****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

I too suffer from the dreaded SPD, honestly feel like I'm going to split in two some days!! Turning in bed is agony and to add to that I've now started getting horrible leg cramps so throw myself out of bed in pain and cause myself more pain! X
I slept wit a pillow between my legs and it soothed slightly. 2days left in work hehehehehe xx
hi all, hope you can cheer up :)

why am I so far behind you all for mat leave :'( think I agreed to stay another 6 weeks but still don't have a date to look forward too. I'd considered asking to leave in 5 weeks but I don't know how well it would go down.

think I'm getting off quite lightly except baby seems to like to pressure /be under the right side of my.rib cage all the time which is rubbish for office work.

due to circumstances I ended up off for three weeks over the holidays and noticed great discomfort when I got back due to size increase! And had 3 people kinda congratulate me this week at work as they didn't know before haha, they must have just thought I was beefing up for the winter!
You should have a date now Mel , ask for one .

I had my first giving birth dream last night ... It was everything I was scared of , at first I woke up from being put to sleep with my OH saying its ok Kirsty don't panic ... But I was disorientated and panicking .... Then I was in labour and it all went wrong , they didn't let me push and told me that I needed a cesarean ... And I was crying , they put the spinal block in and I felt it go cold down my legs ... I was just crying saying " this is not what I wanted"

Has anyone else started with with birth dreams

Its made me think its drawing close xx
I've had no birthing or weird pregnancy dreams YET! I didn't have them with my first either. You watch ill have loads now haha.
DD is at her nannys tonight, so I'm in the bath relaxing, catching up with PF. need to start organising the house now really. Have a proper winter/spring clean!! Xxx
Don't worry Mel I'm not supposed to be off for another 6 weeks either. However I'm still ill and so is my little girl so I think I'm going to call in sick again and go to the doctor to ask to be signed off. I'm exhausted from not sleeping due to constant blocked nose and getting up and down with her all night. I could go back to work and feel like crap or I could try to get myself feeling healthy again. I think we are starting to worry that the house isn't helping us though - we've just had the roof work finished but it will need some more still, we need better insulation as well. But dust and mould spores are probably making us ill. Yesterday we got a humidifier as the room we are sleeping in is quite dry and we are due to pick up an air purifier today to see if any of that helps. We've had our heating on 24/7 since we moved in to dry the place out and heat it as it had been empty for a year but then got our first bill in - £350 for one month! So we need to do something to bring that down! I switched it back on to the timer so it was on for about 9 hours of the day but it instantly got freezing again and as the temp here at moment is around 0 to -2 I think we sort of have to have it on x
Went and got a few bits for my hospital bag today :) and even had the energy to sort my bedroom out ready when baby is here. It was my last day in work and I didn't expect to start nesting so quickly haha. With my first I was so tired had no energy bursts at all. Now to tackle the kitchen and living room. But will do that another day :) xx
I'm back off to the doctors with my daughter this morning as we are both still unwell. At one point last night I got up and was having to blow my nose so often and so hard that I actually get physically exhausted from doing it which is insane! I'm going to ask about being signed off as I'm now at the point where I have self certificated for 7 days. My work have got in the cover teacher who does my maternity cover so I at least know my classes are in good hands. I just want to get back to feeling normal so I can carry on working - I don't want to stop early as it means we'd have less money far quicker x
Poor you Rose :( there is lots of nasty virus stuff circulating this year.
Not pregnancy related...but I'm filling in a housing form and it asks for like a proof of pregnancy, I need a cert or matb1 form. I can't get in touch with my midwife at all. She ls a pain to contact. Can I ask a doctor? I have a diabetes clinic on Wednesday, could I ask the midwife their?
is your midwife based from gps office? Id speak to reception and say you need to have one ready to collect asap, do they have a contact as you cant get hold of your midwife, or can they arrange?

or midwife at clinic will probs have more joy getting in touch with the right people/arranging it

I'll ask in my doctors tomorrows. I'm feeling very sore down below too. Finding I difficult to walk today. I need ger to contact me. For all she knows, I couldve had my baby and she doesn't know. I messaged her back when I had a big jelly like blob on the tissue and wanted to know what it was. She still didn't contact me back x
That's pretty shocking twinkle! They should be far more reliable than that!

Well I've been signed off for the week by my doctor as they can see I'm struggling to feel human on so little sleep and ability to breathe. I'm sure my work won't be impressed but I'm sick, I can't help it so they just have to lump it! X
Even in the diabetes clinic they said to still keep contact for your original midwife, even if we do see one at the clinic every 2 weeks. So ill see what the doctors say. Will the doctors keep a copy of the matb1? X
You can only ever be issued with 1 Mat1b form.they wont issue two . My midwife told me to photocopy mine when she fave it me , because potentially its worth a lot of money . Maybe they can write you a letter of confirmation xx
How is everyone today - feeling any better?

I'm not particularly but am thrilled that for the first time since middle of December my baby girl slept through the night! Finally she might be getting a bit better! Realised yesterday that it was two months exactly til my due date! Got my scan tomorrow so will finally find out if I have a huge breech baby in there or not and how his kidney is doing - pretty excited to see him again! X
I had to ask the lady who did my jab about proof of pregnancy and she said to ask at the GD clinic tomorrow as I don't see my midwife. She was also the only one on reception. She also thought it was daft that a housing association was asking for such thing. I agree lol. Feeling really very sore and ready for baby now.xx
Good luck today rose , yeah I thi k its odd twinkle , cant you just show them your notes and yourself lol x
In hospital ;( had really painful bump and got to point I couldn't walk without crying so midwife sent me to hospital. They have done loads of checks and bloods and no internal bleeding but very light contractions and my pulse is over 120 so I'm being kept in over night. They really scared me when they said they have a cot ready in scbu ready for baby if needed but think just extra pre cautious xxx

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