Hey Mandy.Hey Ladies, sorry I've been a bit quiet on here, just trying to not stress too much this cycle.
I'm CD13 today and slowly approaching O I think. Been debating whether or not I should go and buy some Clearblue digital ovulation tests as I just hate trying to figure out whether my OPK is positive or not and my ones always seem to dry a lot darker after 10 minutes or so and I'm doubting that they're the best quality either. But the CB ones cost $60 here in NZ so I don't want to risk buying them and in the end I'll get one static smiley the first morning of using them and that's it, if that makes sense.
I'm usually ovulating around CD 16/17 but it just feels like I might ovulate a little earlier this month. My CM changed from being creamy and stretchy (this morning) to being stretchy and quite clear this afternoon. I've also had a little lower back pain and some mild cramps throughout the day. Argh, this not stressing to much doesn't work out very well.
Just seeing what you would say from your experiences. Did your CM ever change to being stretchy and clear but you didn't ovulate till a few days later?
It is quite nice, hopefully that is going to be the secret to success for us lol.Hey Mandy.
You and me both trying to have a more laid back approach this cycle. It’s nice not to stress isn’t it.
In my personal opinion I would definitely splash out on the clear blue opks if you are having trouble with the cheapies. I know it seems a lot of money but you get 20 tests in them so it will last you around 2-3 cycles. The first cycle using them I very much doubt you will get a static smiley the first test you use because it has to read your hormones etc. They were the best thing I have bought and you only use them once a day with fmu.
Regarding CM I never get the stretchy stuff of the EWCM so this is why I needed the opks to tell me when I was ovulating but a couple of friends get the EWCM and then ovulates around 4-5 days after. I know everyone is different though.
Oh wow that is incredibly expensive! Do you not have eBay in NZ either? Or anyone back home that can send some over to you?It is quite nice, hopefully that is going to be the secret to success for us lol.
Its $60 for only 10 tests over here. Thats why Im so hesitant. I know it would still cover more than one cycle probably but argh, so expensive. Damn living on an island that doesnt have Amazon . I think I will just leave it for now and if I'm not getting pregnant this cycle I will get them for next cycle. In the meantime we will just try and dtd every other day.
How are you feeling?
Sounds good Lollypop Hopefully it will work out for you xxSo far so good with my relaxed approach. I’m not using opks and have deleted my apps. I was a little hesitant to do it but I donactally feel loads better. No idea what cycle day I am. Possibly 6 or 7. We are gonna have sex 3-4 times a week see how we go. I def feel less stressed so far. Hopefully it will continue.
Oh wow you really have taken the relaxed approach. I don't think i am at the stage where i can delete my apps or stop using opks haha. Your good Lollypop xSo far so good with my relaxed approach. I’m not using opks and have deleted my apps. I was a little hesitant to do it but I donactally feel loads better. No idea what cycle day I am. Possibly 6 or 7. We are gonna have sex 3-4 times a week see how we go. I def feel less stressed so far. Hopefully it will continue.
Very well said Rainbow, i agree totally xTotally agree with the previous comments about not putting your life on hold. Trying could take years (fingers crossed it doesn’t for any of us) but there’s no point in stopping life and being miserable in the meantime, quite the opposite, if you have no kids do all the things that will be difficult to do when you have one, go on dates and holidays, drink cocktails, make the most of the time. As far as opks I have been using them this time but not temping, I’m liking using opks this time around, makes me feel better cause I feel like I’m maximising my chances but we’ll see what happens. Like others have said we’ve been together 12 years and have a 3 year old so aren’t at it multiple times a week so it helps to know when we need to make an extra effort.
Sending baby dust for everyone x
Hey @Helen88uk , welcome to our March testing threadHey everyone *waves*
I've been on this forum since we began TTC, so almost 8 months now. We got married in May last year, I'm 30 and my husband is 32. Trying for our first but feeling quite disheartened already... (I know it's not long and I could laugh at times I'd had to run out and get the morning after pill on days I'd forget to take mine in fear that I'd immediately fall pregnant!).
We're DTD 2-3 times per week and I'm using two Apps (just to see whether they correlate or not really). I've used the clear blue ovulation tests before and was surprised that the apps were off on that cycle by 3 days. Now I just use the cheap ones from eBay.
AF should be due 10th March, fingers crossed it doesn't come this time! My cycles vary from 25-28 days and luckily they started the month I came off the pill - I've been using contraception for about 15 years and wondering if I'd rendered myself sterile by this point! Lol!
So here I am
Thanks Char
I'll probably test on the 12th. My cycle predictions this month are 26 days, so I'll wait until 28 to rule out and lateness and disappointment. I hate the waiting but I get quite excited on the day it's due if it doesn't come (if that makes sense?).
I've usually always get left side twinges around the time of OV. This time, I've had them for about 3 days and to the point they were making me feel a bit sick. Not painful, just a horrible feeling.
Do any of you only ever seem to get OV pains on one side?
Looking forward to following all of your journeys and good luck!xxx
Not really no, i am normally a serial symptom spotter but i told myself i would only record the ones that are too obvious to ignore. Just sore boobs and they feel fuller but that could just be AF on the way and also at 6DPO i had ridiculous amount of creamy CM in my knickers and when looking back at my symptoms i have always had watery CM at that stage. Who knows, tbh not even thinking about it. I will only test if AF is late anyway. xHave you had any yet? I see you're due to test in 4 days?xx
Oh wow you really have taken the relaxed approach. I don't think i am at the stage where i can delete my apps or stop using opks haha. Your good Lollypop x
Always good to keep note of the symptoms that are different, and if it doesn't mean anything at least you will know for next time, but i am obviously hoping this turns into your bfphaha me either @chattychar1990 - Ovia is my comfort blanket. Well done to you though @Lollypop79 - if it works for you then fab!
I hope you are all well this morning. Welcome @Helen88uk!
CD23 (5dpo) today, only had the pink cm 2dpo and light brown cm 3dpo... last night I had major right side cramps, and I've got a line of spots on my jaw bone! Never happens. Not getting my hopes up obvs still super early, but happy I'm not going mental!
Anyone testing? I'll have a look at the front page. xx
Always good to keep note of the symptoms that are different, and if it doesn't mean anything at least you will know for next time, but i am obviously hoping this turns into your bfp
I am one of the first testers i think, if AF doesn't arrive that is so i really hope i start March off with some luck xx