****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

I haven't been to the loo anymore. Fingers crossed I don't need to go in the hospital haha. I googled last night and it seemed alot of women went in labour a couple days after xx
Yeah I had a few 'clear outs' with first and still had to be induced at 11 days over but you never know! Hopefully the sweep today gets things going too.... Xx
Induction booked for next Wednesday at 8.30am. 2.3 dilated already. Dr said that explains the awful pains i had yesterday. had another sweep. And now my vagina is achy. And tummy goes all achy on and off. Xx
Ahhh Twinkle lets hope you get somewhere before the induction �� Exciting!!
Sounds promising twinkle!!! :)

Had midwife today and baby still head down and 3/5th engaged so hopefully she will stay head down this time!!! My first never got that engaged before I was induced 11 days over so hopefully this one might not need induction... Fingers crossed! Xx
Sounds promising twinkle!!! :)

Had midwife today and baby still head down and 3/5th engaged so hopefully she will stay head down this time!!! My first never got that engaged before I was induced 11 days over so hopefully this one might not need induction... Fingers crossed! Xx
I'm so tired now. Its been a long afternoon. So OH has sent me to bed, he's taking himself and LO to his mums and I may hop in the bath when they have gone :) get this baby rolling ;) my vagina feels sore now lol. Xx
Had 2nd sweep yesterday but I could tell that nothing was going to come of it. Didn't get the cramps or spotting that I did with my first one, not that that worked.

So looks like this Friday is going to be the big day for me. Induction is booked for 8am and both the midwives that did my sweeps have told me that I have a favourable cervix and that induction should be successful.

Strange to think that in 48 hours time my baby may be here!!
Can't believe some of you are so close now! So exciting!

I saw the midwife yesterday and she is a bit concerned I've been having dizzy spells and seeing stars but all my urine and blood tests etc are all fine so they said to just keep an eye on it. Apparently the little monkey's head is at the brim of my pelvis although I think he moves in and out as some days feels like he is practically between my legs! I'm measuring 40 weeks already so he could be big or maybe I'm just fat!

Only two more days of work - finally made it back for the week after my mega long sinus infection x
How exciting Mrsgriff! Maybe the first March baby in February :) good luck!! Looking forward to seeing the big announcement! Xxx
Hey! Had stupid loan phone so no chance for PF the last few days. How exciting mrs griff - first march baby :-)

Nothing much her bar beached whale, major pelvis and foof pressure, and the usual whines at this stage. Been losing bits of plug for a while now but lost a MAHOOOSIVE blob in the toilet on Tue! When this happened with dd1 I had her a week later so fingers crossed!! Been bouncing furiously on ball lol. Hope everyone is good!
Ahhh so exciting everyone! No news twinkle? Looks like the race is on!

I have midwife today on my last day of work, cant believe this day has arrived. I said to my husband I can still see myself working on Friday, its been sooo manic and stressful etcetc feels like I wont actually leave. Suddenly weirded out about being home alone, I've been very active and mobile all the way through, ready to nest when I go off, but now I feel useless. Scared ill get cabin fever!!
Good luck everyone! Looks like we'll be having some 'March' babies before me (a Feb mama!) X
Aw you won't mel, take the time and use it wisely - box sets food and naps lol! I've been off for 2 weeks now and have painted house top to bottom and done all the big cleaning things that I won't get round to with a newborn. Just enjoy tho!
Nothing this morning bar alot of bloody show and pains in my foof when walking. Cant wait for Wednesday ;) xxx
I feel like I need to clean lol. I mean I know the kitchen needs doing but the house has been cleaned like every other day haha xx
Haha. I just crave the smell of some cleaning products too so that helps haha. Getting brownish mucusy stuff this morning. Is this normal after a sweep? I had 3 sweeps with my first but didn't have this. Xx

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