****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

congrats! Very exciting :)

I don't want to wait any more :( had a restless night feeling a bit worried/nervous/sick which is a bit more like me, amazed I haven't been more panicky during this pregnancy!!
5 days , but I'm thinking of going in today , movements are very little and I think I've been leaking for days X
Congratulations bubbles and Cheryl! Looking forward to the updates!

I'm thoroughly fed up and uncomfortable now - measuring 44 weeks so hardly surprising I'm uncomfortable! I have the consultant tomorrow morning and was told they'd be doing a sweep so hopefully that might start things off. I got really upset last night because one of my close friends who is 31 weeks started being really negative for no reason and saying she didn't think they would sweep me and she'd never heard of anyone in our area getting it done before their due date (mine is Friday) but they told me when they booked the appointment that it was for a sweep! And there were a couple of other texts that had a negative undertone to them and I was just not in the mood for it. I think she had had a rubbish day and it was coming through in the way she worded things. Then my and my OH started disagreeing about DIY and I just ended up in a mega sulk! So tired today after waking up with lots of toilet trips and cramp. Baby is super active today which is sore but maybe it's him nestling down further to get out! X
Ah Rose I've had a very stressful weeks of it , some people don't realise just how sensitive we are at the minute! And I'm in a huge sulk daily ... Have u got a picture of your bump?? ...I really feel for you

Hope the labour ladies are doing well xx
Good luck Bubbles and Cheryl!

Hope you have a better day today Rose. I'm sure your bump looks great!

How are you today Birdo? Swelling still the same?

Baby quieter here this morning too but hopefully she'll wake up properly soon. She was back to back yesterday so was all limbs randomly poking me everywhere... Might have turned again overnight. No signs here still!
Thankyou Ladies. I had some contrations through the night but the stopped. Mine n babies heart rates r quite high n they just wanna get her out now so currently got the hormone drip. Not long now!!
This is a few days ago now but I think it shows how quickly I'm expanding! X

Oh and I measured 43 weeks in bottom picture x


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Gosh just in a few days rose ,

my hands and feet are still the same , they go numb and tingly .. I'm hanging on , baby just moves a little .... I need her to hang on now until Sunday night X
Bump has dropped Rose, hasnt it?! :) Yay!

Birdo do you have a MW today or anyone else to speak to about your hands and feet? I guess it's pretty common but must still be unsettling
Good luck with the drip Cheryl... Hope it's not too full on for you and works quickly!
Good luck Cheryl!

I hope everyone is doing well, keep hanging in there :) wont be long until you have you bubbas in your arms.
Good luck Cheryl! Baby will be here soon :-)

Birdo that's what I initially went in with. I'd been leaking since the morning before so they were keen to get things going. Let us know how you get on.

Rose, that's crap. She should know how you feel. Take yourself for a wee rest and ignore the negative people!
Aww thanks T84, it was pretty annoying. Yep Atlantis there was a definite drop in those photos but basically from 35 weeks he was dropping then going back up, my bump photos look like a yoyo! But actually he hasn't come back up again since that drop and they've said he is firmly in there. Think he must be back to back today as I'm getting all sorts of crazy limb movements, I have anterior placenta too so shouldn't even be feeling them that much so he must be going crazy in there!

I weighed myself last night so I know how much I've put on, pretty pleased to discover it is 2 stone 9lbs. With my daughter I put on 4 stone so I'm glad it isn't as much this time, especially as he is so big x
Good weight gain Rose, I can see you will be pleased with that.

I did not gain massively but I look humongous as all my weight is in my bump and I am flat chested (normally AA, barely grew to A when pregnant) so nothing at the top to counterbalance the bump, consequently everyone says I am enormous. Charming people! I have checked my belly circumference and it's pretty average for 39-40 weeks so it must be my unfortunate top-light body shape. Grrr.

I have to say I quite enjoyed sporting B cup bras when the milk came in 4 years ago. Even if I only had those "bad girls" for about 3 weeks!!!! How is that for vanity! :) They seemed enormous to me
Demi-Grace Elizabeth Samantha Mann. 1:25pm 7lb 1/2oz :)
No idea how to upload a pic lol x
Huge congratulations Cheryl xxx

T84 I don't know what the leak is though , unsure if it's water. I haven't gone ... I feel like a hypochondriac X
Congratulations Cheryl! That's a good weight for being early too!

Atlantis I'm a 34FF not pregnant and went to a 36H pregnant - trust me those things are heavy and uncomfortable on top of a bump and afterwards - would love smaller ones! X
Birdo you should go - better to be a hypochondriac than sorry you didn't go sooner. My friend went up the other day thinking her waters were leaking but they concluded her boy was just having an active day and she had pee'd herself a little bit. She was mortified but the hospital were just glad she had come in to be checked x
Ha Rose yes I trust you on the boob comparison side of things. Does not sound easy...

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