****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Bubbles that sounds scary - hope everything is ok xx

My scan went great - baby's kidneys are now totally normal so no need for follow up there and he was so head down and not massive so everything looks to be totally normal - yay!

I am still feeling horrendous, if anything my sinus problems have actually got worse today after two weeks. I feel like death and am wondering if I should ask the doctor to sign me off for more time. I can only have one more week off before they force maternity leave on me x
Rose, its great to hear baby's kidneys are good. I have a scan in 2 weeks to see if my baby's kidneys are any better. Fingers crossed. And to hopefully see what the birth plan is xxx
It's my own fault after saying to all you girls I felt absolutely fine and you were all suffering. Can't sleep, it's so hot in hospital and bump is so painful! They gave me morphine but just made me dizzy.

Glad the scan went well rose, all sounds great!

I reckon another week would do you good, you don't want to go back too early and get worse.

Fingers crossed the good news continues with your scan too twinkle! I've got scan Monday for low lying placenta unless they decide to do it tomorrow now ... Wait and see xx
Hang on in there a little bit longer Baby bubbles!! Keep us updated . Hope it all calms down for you xx

So glad everything is ok Rose , what a relief! Xx
How are you holding up Bubbles?

My bump has started hurting underneath, I think maybe its baby baby getting into position now, and everything stretching. Eeeek! How scary xxx
Twinkle I've got new stretch marks :( higher up this time than my daughter so proper new ones so I know he is lying differently than she was. My bump is very far out the front x
Me to hun. I have stretch marks up on stretch marks haha xxx
Out of hospital. All bloods clear except from declining platelets but knew that anyway. They are unsure what is causing pain but it has improved so that's good and they said my pulse could be high cause of the intensity of pain. But they let me come home but got scan Monday anyway and then they have booked me in with consultant and now consultant led Xxx
Glad everything is ok bubbles!

I saw the doctor again, she was pretty surprised by how much worse I was and signed me off work for another week, so this is my last week I can be off before they would force me to take mat leave so let's hope I'm better! Swab results came back and it turns out I have two different things causing me all this trouble! First thing is a viral infection, they think probably a flu strain that's been going on since Christmas and that that has left my immune system so weak that I have got this sinus infection on top of it which they said was caused by a 'rare and unusual' bacteria. So the lab was a bit baffled themselves when my swab grew this weird bacteria but once they realised I was also pregnant they said it made more sense that a bacteria like this had he opportunity to get to me due to poor immune system. So basically got another antibiotic that should work on it and they hope that within the week I will fine again x
Get well soon Rose and I'm glad everything is ok bubbles

Anyone else in the "what is sleep club? 8 hours in two days so far for me! I just cannot sleep at all . Restless legs are the bane of my life at the min . All the rest off work is paying off though . My general health has improved .

My dad bought me my cot , I left it in OH very capable hands to assemble .... He did , but did so knowing it was the wrong colour! Cue hormonal rant about everything being perfect lol!!

Hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday xxx
I'm in the can't sleep, feeling sore and so so so tired club now haha. I couldve fallen asleep in the shower before. I have restless legs and baby often has hiccups I think, because if I'm sat down I can feel like a heartbeat feeling or hiccups xxx
Yes twinkle I get the baby having hiccups all the time !! Low down now where her head is! X
I started getting hiccups yesterday but none today. Woke me at 5.30am though. Not been sleeping too bad but think still exhausted from the no sleep in hospital Thursday night!

Not had restless legs this time but did Last time and have lot of sympathy for you girls!

Consultant and scan tomorrow! Nervous but excited!

Got a really funny head ache today, it only hurts and sends shooting pains when I move my eyes!! Strange! Xxx
Hi all hope your all ok, I read and try and keep up with what's going on but don't post much as I don't have much of anything to say most of the time! All fine really at my end, working up until I go into labour and to do that I'm having to get regular massages cos my back is in pieces! Nightly warm baths also work well! Anyone else wake up with dead legs after sleep? I have to limp to the loo in the night cos my hips are so sore! Midwife tomorrow for check up and I think we go onto two weekly now. Baby is moving loads and was kicking my hubby in the back last night so had it woke him up! Lol got a load of stuff from my cousin that we had donated to her after we had finished with it with my son so we have very little left to buy, baby play matts, possibly a Ewan and a bath Matt. I've convinced myself we have enough clothes , at least for the first week!
Wide awake!! It's 5am!!!!! DD is wide awake for the last hour and a half playing with a story book which makes sounds. But its keeping her quiet so not going to take it off her. I'm lying here with my feet itching again, it was roughly around this time that I was diagnosed with OC but not getting my hopes up as the itch passes after a few days. Xx
Hope it's not OC twinkle!

Looks like we are all full of aches and pains. Glad you are OK bubbles - frustrating though isnt it that they don't really know the cause of the pain!

Rose, you are really in the wars, hope the anti-bs will sort you out.

I am OK, can't complain too much really compared to what some of you are going through. SPD got better after the last chiro appt so very happy with that. Still working but getting quite uncomfy now so slowing down. Having random crashes of energy and can't face the scales as have been eating things that I know aren't good for me!!
Hi ladies,
Birdo - glad you are feeling the benefit of resting! I've also got the restless legs at night a bit. Started in the last few days. Because my nose blocks as soon as I get anywhere near horizontal I have been sleeping sitting up for the last week, not the most comfortable but I can at least breathe. Antibiotics are starting to help but very slowly. I'm still really blocked up and more seems to be going down my throat than before so now I'm spending half the night coughing stuff up - gross! Also these antibiotics have given me and my daughter a bit of an upset tummy so that's just something else to add to the list of unpleasant things to cope with!

Hope everyone manages to get a bit more sleep in the next week! X
So been in the maternity unit due to itchiness, its not OC but it could develop. Need to keep an eye on things now.got a scan a week Wednesday. Just got into bed and still itching. Grrr xx
Itching is the worst twinkle - and the more you think about it the worse it seems!

Got a call from the GP earlier to tell me they put me on the wrong antibiotic on Friday so no wonder I'm not feeling better! So got to go pick up another one now! X
hi all,

sorry to all of you suffering so badly!! :(

anyone else's baby stuck under ribs? There's a kind of almost constant dull burning under right side of rib cage, if I move to relieve the pain it seems to switch to a similar dull burn/ache in my back. I can't really say I'm in agony it's just almost constant discomfort and awful for office work.

submitted my maternity leave dates today and I've got potentially 4/5 more weeks of sitting at a desk with this. Its rubbish as like I said it isn't agony so doesn't feel bad enough to leave early for but its distracting. I feel relief lying flat but that's not practical day to day haha!

hows everyone else?
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