this clinic is better as cheaper/multi cycles etc... we have 2-3 we could go to.

No obvious issues, cycles are pretty regular a couple of days here and there. I think I ovulate most months. I went dor blood tests with my normal doctors and her only comment was ‘try not to think about it and it will happen’ so can only assume the results were ok. But i think the bloods at the clinic are more thorough.

If I am honest I didn’t look into it that much, just one day decided i was fed up with trying to get appointments with the docs and waiting months - ive done a lot of overtime so will have the money. I spoke to the OH and he liked the sound of it being done with quickly so i just googled local clinics, had a read up and found one nearby and emailed them.

I haven’t gone as far as thinking about ivf or iui, one step at a time for this little brain. I imagine the results are easily transferrable, I am sure i read somewhere on the site that said u can choose to use the results to go back to the nhs for ivf.

I wouldn’t say i am being brave, just determined to get a means to an end. I like to stay chilled and in control and with ttc i am not in control- it does what it bloody wants, so in a way i see it as me trying to get a bit more of a handle on things...sounds stupid I know x
Hey honey,

Sorry to hear you’re frustrated. It could well be that you are having an anovulatory cycle but have you noticed any ewcm or cramping, backache etc. prior to now? It might be that you ovulated slightly earlier or perhaps it will be slightly later. I always ovulate on CD18 (today in fact) and I know because I have super strong ovulation symptoms like nausea!

Basically, try not to stress, I know it’s hard not to and that’s where things like opks and temping can be a help but also a hindrance. Big hugs! Keep going! Xx

No I don’t really get any ovulation symptoms, I have needed the sticks to get a rough idea.

Sorry for the rant, you know when u just have one of those days x

We will get there. How are you doing Babylove? X
Also these pains are very low down and very crampy. It started when I was 39 years old.

Hi Maximus, I hope you’re doing ok this morning, if it makes you feel any better I’ve had similar pains to the ones you describe in my last pregnancy and in this one so far. If you’re very worried I would call your midwife or if the pain gets too bad go to a & e. Fx it’s things stretching for you & nothing more sinister. It must be so worrying having already been through what you have. Hugs Rx
Omg did a test today and it’s darker
I took codeine last night as I thought I was miscarrying. Please tell me I didn’t do any harm?

Omg did a test today and it’s darker
I took codeine last night as I thought I was miscarrying. Please tell me I didn’t do any harm?

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No your fine. Meds don’t cross over to the baby till the placenta takes over. Don’t take anymore. I honestly think it was stretching pains. They can be quite painful. This is brilliant xx
No your fine. Meds don’t cross over to the baby till the placenta takes over. Don’t take anymore. I honestly think it was stretching pains. They can be quite painful. This is brilliant xx
But the pains are very low down and sharp. I doubled over from pain! And now it’s still there not the same strength but still there. I just want it to stop. But also I don’t feel nauseous anymore. I was very nauseous yesterday
But the pains are very low down and sharp. I doubled over from pain! And now it’s still there not the same strength but still there. I just want it to stop. But also I don’t feel nauseous anymore. I was very nauseous yesterday
We are about the same amount of weeks and I’ve beeb getting pains to. Last week it felt like I was tearing from the pain. So don’t worry to much
You’ll know when you feel miscarriage pain, especially if you’ve felt it before.
We need to stay positive xxx
We are about the same amount of weeks and I’ve beeb getting pains to. Last week it felt like I was tearing from the pain. So don’t worry to much
You’ll know when you feel miscarriage pain, especially if you’ve felt it before.
We need to stay positive xxx
Thanks April. Most people say having so much pains like this not normal. Do you mind me describing the pains you have?
Mines are burning , stabbing sharp pains very low down on my uterus. Than sharp constant pains on left ovary. And just now I feel lots of pains on the right. But the pains always there. It doesn’t stop :(

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