****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Hi ladies, not been on in a while. Hope everyone doing okay? Also been suffering with the calf cramp in the middle of the night 😭 So painful! Baby was breech at last MW appointment so really hope she soon turns as am desperate to avoid a C-section and been told as I had an emergency C-sec last time they will be unlikely to let me try for a breech vaginal birth! Xx
I hope not rose im only 33 weeks ,

I'm glad you've been signed off work , you have been having such a rough time

I developed a varicose vein when I had my first daughter , needless to say its now horrendous , I just couldn't get on with the stockings , I need to start saving pennies to have it removed .

Aw Mel you will.have to put a piccie up when its dine , sounds like a lot of hard work . I'm home alone this weekend so im going to do outside and then try and rest . Hope you all have good weekends whatever you're up to xx
Hope baby turns Samantha ! Whens your next appointment? X
Good luck with turning Samantha. Mine was transverse at scan Monday but been doing an excercise on spinning babies can't remember name, but you kneel on sofa and put head on floor. I thought baby moved after just one day and Thursday midwife confirmed perfect position. Might be worth a go!

All you nesting and prepared mums are scaring me. I brought nappies and maternity pads and breast pads for hospital bag and that is it. Still need to sort out all daughters old clothes and Wash them, decorate nursery, put up furniture in nursery, pack bags, clean pram up, basically everything! Still two more weeks at work to go to.... I just have it in my head this one will be induced late like last one so for loads of time! :)

Sorry to hear about all this cramp! I've been lucky so far touch wood and my calves just go hard and tense a little if I sit for too long but fine once I'm standing again.

Got a right horrid pain right in the crease of my bikini line. Could it be preparing to open for baby? As long as little stays til 37 weeks, then fair enough. No sooner xxx
lots of pressure/tightening in the pubic area now. Also ripples/movement in that lower area too. Never had this before. What is baby doing? Xx
everything ok twinkle? Did it continue?
I don't know what that is buy this is my first, so I have no experience.

I've been wondering a lot about what kind of pain it will be to.try and prepare myself. As soon as I got the calf cramp I was like oh no, hope its not on par with this but I bet its worse haha!!
Yeah, it all stopped. But it comes and goes throughout the day. The last few days I've also had a jelly like discharge/cm. I do keep wondering if its a step closer to labour but I'm only 34 weeks xx
My mum had my sister at 34 weeks , tiny but perfectly fine. ..... But hold in there couple more weeks baby twinkle

Mel the pain is manageable, if you breathe through it , big slow breathing in through nose out through mouth . Its like period pain ( obv more painful) but it comes and you know you e got to breathe through and then it goes ...

I found the crowning pain worse , when the head is nearly out .... I tried to stop.pushing . It was like a Chinese burn around my lady bit , but then the midwife told me another gentle push and it would be gone , sure enough it was and the rest is easy ! Xx
Is it normal to lose alot of discharge/cm at 34 weeks? Xxx
The calf cramp got me last night and this morning, it's defo the home straight when they starts! We are 35 now and every ( even midwife) is obsessed with when I'm finishing work- I have five whole weeks to wait ?!?!? I'm not finishing work until the pains start, I would be soooo bored just sat at home !
Did my birth plan notes today, seems a bit pointless to be honest as it probably won't get read and it never goes the way you want it anyway- certainly didn't with my first . Next job at some point is to get the mountain of baby stuff that is currently in the cot sorted and the car seat reassembled.
What have we all got left to do now? Anyone as chilled about this who thing as me? I am probably being too laid back but it keeps me occupied and then I don't think of the birth, or stress about what might happen during or after- distraction is defo my coping mechanism! Lol
I am.twinkle , not as you've described though . Sorry if tmi mines milky white? Not stringy ... But I'm having to wear pads because its uncomfortable x
Hi ladies, home stretch!! Mine is like yours birdo, only in the last week or so.

I'm sooo not ready!! We are swapping our dd room and keeping nursery and her new room is only getting painted on Monday! Not started bags, not started washing, I just feel so disorganised! Finish up work next thu tho so I'm hoping I'll have at least a week to get done. Finding it so hard to find time between work and a toddler!!
Mines like a clear jelly type. Haven't had any this afternoon. Its scary to think that it could be my plug coming away, I know it grows back but still its a step closer :o xx
I'm with you T84, the toddler chasing is hard work, my hubby came home tonight after me and William had a day doing jobs and shopping and cleaning and laundry - we laid on the bed for a cuddle and I woke up two hours later, my lovely hubby had bathed and sorted William, they were sat cuddling reading books before bed! I'm glad your not ready either, did a load of baby grow washing today and I just need to count up what we have , I feel like it's more then enough and certainly a lot less then when we got ready for William.
I had some jelly type with William but it was closer to due date, have you mentioned it to midwife twinkle?
I packed my hospital bag last night which is the most organised thing so far. The nursery is still half way through, our bedroom and the playroom are being plastered this week but I haven't finished stripping the walls yet and we don't have carpets in them but I'm sure it's all going to get done in a busy flurry in next few weeks! X
I had it like last week too and mentioned it to the mw but never heard back from her. If I get anymore then ill mention it to the mw that I see at the diabetes clinic xx
Super organised nesting ladies! I'm not really - we are also swapping rooms for DD - it's less than half done now. Not started washing yet either and still need to buy a few bits and bobs.

Those calf cramps many of you have sound awful. Have you tried self massage? Calves are easily accessible. Just massage towards the heart. Olive oil will be ok if you have it!

Baby turned breech last week after being in perfect position for weeks! Had to go into hospital as I was feeling frantic movements, think she's trying to turn back down and beating me to pulp in the process. I'll be doing all sorts of inversion exercises from spinningbabies.com. Still want my home birth and luckily my mw has skills to support a home breech birth :)

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