****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Hey Birdo :)

I had a health visitor come and visit me. She just came to ask some questions like whether we smoke, family medical history, mental health problems, financial situation etc. I think they're just making sure you're fit to be a good mother. I think it's really easy to get her approval, she is just really looking out for people who show signs of being a neglectful parent.

The lady I met says she is coming back after baby is born and she can help with breastfeeding etc.

She was lovely though, nothing to worry about :)
Welcome Molly!

How exciting Twinkle, hope for more news from you soon :)

I've also got no signs whatsoever - am 37w tomorrow so that's pretty early.

If a HV came up at my door wanting to know my financial situation I'd show her the door! Poking their noses into other people's financial affairs is so not on. I'm not interested in a HV this time round - all the last one did for us was force us into formula and contributed to my PND (which she failed to notice) by putting pressure on us with several-times-a-week weigh ins when she decided that DD was not gaining fast enough.
Yes I'm not keen on them asking about financial situations

I think its nosey coming to check my home . I've been a mummy for ten years , I know what I'm doing ( I hope)

Although I will be very smug and proud to show her what I have in place for my baby :)

Thanks Atlantis.
Shame you've had a bad experience with health visitor, I can only speak for myself but the lady I saw was really nice and non-judgmental. She was only curious about financial situation to see if she could help with benefits etc. I didn't give her any actual figures, she just asked if dad was working and whether he was full-time and when I was planning to go back to work. She also asked about relationships with grandparents (as in, baby's grandparents, our parents), and about the possibility of homelessness. But as I said, I think you would have to show some serious signs of neglect/poverty before they become concerned.
Totally understandable if you choose not to have anyone visit, I didn't know I had the choice- I would have preferred not to to be honest. I like my privacy!
I've never had the HV ask about financial issues etc. She just came to the house after the baby being born asked how things were so far, weighed baby etc xxx
Thanks Atlantis.
Shame you've had a bad experience with health visitor, I can only speak for myself but the lady I saw was really nice and non-judgmental. She was only curious about financial situation to see if she could help with benefits etc. I didn't give her any actual figures, she just asked if dad was working and whether he was full-time and when I was planning to go back to work. She also asked about relationships with grandparents (as in, baby's grandparents, our parents), and about the possibility of homelessness. But as I said, I think you would have to show some serious signs of neglect/poverty before they become concerned.
Totally understandable if you choose not to have anyone visit, I didn't know I had the choice- I would have preferred not to to be honest. I like my privacy!

That's OK Molly - thanks - with my own experience, she meant well, she was not malicious and she was trying to help. Like they all do. Looking back I needed some different sort of support but they aren't mindreaders and they do have their own guidelines... Like SS who occasionally fail people and these stories make headlines... It was not that bad in the scheme of things but I think I probably don't need that support now being on my second child :) And certainly don't need the intrusiveness that comes with HVs!
She had gone head down!! Had a pre scan just quick in ante natal clinic and they were quite shocked in moved in the last three days. She does move loads though, her position changes weekly so got to see midwife weekly till labour to keep check on it.

I work with the health visiting team as family support and our area didn't used to do ante natal unless you were classed as high risk but then they brought it in for everyone so think it is new for some areas. They shouldn't ask about finances unless you want help with claiming benefits etc. Mine is coming Monday even know I've worked with her for years and know her pretty well, we said we could just have cake and a cuppa! Xx
Welcome Molly :)

Great news bubbles! Hope the wee monkey stays this time.

Our HV and MW teams are both in such dire straights in my area. I'm not expecting much this time in the way of help. They are just so understaffed and too many babies :(
Yay bubbles !! . I. Feeling slightly better , bearable today , get blod results on Monday , I'm still sofa bound , but managed to move out of the bedroom.

I've had nightmare scenarios with social services due to my OH ex wife making malicious reports, so I thought it was because if this , because I have a " file" ... All be it with false accusations in it and they said they understand . But if it was because of this then I don't want them through my door " checking " on me , because of her .

