****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

I'm still here too, not got much interesting to say either!! Can't really complain, bit uncomfortable with indigestion at night, can't walk the dogs for too long as my hips get sore and I've got a cold at the moment. As I say could be a lot worse, midwife says I'm making pregnancy look easy lol!
Had my second growth scan last week and baby is still above 90th percentile but making a nice growth curve. Sonographer (who happens to be lead Midwife Sonographer in my hospital) said to make sure I see my consultant soon to discuss birth options since baby is big.....not really sure what to make of that?? Just waiting on a date to see the consultant next week. I'm 32 + 2, finishing work on 12th feb, feels like its all happening very quickly. Take care everyone xx
Ah Rose that's crap. Hope you are feeling better today.

I've put on about 8kg so far so what's that, a stone and a bit? Having to really fight the urges to eat aty times but failing!

The ol' bladder and pelvic floor are an issue here too. I have this horrid cough and last week my pelvic floor gave up the ghost on me, need I say more... it's awful.

Hope everyone's hips and pelvic joints are behaving themselves reasonably well. I had some trouble last week but luckily my chiropractor found the reason for my problem and fixed me yesterday. My sacrum locked up at an odd angle when I decided to rest on a sofa awkwardly - bad idea! Gave me a lot of pain everywhere, front and back :(
Thanks Atlantis. Was at my GP today and I've also got a sinus infection so got antibiotics for that now. Good news is that the sickness has passed but now I just feel wiped out x
Oh no Rose doesn't sound like you are having much luck at all! :( hope you feel better soon and you take time to rest!

I've got the cold too, only annoying thing is waking 5 times night with sore hips and trying to get back off to sleep. But can't complain really.

Got scan to check my low lying placenta week Monday, gone so quick!! Hope it's moved this time, it didn't with my first... Xx
Think nausea is back. Felt sick yesterdsy in work. Been up since 5am being sick. Not left the bathroom all morning. Meant to be working but no way can i do it feeling like this. I feel bad for not going as its my last week anyways :/ xx
Twinkle ! I feel for you !! I'm meant to be at work but I'm miserable , I cannot cope . My pelvis feels shattered , I'm so sick I cant stop crying ! ..

I'm so fed up ... I actually hate it ... My friend arranged a baby shower , I've made her cancel it ... I don't want to sit and pretend I'm happy and enjoyed being pregnant or any part of pregnancy ... I feel so ill I've had enough .
Oh Birdo hugs. Not that long to go now.. I know it's the most uncomfortable bit so it's cold comfort really isnt it?! I hope you are taking time off work. Get signed off if you need to.

I hate pregnancy too, and that's with a pelvis that is just about bearing up...

Twinkle sorry for your sickness being back :( it sucks doesnt it.

Bubbles good luck for your scan tomorrow!!

I feel worse with my cold and cough today, it's now been 2 weeks. It's gone into my eyes too, glamorous! Red and crusty in the mornings. Coughing all the time and my little girl complains that I am scaring her when I cough and cries when I do!!! Cheeky!!!
Oh no sounds like all you girls are having a hard time. I feel bad complaining about a little cold now! I must admit my pregnancy this time has been a breeze compared to my first. Hope you all feel better soon and your babies all don't keep you waiting and make it all worth while :) big hugs all round xxx
Saw my consultant today for first time (due to moving to new area) and she agreed I wasn't well and I should take the rest of the week off. She would have signed me off for longer if I had asked but I said I'd try to make it because I don't want to have to start leave early because of money. They also have decided not to wait til 34 weeks to scan me about the baby's kidney and are doing it next Wednesday. They will check position and size then too because if he is breech as they think and big as they think it could be complicated later x
That's good you got signed off Rose. I hope anti-b's are starting to work?

You know, you called your bubba "Monkey"... well he is, that with the kidney and possible breach and maybe being big!! Great that you will have your scan sooner

Think my virus is starting to shift a bit. Which is not a day too soon as my pelvic floor is now officially dead and does not seem to do much anymore during bouts of coughing :( Horrendous. I am so worried I earned a prolapse or something or other over the past 2 weeks of this virus. And for someone who teaches pelvic floor exercises in our Pilates studio, this is more than a little embarrassing and ironic :(
Glad you are getting some time off. I think it's ridiculous that if you have two weeks off sick pregnancy related they just start your mat leave! My employer is same and they tried to get me to do Sacramento 92 mid beige
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it last time with my spd. Hope the rest does you good. And good luck at scan!

Had midwife today and she had to take more blood as got low platelets count so will have to be monitored. She didn't seem too worried except from fact I'm a pain to get blood from! Haha xx
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Today I discovered that sponges smell amazing and now I can't stop sniffing one :/
I am struggling to find the perfect sponge! .... I am crunching on ice and craving the smell of an old vacant damp building :/ xx
Hope all you ladies are feeling better. Cold here too! Must be the time for it! Not long to go now and we will all be wishing for our bumps back lol!
I'm in so much pain. I can't bend down. My food, groin area is so bloody sore. Turning in bed is a nightmare. I'm over this now. I want my baby here and to be back to normal, pain free!!
Feeling very sorry for myself today :-(

My back pain and SPD have been horrendous. I've been waking up several times a night and moving around in the day can be agony. I've also just started getting shooting pains which my physio told me yesterday was sciatica. I can barely walk without crutches at the minute and am finding looking after my daughter almost impossible as she's so lively and into everything.

All this along with the GD and anaemia I was diagnosed with last week!

I just feel like I've been hit with every single pregnancy problem possible. Just waiting for the preeclampsia to show up so that I have the whole set!

Can't wait to get this baby out and feel normal again. I just want to be able to move around without being in pain.

Sorry for the rant - just needed to get it off my chest!
Aw twinkle . I think we are in the same boat . The Dr has signed me off until my annual leave , its 5 weeks . I'm worried they will force early leave on me . I wont be able to return any earlier as i don't want to put baby into nursery until they are 1 x
Poor Mrs Griff , I really feel.for you , big hugs x
I feel your pain MrsGriff. I'm just hoping I don't get OC. I wasn't diagnosed until 34 weeks. But been itching on and off all through. The backs of my legs at the crease us so itchy. Had no more itchy toes though. 2 days left in work, day off today bno management in this weekend so its laid back. Lovely!!! I've taken up crocheting so will start doing that again :) xx
So many of us hit by SPD... sorry to hear this ladies. Hope you are getting some support from your physios.

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