****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

I get the odd pain or pressure but nothing comes of it. I have a sweep next Wednesday and given a possible induction date. I was induced last time and it wasn't as bad tbf. But then I've never experienced going into a natural labour.

Just been monitored for reduced movement and sods law lots of movement. Protein in urine but they weren't concerned. Walking out of the hospital and saw a lady who had just had her baby being taken to the post natal ward. Made me all excited xxx
I don't know when to worry about reduced movement... Maybe just less space in there. I've already been on the phone once to hospital out of hours for something else this week and don't want to seem like I'm paranoid. I might try a warm bath for an hour but I think he's not moving as much and I'm a bit nervous.

they like to keep us on our toes!!

everyone feeling prepped?
I don't know when to worry about reduced movement... Maybe just less space in there. I've already been on the phone once to hospital out of hours for something else this week and don't want to seem like I'm paranoid. I might try a warm bath for an hour but I think he's not moving as much and I'm a bit nervous.

they like to keep us on our toes!!

everyone feeling prepped?

Mel, honestly hun they really dont mind checking things. I'm the same as you. Hate to think I'm wasting time. My baby is usually so active but couldn't recall much activity today so went to the maternity unit. Even my partner told me to phone up even for his peace of mind. Ice cold water helps movement too.
Feeling really organised now, OH has been on major cleaning sprees this past week or so. So glad because I've had no energy. House is looking spotless :)xx
Just had a curry. Wonder what will happen ;) just kidding I don't really believe the old wives tales. But will have an indian next Friday as a treat ;) xxx
What about eating a pineapple curry on a birthing ball? Haha

I have definitely had movement now although not big kicks and he is on the move because i'm in pain again at the top of my bump which is usual for me... so hopefully a good sign! Cant wait to get checked again on Thursday, I usually feel at ease after an appointment.

Dreading a very difficult last week at work... delivering what should have been months worth of training in a few days while very sore and i should be tying up important loose ends the new start wont be able to do. however... also ECSTATIC that its my last week and not a full one either :D.

What washing powder have you all opted for? Really need to pack a hospital bag, I've now tried two big name stores for the 'Ecover' I used to see everywhere and I cant see it. Id rather not buy anything else online as I keep missing the delivery and it must be annoying the neighbours!!
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Typical, I'm getting masses of movement tonight, even so low down that I'm scared my waters will go haha.
We get whatever washing powder is on offer but we always make sure its the non bio stuff xxx
Keep checking here for updated news!! Hopefully something kicks off next week for some of you.... Nearly March! We are next!

Had my baby shower today which I organised like last time for something to keep me occupied. Was great fun but exhausted. But also really restless tonight and missy has flipped so her back in on my right and kicks kicking me on far left so really uncomfortable to lay on. I was induced last time and think I will this time as she just can't seem to stay in a good position for very long so doubt she will ever engage on her own will. I didn't mind it either, obviously painful and like twinkle nothing to conpare it too but I am quite looking forward to labour again so can't have been that bad :)

Hope you all having good weekend!

And also oh has finally started painting nursery! Prob be good job if I was induced real late as so unprepared still! Xx
I got Ecover washing powder and fabric softener-I got it from a local health food/hippie supermarket, Mel :)

Bubbles, I also had my baby shower today, well actually more of a get together with friends and family before becoming parents (at 39 weeks!!) We had it in our local pub and it turned out to be about 30 of us. Exhausted is an understatement! It turned out to be a bit of a piss up...people coming back to ours... Outstaying their welcome... I just broke down in tears. Finally everyone has gone but the house that I've spent all week to make so clean is now a mess.

Well and truly ready for my peaceful life back on the sofa again, in my clean and tidy home waiting for baba to arrive!

Oh no Molly that doesn't sound too much like a traditional baby shower! Good job you didn't start labour with a load of drunk people around you! Hope you have recovered today and got house back in order :)

I've just come back from my 'bump photo shoot' my friend from work has a side photography business and did it for me for free :) so excited to see edited photos!!! Xxx
So had a curry and dtd last night but nothing happened. Still hanging on!