If I told you all what she has done you'd not believe me xx
Get well soon Birdo! Glad you moved to the sofa, i think theres something so depressing about being bed-bound!

I had financial questions at my booking in with the midwife but it was very basic like.. is your household income over 16k?

I get a lot of bump pain its not unbearable but its fairly constant, anyone else? I'm in so much pain when in the sitting position because he is still under my ribs, and he attacks them now and then- it burns!! A few people have said he will drop lower at some point, but i don't know when?

To top it off, only just got a replacement at work this week and I leave weds/thurs, really don't feel in peak position to giving months of training in a few days!!
I wasn't visited at home until after the baby with my little girl (December 2014) but now I've moved to a new area they visit here before baby but it was just all rolled into one with my daughter's one year check up. I really didn't like my daughter's health visitor but quite often saw a district nurse type woman instead and she was lovely. The one I've seen here so far seemed OK. I think they can be really invasive in those first two weeks, especially to a first time mum, mine was really stressing me out by effectively telling me off for the fact my daughter had lost 10% of her body weight as it was taking a long time to establish breast feeding. Although by far the worst person I saw was when I was still in hospital 3 days after birth and the woman that does the hearing test came round and made me cry my eyes out by saying that my baby was clearly upset and that I couldn't be feeding her enough or consoling her properly to do the hearing test. My partner was furious!

Mel they say if it's your first baby will drop a few weeks before labour but my daughter never dropped til the day before my waters broke, whereas this boy has already dropped x
It's all getting very exciting on this thread now.

I'm in the same boat as Twinkle - had a sweep today, have another one on Tuesday and then induction next Friday if nothing has happened by then.

Really hope this one works though and baby is here by the end of the weekend!
Can't believe it's induction time almost for some! It's just flew! Will you be over by then mrsgriff?

Glad your feeling a bit better birdo.

Held my friends newborn today and he fell asleep on me, forgot what they newborn hugs are like :)
It's all getting very exciting on this thread now.

I'm in the same boat as Twinkle - had a sweep today, have another one on Tuesday and then induction next Friday if nothing has happened by then.

Really hope this one works though and baby is here by the end of the weekend!

Ooohh this is exciting MrsGriff :) have you anything happen since the sweep? I've had my plug come away like all of it. Probs grow back though. Nothing else. So frustrating. After hearing other peoples experiences of going into labour a day or so afterwards :( xxx
Hey all, things starting to happen now it seems!! It's my sons birthday party this weekend, and still have so much to do at work, hoping we get to due date and nothing happens before. Saw consultant and got c section booked if nothing kicks off naturally, midwife seems to think I won't make that appointment but I don't know why. Lots of extra discharge has been doing on recently but nothing plug like. Baby is still having a good kick about but feels like it has dropped so I could be surprised. Made a hospital bag list for hubby today, so if it does happen he can pack the bag while I'm in the bath or breathing lol
Ooh exciting MummyEdgar.
I have this horrible cough and fear that my waters will pop if I cough anymore lol. I can't see myself going much further until the next sweep now. Plug has stopped coming now. Xx
Anyone else fed up now? I need my body back lol!
Im 34+3 now and cant wait to have baby here!

Went to see the MW 3 days ago and she said baby is 4/5 i cant remember what this means?
Also this morning iv been walking around and had to stop n nearly fall to my knees because it felt like little miss was trying to force her way out haha! Like really harsh pelvic grinds!!

Fingers Crossed things start moving for everyone. I follow this thread everyday, cant wait for birth announcements :D
Nothing happened much since the sweep Twinkle. I'd already lost a lot of my plug so nothing more there.
I have had some cramping and some pushing time pain in my bum like I need to do a giant poo (sorry tmi) but every time I think that this is it, it all dies down again. It's very frustrating!

Do you have any more sweeps and an induction date booked? I really hope the next sweep works as I don't fancy induction much. I've been told it's more painful - though having had one natural childbirth before I really don't see how it can be!

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