****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Aw Juice , congratulations , I like the name Penny! It's cute ! Enjoy xx
Aw congrats juice! Lovely name.

Still checking in most days ladies, it really can't be long!!
congratulations juice, lovely name. glad everything went well :) I'm from April mummies but always have a sneak peak on here to see how many March babies are arriving! not long for mine Xx
My little girl (no name yet) arrived this morning 5am at home weighing in at 7lb 15 in a pool drug and intervention free :) just as I had hoped. I had a known risk of PPH due to a fibroid and a home birth was not recommended but we were right to go for it as it was all fine in the end and the hospital would only have induced me, too, given I was technically their EDD+12 and an old mum over 40yo! Which incidentally would have increased the chances of a PPH but we won't dwell on that illogical consultant recommendation.

It was a crazy experience and a bit hardcore but I'm so pleased we got the birth we wanted and I'm now at peace with DD1's far more traumatic medically managed birth - I know my body can and could have done it!

She was nearly born with the water sack intact around her but this ruptured when they pulled me out of the pool at the last second due to a suspicion her shoulder got stuck. Poor thing got a massive bruise on her shoulder but that's the only bit of "intervention" we had.
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Aww congratulations Juice and Atlantis! So glad you got the birth experience you wanted Atlantis :)

I'm doing ok with my new addition, he is attempting to feed well but has just been waiting for my milk to come in which it now has. Had a bit of a rough 'baby blues' day after a night of no sleep but feeling a bit better now x
Thread hopping but congratulations on having a homebirth Atlantis. I'm classed as not suitable due to previous history but your birth just shows minimal intervention leads to very successful births at home xx
Sounds amazing Atlantis! Congratulations and well done for putting your foot down and getting what you wanted! It's lovely when it goes how you planned second time :) xx
Congratulations Atlantis! Sounds like a lovely home birth x
Aw congratulations Atlantis ... SNAP. Baby Aubree-Anne was born weighing 8lb 9oz yesterday ... Complicated and very painful birth , and baby and I are in hospital as baby is on antiBiotics with possible infection .. Not sure when we can go home


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Congrats Birdo, had a feeling you might be next I thought you went quiet. Sorry you had a tough time but I hope you are both OK and wish you a speedy recovery!!

Really getting jealous of you all having babies now! Xx
Birdo congratulations!! Sorry you had a difficult delivery. Wishing you and Aubree-Anne (lovely name!) a speedy recovery X
Thanks everyone for your good wishes xx

Mel, your time anytime now, sending you quick and easy labour vibes X
thanks Atlantis, having a lot of niggles and dull pains but not due till next Tues so potentially a couple more weeks of this is frightening!!

*I will be patient* haha xx
Think of it this way Mel... Every niggle and pain is doing something. So it's all good - body gearing up and you getting used to it more gently. As going from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds :lol: would probably be quite scary and overwhelming
yeah you are right, I think the uncertainty is hard, I'm staying in a lot in fear (and lack of car), bit of cabin fever. Got the walk to and from midwife tomorrow the mega uphill part might get things moving haha!!

how are you getting on? How is baby? Xx
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Congratulations Birdo! They are coming thick and fast now hey?! :) xx
Aww congrats I'm hopping in from April but keep having a nosey on here to see who's babies have arrived!! Congrats to you all and hope the ones still waiting aren't kept waiting too long!!

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