****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

By my dates I think I would have been due more like Sunday but by the size of him (and me) I think he is well and truly cooked. I am so hideously uncomfortable tomorrow can't come soon enough. Feeling pretty overwhelmed with how many things I need to try to get done today. Wish someone had offered to look after my daughter today but then on the other hand it's our last day as just the two of us so I don't want to miss that. My OH has decided he needs to be out for work all day today until after 6 despite the fact he was supposed to be working from home all week so I'm a bit frustrated with that. He also says he needs to go in to work on Tuesday which Is not how I imagined his leave to really work :( x
Huge congratulations to the ones that have had their babies. It's so exciting :) sorry I haven't updated much been wrapped up with a toddler newborn and I'm the middle of packing and moving house. I have updated the Congratulations on the first page :) xxx
I'm fine thanks Atlantis except first daughter has decided to get a horrible cough and cold with raging temperate but Capol seems to be helping!

Can't believe there was 3 babies born on 15th! And it wasn't even a full moon!!!

Good luck to all those ladies waiting xx
How is everyone today?

I started losing plug today, my first sign ever. I know it does not really mean anything is imminent but still, some shifting is happening.

Are you going in for induction today Rose?
Well I'm in for my induction and have had a pessary. I was already getting some contractions and was (tmi) dilated enough for midwife to get a finger in. So they think I'll only need the one pessary to get things moving x
I've had a second pessary now (about two hours ago) as I haven't opened up quite enough yet but they think maybe i will progress before bedtime otherwise I will next be checked at 10pm and they'll decide whether to leave me til morning x
Well that all escalated pretty quickly! My partner had to leave hospital about 7.30 to get our daughter to bed and nothing looked like it was going to happen fast then my contractions started getting stronger and by half 8 I was getting 45 second long ones every 1.5 minutes. Was trying to deal with it but gave in and got the midwife who didn't seem to take me that seriously at first then I started being sick and she asked if I wanted to be examined - I said of course! Was 5cm so was swiftly whipped down to labour suite and my OH told to get back ASAP. He arrived back just after 9 to find me in full serious contractions with doctors struggling to get a gap to get the epidural in. Got my epidural and things felt a lot better. Very quickly got to 7cm waters still intact but baby heart rate dropped so they broke waters. Then it all kicked off and about midnight pushing was in full swing. I had grade 2 meconium in my waters but he was born totally fine and healthy and with no assistance other than the epidural and the gas and air at 00.47am weighing 10lbs 1oz!!! And I had a LOT of fluid. His name is Travis Rex with partners last name x
Wow huge congratulations to you Rose and all the other mummies with newborns ;) Patiently waiting my turn in April mummies xx
Congratulations Rose , what a whopper !!! Enjoy him xxx
No signs here ! Mariah tomorrow , so we will see , I want her to stay comfy in there now at least until tomorrow night around 10pm xx
Congrats to all the new mummies!!

I'm 5 days overdue now and starting to feel fed up :( just want to hold my baby :(
Really feel for all you overdue ladies, I'm not quite due and well and truly had enough now especially with this pain on my left side.

Congrats rose what a good size!! I'm expecting a big baby based on family history and bump size so quite nervous! Sorry to hear you were sick, that sounds awful - it's among my biggest fears about labour! Wishing you a speedy recovery also :)
Rose congratulations! Glad it was so quick in the end. Lovely name and yay what a weight!

Don't forget ladies you aren't overdue until 42 weeks. 39-42 weeks is considered term, over that gets a bit more if-fy. Understand the impatience and tiredness though X

40+1 today, no signs, think I'll be going at least another week which is ok...

Birdo I was going to ask you about your concert. Hope you manage to go :)
Congratulations rose! And well done!!!

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