Daughter is in nursery tomorrow so hoping now baby doesn't arrive tonight so I can spend tomorrow having a day of peace and quiet by myself. Then 2nd sweep on Tues and hoping that's work.
Eeek it's all getting exciting! Nothing much to repeat here just mega pain right low in pelvis, struggling to walk any distance. Fingers crossed! x
Mrsgriff I hope the sweet works Tuesday and you get your nice day of rest without lo tomorrow!

When I was pregnant first time I remember all the "make most of time to yourself, you won't get it again!" I got annoyed with people always saying it but it was so true, pregnancy this time round is sure different. Handy having a two year old to pick things off floor for me though ;) xx
Hi all, don't know if you remember me I dropped off ages ago after not being able to access PF for ages!
So close to the end now, exciting times! We are having a home birth (hopefully) so have my pool all set up in our spare room ready for water and baby!

No signs yet really, I had a nasty bout of norovirus this weekend :-( which I thought might come to something as it was causing contractions...Brixton hicks I guess as they came to nothing in the end and I'm feeling better now. Still have heartburn and baby doesn't seem to have dropped one bit!

Nice to see where you are all up to, I can see some of you are being induced? Hope you're all ok and not suffering too much.xx
Has anyone experienced braxton hicks on just one side? I have had 3 today, they last about 2 minutes and I get a really bad pain around my left kidney area and my stomach goes rigid. I didn't think they were supposed to be painful but these take my breath away. Other than that no other signs of baby making an appearance just yet. Finished the nursery today so all ready now.
Well that's it for me, saw midwife today at 38+4 and I don't need to go back now! So baby had two weeks and 2 days left to appear and if not we're going in to get it! Lol I decided against any sweeps cos I don't want to try and start things if my body isn't ready, after everything that happened with William I've learnt that I should listen to my body and if it happens by itself then that's the right time for me. Hubbys been busy getting all final bits done, seat in car, batteries replaced in swing and baby washing through, so all set really. Starting to wind down a bit at work but it's still really difficult to think about not being there and how it will actually work, I've already got commitments for meetings in April and a business awards evening to attend in March... Can't see being away completely but that's my choice and I'm happy with that, baby can come with me most of the time and if not daddy get some cuddle time too! Hope your all good, this thread will soon be full of labour updates I'm sure
It's all gone quiet....

Emcb I get pains one side sometimes, I think it depend on position of baby. Had terrible Braxton Hicks last night I actually thought it could happen last night as they were regular too but all gone this morning.

Now you have started getting everything together mummyedgar your body might kick start itself! Fingers crossed for you :) xxx
Aghh I hope it's a mistake. So my consultant defo said to see her tomorrow. My appt letter says for next Wednesday. But she defo said she will see me at 38 weeks. I don't understand why I would be left 2 weeks after a sweep. Does thus sound normal? Or possible mistake? Appts office doesn't open til 9. Will phone then x
Sounds like a mistake Twinkle.
I cant see why they would leave that long between sweeps, would be silly of them too really.
Hope you get things sorted!

I need to see babies, comon ladies :P
All sorted girls. The maternity day unit was meant to personally arrange with me a time to go up for monitoring. And they didn't. So I'm in the day unit at 12pm tomorrow then seeing the consultant after that. Good job I phoned. Starting to get period type pains low down or it feels like I've pulled a muscle. Can barely walk xx
hope you are ok & bags packed just in case twinkle :)
my edd a few weeks later than most of you so im expecting it to get lonely in here! but excited to hear all your lovely news.

think I've shot down hill between my last appointment and now I've been experiencing stitch like pains, mixed with Braxton hicks, and what I think is painful swelling in my shins after work that coupled with ever increasing bump/rib pain and a few other symptoms... Not certain ill go full term. Serves me right for having an easy pregnancy so far!
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