****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Thank goodness for that Twinkle! Fingers crossed things start moving for you, sounds promising tbf!!

Mel, im not due till 30th March so ill help keep you company but i dont feel i will go full term either.
So much pressure down there now its starting to get unbearable and i hate the thought of standing up now too lol.

I have this horrible feeling that my waters will go while im driving too. I kinda hope they do. The hubbys face would be priceless haha!
I keep getting period type pains on and off throughout the day. And so much pain and pressure down below. So will mention it tomorrow. Bags are in the car in case haha xxx
It's getting serious for you ladies... who's going to go first??? :)

I think it's very wise to listen to your body MummyEdgar. I am the same this time round - not interested in sweeps really. This baby will take as long as it needs.

Nothing to report here :( no signs, nothing.
Id have a good bounce on a ball if i was you Twinkle. Just to see where things go :p
Yeah, my first sweep is booked in for next Monday but I'm seriously considering cancelling it. It seems quite invasive and from what I hear, only has a 3 in 10 success rate - not sure I really want to go through all of that for nothing.

Baby will come when it's ready, no??
Entirely your choice Molly. I dont think its invasive if they aren't forcing you lol. No, they don't all work. But up to you x
That's my train of thought Molly, my body will tell me when it's ready and although it's not "invasive" as such, having someone use their fingers to separate membranes from cervix is more then invasive then I want! Lol I had two with my son, uncomfortable and a bit embarrassing and awkward and frankly did chuff all, I'd rather let things happen naturally and go wth what my body dictates
My hubby thinks it won't happen naturally anyway and I'll go over due and end up with an elective section, I don't know why he said just his gut feeling! They have done a sweepstake at work guessing dates and time and everyone is hovering around due date- not scientific! Lol I have pains and pressures but nothing to write home about. I would love things to kick off naturally and I have the birth I want but I'm not kidding myself at this stage, however it comes, when ever it comes doesn't really matter to me in the big scheme of things, excited to meet them and find out if we have two boys or one of each!
Found this link from a thread a couple of years ago, this kind of sums up my thoughts on why I'm gunna do nothing and trust my body, might give those starting to worry about bringing on labour a different perspective , ultimately each to there own and power to us all for doing this, however we do it!
I'm all sorted and had my last scan today . Blood results all normal , allowed to go into the midwife led unit . I'm excited ... Been having the worst fanny daggers ever today ! They make me shout out in pain .

Almost over the flu now thank god !

I'm checking in each day to see who's first x
So I think I've just had the 'clear out'. Had awful stomach pains, like poo pains when u need the loo. Pains have eased off but still their. What do I do?
Thanks so much for that article, MummyEdgar! A real eye opener, I think just a reminder of what I already knew. I found the part especially interesting about it not having that much of a high success rate, and those that do succeed are due to go in to labour at that time anyway. I'm definitely going to cancel it. And I am going to try my best to do nothing! Easier said than done though isn't it? :P
Defo, it helped me align my thoughts on it and have confidence in my self, it is hard cos we are impatient and we want to meet our babies but for me I want to let my body do it and from experience I know I have the rest if my life with the baby, a few more days this side isn't going to hurt and if I can rest more and try and relax then that's what I'm gunna do, cos I know I won't have Time to do any of that once they arrive! Lol
Another long day at work today, got school run and then meetings , better get myself going! Lol have w good day all x
I think havingg a 'clear out' can be like loosing your plug Twinkle. It can keep happening. I could be wrong but thats how i see it :)

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