****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

Oh no it is doing its rounds! Mine is just sniffles too but lasted 5 weeks now! But can't complain.

Had scan yesterday, platelets are stablised in my blood but baby transverse! She has gone transverse, head down, breech, head down, transverse in three weeks!!!! So got ecv on Friday! But nervous but spoke to community midwife today on phone who was a lot better and more informative then consultant! In for an hour to be put on drip before they do it to relax muscles..... If it works she has to just stay there for next 3-5 weeks!! Xxx
Been to the doctors , been told to rest drink fluids and pain in getting sounds like it could be pleurisy? , she said it could ladt 4 weeks :( . I don't want to give birth poorly

Oh bubbles baby is a right mover then ! Is ecv where they try and turn it? Xx
I have my scan tomorrow to see if baby has turned if not then I'll be having an ecv xx
The lady at who runs my ante natal said your body won't let you labour if you are poorly but my nanny gave birth to my mum with flu and vomitting everywhere so not sure how true that is! Fingers crossed it passes quick and then you are fit and healthy for baby! :)

Yeah Birdo they will have be on a scan and monitored while consultant try's to push her around. My mum had it with my brother and she said it's not painful but I have read horror stories!

Fingers crossed for you twinkle! Do you think she moved? Xxx
Oh gosh, everyone is suffering at the moment!

I must be very lucky as I haven't had it too bad. A few snuffles but that's it. Birdo have you spoken to your midwife yet? I hope everything is ok!!
Rose, that sounds quite scary if he's all confused. Has he seen a doctor?

I rang first thing and got him an appointment even though he was still asleep. When he came downstairs I looked in his throat and it was immediately obvious he had very bad tonsillitis. GP confirmed and gave him 10 days of antibiotics. The whole confusion thing was super weird, when I spoke to him he could barely remember anything that had happened yesterday and said he was sort of half hallucinating/half dreaming all day about how half his body was tired and the other half wasn't and he couldn't get better until the tired half caught up...so his theory is that he had just got so tired and run down that his body just shut down for a day to sleep. It was very weird to watch - he wasn't putting it on, he literally just kept passing out fast asleep after 30 seconds of being awake! He is still really unwell but much more his normal self his evening thank god! X
It doesn't feel like she's moved Bubbles. I dont feel any different from the last scan. As in pressure down below or pains or anything xxx
Any news Twinkle?

I saw consultant today and have been booked for an induction on 26th Feb. So I really don't have long to go now!
Hello Ladies. Scan was great, baby is head down!! Went for my general check up at the diabetes clinic. Unbeknown they had planned to give me a sweep. I had no idea of this. So that was a shock. Had a few aches and pains and lots of movement. Got another next Wednesday then an induction sometime next week or following week. Just waiting on a date. So all systems go here :) xxx
Aw yay twinkle ! Oooohhh not long now for babies then xx
Morning All

I am normal a lurker don't tend to post often but I need some advice. I saw my midwife yesterday for my 36 week appointment and my BP was quite high she checked it twice then sent me to labour ward for assessment. I am being monitored for my BP due to it being high in previous pregnancy and I am taking aspirin to try and keep it down.

Anyway went to labour ward put on monitor all fine and two further readings were lower still hypertensive but not in the pre-eclampsia range so they sent me home. I mentioned to my midwife that I have been having headaches the last few days which is another reason she sent me to labour ward. Consultant at the hospital said he didn't like the sound of my headaches and to keep an eye on them.

I was woken up in the middle of the night by one took some paracetemol which didn't help managed to drop off to sleep but have woken again now and it's still there �� Do you think I should ring my midwife or am I just overreacting?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance
I would ring midwife. It only takes her two minutes to talk on phone to you and worth it for you even if she doesn't just put your mind at ease. Or if she thinks you need further monitoring you could go up to hospital. If the consultant said to keep an eye out too. Hope they get it sorted and get better for you xxx good luck.
Morning! Well nothing has happened yet. Just feel very bruised and sore so I'm wondering if that's pressure? Any movement I make I keep thinking my waters might go lol. I'm so tired as DD isnt well so is up on and off, she's in nursery now so going back to bed for a bit. Xxx
Eeeek it's a bit scary to think how close we all are now - today is a month til my due date.
Twinkle what was their reason for giving you a sweep so early if baby is head down? X
Defo worth a call to midwife KG just to get checked out.

Everything good at mw yesterday, gave me swab to do strep b test as I had it with dd1. Should find out on Monday. Results will determine my birth plan so I'm feeling a bit nervous! Baby not engaged yet but apparantly it's normal for second to not engage as quick, I'm kinda glad tho - I'm not ready to be a mum of 2 quite yet lol!
Eeeek it's a bit scary to think how close we all are now - today is a month til my due date.
Twinkle what was their reason for giving you a sweep so early if baby is head down? X

No idea tbh. They didn't give a reason for the sweep. I was too surprised that they were doing it to even ask why lol. Though on the scan beforehand showed a measurement of 40 weeks but I dont know what that was for xx
Had a bit of clear discharge on wiping before. Nothing new really as had it before the sweep xx
Twinkle are you saying they gave you a sweep without your explicit consent? if that's what's happened this is violation of your rights as a patient and an unauthorised procedure and I would be complaining immediately. I'm not joking - this sort of thing is really important and women started speaking out against this being way too common and it's a serious offence. But you need to be certain if that's what really happened?
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Also fab news on baby being head down now twinkle!

Birdo sorry you are so poorly, 4 weeks to recover?! Oh no!! Poor you.

Looks like a lot of you are really suffering. It's hard at this stage :(

I'm just about ok myself just so busy, I need to get to the end of Feb then I can really slow down, meantime my crazy life and work are keeping me insanely busy and working until gone 9pm lol! Don't know how I'm managing sometimes!

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