****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Hey Mel, I don't have the rib thing yet although have felt the odd twinge there. However I did have it really bad with my daughter, everyone kept telling me it would be her foot wedged in there (no idea if that's true or not). The only thing that seemed to help was that I regularly saw a chiropractor and they would put pressure on your rib cage which opened it up more and gave baby a bit more room I think. I know what you mean about it not being bad enough to be off but still pretty distracting! Hope it improves for you x
My girl is head down and pressing right down , keep getting those sharp shocks down there . My mums just been round and said its the biggest bump she's ever seen . She's got me my crib and I've just put it up myself , I'm chuffed!

I also have my cot bed ready to be assembled in the little girls room .

Its all getting so EXCITING 9 years I have waited for this!! Xx
Hi ladies!
I havent been on this thread yet so pop me down for the 30th March expecting Pink!!!

Feeling very uncomfortable most the time now! I had my last baby at 34weeks so at the min im nailbiting hoping im gonna have a full term chubb this time round!

Hows everyone doing?

Currently 31 Weeks!!
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Welcome Cheryl :)

I've had achy hips and cramps earlier. BHs? Not so bad now :) I do have a feeling ill pop early. I have a scan next Wednesday and the diabetes clinic afterwards, fingers crossed ill be told a plan! But as far as I know ill be going until 40 weeks. I feel huge and I feel baby seems bigger. Lol. And hopefully baby's kidneys have fixed themselves xxx
Had my scan Monday and little monster is transverse! Been trying all the acrobatics but I don't think they are going to work. My daughter was always on my right and I tired everything to get her to move to left and she never did and ended up forceps due to poor positioning but at least she was head down! They reckon that is what caused the pains I had on Thursday when I was in hospital as she is literally all in one spot and weighing 5.9 already and on 90th centile! I think they have that wrong though as my daughter was only 7.12 and 11 days over!

Got scan in three weeks to check position as recheck platelet levels and then they will make a plan from there. I'm just fretting if she doesn't move it will be c section and cause of my platelets it will be general and i won't even get to see her after birth ;( prob just pregnancy over reaction and sure all will be fine.

Welcome Cheryl! Hope you make it to your due date! Xx
Bubbles, what are Platelets? Its been written in my notes for the first time ever. I never even heard of them in my first. Xx
Cramps and aches in my stomach. Going to get a bath to see if they ease. Never had these in the first pregnancy xx
Platelets are in your blood , so for instance the red platelets that carry oxygen around your blood stream to your organs etc . Hope the cramps ease twinkle x
I've had so many BHs! They only hurt if I'm stood up or lying down. I have to be sitting for them to be painless, but they always make me feel like a can't breathe.
Does anyone else get pain in their hips when they sleep? I'm desperate to lie on my front or back, just to take some pressure off my hips.
Everything is so difficult now! I can't even drive now because it hurts my hips and groin so much. I have physio next week, so hopefully it will help everything :)
Platelets are the things in your blood which clots. Normal range is anything from 135-450. Mine are now 103-108 ish but they aren't concerned unless below 100 and then I think it's just cautionary not to have an epidural.

Been to midwife and she is already moved head down! Woo! She did say she could move again though so hoping she won't before next scan xx
Cramps are on and off atm. Sooo tired. I actually napped a couple of hours after getting up this morning. Had a big blob of jelly like discharge again this morning. Its scary to think that this is my body's way of preparing.

How is everyone today? Xx
I woke up feeling much better today but by this evening I feel rubbish again - I now have a sore throat and ear and I'm worried I'm going to develop some third thing wrong with me now. I've checked my work contract and it's only if it's a pregnancy related illness that they can force me to take early maternity leave so if I feel rubbish tomorrow and was to get signed off for even more time I'm not sure they can do anything actually.

Planning on spending the evening making loads of meals to freeze for my daughter so that I have endless supply by the time her brother appears x
Ahh the joys of Tri 3!

My body is soooo achey today! My back is absolutely killing me. Ohhh and i cant get comfortable at all so another long night ahead for me!

I seem more and more restless each day.
And BH are becoming a pain... Whenever i want to go for a walk or shopping i cant because i either feel like i need to constantly pee or BH kick in and make me wanna stay sat down. Lol!
aaaah cramp!

must have got cramp in my.foot 3-5 times last night which cleared up but then I suddenly got cramp down the back of my right leg below the knee.

it was absolute agony but I was trying to be quiet so I sat bolt upright and tried to put weight on it, think l pulled a muscle because it still hurts.

still got back/rib ache to and my life seems to revolve around sitting down for ages which doesn't help!!

sounds like you are all in the wars, hope you feel better soon! Xx
Ah that calf cramp has got to be the worst, Mel!!

I use to get it alot when i was pregnant with my last 3 but not been cursed with it this time round, yet (touch wood i dont)
Mind u i keep getting cramp in my foot, never seen myself move so fast to try n stop it haha!

Lots of weight on it n sometimes just a gentle rub can help too :)
That calf cramp! OMG give me labour any day. I'm sooo fed up today and so tired. Need to clean and steam mop the kitchen floor �� oh the joys of parenting xx
I really have had the most sudden urge to nest today , I have scrubbed every inch of my home , the bathroom with a toothbrush !

The kitchen floor with a scrubbing brush , you name it I've scrubbed it , I'm knackered though now!! Outside needs doing tomorrow , then I will be happy . Well actually when I've carpet cleaned my carpets with my new cleaner OH has promised me , having two dogs isn't the most hygienic no matter how clean I am ... The little jackahuahua is only 7 months and I know she's doing wees in my living room , I can smell it !

Cots up . Cribs up .... Clothes are away .... Lists nearly done . Just need to pick up my pram

Is everyone else obsessing like me?? Xx
Uh oh Birdo - do you think you are going to go early? Nesting is usually a sign!

I get cramp in the night too in my calves but the other day I got it in the daytime in my thigh and my God was it painful. I could barely get up to stand on it and it took about ten minutes to ease - thought I was going to have to chop my leg off!

Unbelievably I've been signed off work again - GP still not happy that I'm making much progress on the antibiotics but I'm hoping by the start of next week it might be that I can go back rather than have the whole week off.

Anyone got any big plans for the weekend? X
Oh my goodness birdo your frightening me!! So organised, I just haven't had the time yet.

we Just painted the final nursery walls tonight but the room is so full of junk/ flat packs/ baby stuff, we haven't even been able to empty it, had to move everything to one side to paint 2 walls and reverse to do the other two.

We have plans this weekend but somehow got to figure out painting the ceiling, emptying the room, painting door and frame and painting or buying skirting before Monday when the floor is getting laid. THEN I can think about assembling furniture and washing and buying clothes etc argh....

If the baby doesn't come early and I'm still active then I'll have a good 4-5 weeks when I finish work.. We'll see. But every weekend has been so busy recently.

I'm being so disciplined about baby clothes I actually can't believe myself... Only bought one onsie and NOTHING else. Someone bought us a newborn starter set of clothes. Since I have the basics I'm probably just going to buy a going home outfit and a few practical pieces, then go and buy everything that's missing as and when it's needed so that I don't over buy. I'm not expecting anything at all but people keep telling me loads of people will give things so I'm trying to be sensible and just see what I need.
I have hospital bags ready. And have finished buying the bits for the baby. We have stored the pram and Moses basket at great grammas'. So just need to pick them up nearer the time. I cant spend all day cleaning or 'nesting' if that's what it is. I take each room at a time. So yeah I think we ready. Xx

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