****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

I had this 2 weeks ago birdo, reduced measurement and only measuring 29cm rather than 34. Everything turned out completely fine so try not to worry hon.

Also it was me losing plug! I lost it the week before having dd1 so needless to say, I panicked when I lost it a couple of weeks ago. I was told not to worry and that it's not necessarily a sign of imminent labour so fingers crossed!
OK, that's a relief. I've been focussed on every little twinge and movement thinking that it's the start! Hopefully baby can hang on a bit longer then!

Good luck this afternoon Birdo. I'm sure it will all be fine! xx
Thanks T84 , glad you're still hanging in here mrs griff . I'm sure all is fine , I think I.had a mad growth spurt at 24 weeks and tapered off myself . But glad its being checked , then got another growth scan at 37 weeks anyway so I'm.confident all will be well x
Goodness it sounds like it was all go last night! Birdo I hope everything is ok and the scan is reassuring. I was at the midwife yesterday and she said baby is 'well grown' and she meant big, head down and all seemed healthy but they are a little worried my urine has shown protein for the third time and it had gone a very bizarre orange juice like colour and opacity in the sample bottle so they sent it to the lab as worried I have a bladder infection.

I'm 34 and a half weeks and my bag is about 80% packed as I just don't feel ill be making it to 40 weeks for some reason. The cot isn't exactly built as I have a stokke sleepi and its in the big size at the moment and needs to be reassembled in the small size. The nursery isn't finished and I've found more damp patches in there today. Totally despairing of the builders. Told them this morning that I was going to get a second opinion from a stone expert as these idiots have told me the only way to solve the water leak in my bedroom is to tear down my
Victorian chimney. No sooner had I mentioned a Second opinion (via email) than the guy is on the phone to me basically angrily berating me for not blindly trusting his judgement! Mental way to treat customers. So stressed with the whole thing x
Hope all is ok Birdo! Let us know!

That's a good response Atlantis, at least they didn't fob you off.

Got midwife tomorrow, baby was moving around like crazy yesterday and felt a lot of pressure down below and pains so hoping she has turned from breech! Xx
All is well . Baby hasn't dropped at all and is following a nice above average line in growth ! Currently est 5lb 4oz 34 weeks x
Excellent news!! We ended up being 5lb at 34 weeks too so possible wee chubs! :-)
My OH ex wife's sister had an 11lb 7oz whopper yesterday!! Biggest they had ever had in that hospital . By c -sec , wouldn't want to have pushed that out!! ... I've been shown a picture and he's beautiful ... I really want to hold my baby soon !!! Xx
Had awful stomach cramps this morning, I thought I was in labour. Must've been BHs. Nothing much since. Had the sudden urge to clean this downstairs today. Going to pick up the Moses basket in the next week from OHs nans house. As I feel anything could happen from thus point onwards. The consultant mentioned a possible c section could happen at 39 weeks xx
:shock: 11lbs!!! Oh my.

if I could guarantee his health id be quite grateful for a small baby (as would my body) but lets wait and see haha.

twinkle hope your ok, I had awful pains on Sunday that only lasted about 15-20 mins but they really took it out of me, didnt know what it was. What are these babies doing to us?

first antenatal class was yesterday and quite good even tho I went on my own . She said march looks busy and was clearly surprised by the size of the class. We were told to be familiar with location of other hospitals just in case they are too busy, hoping that's that's just something they say to everyone. midwife tomorrow too... Really appreciating these appointments to make my last 2 work weeks pass quickly!
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According to my bump today my baby is already 7.4, way above 90th centile. Midwife said good job I have growth scan booked Monday anyway. I still think they arent accurate so not too worried. Also head is down 100% and starting to engage :) xxx
Mel, mine lasted about that. Then they would ease off, sometimes I even had to take deep breaths just to keep calm lol.
Naggy Post ALERT!!!!

Whether its hormones or genuinely people annoying me, felt so frustrated today. We took OHs nan shopping. And went for a snack and cuppa tea. My LO had spilt her drink so I was trying to clean lo up and the table, and his ban kept trying to to give lo her drink. Oh just sat their not saying anything, watching me trying to clean lo up. So I kinda snapped at his nan, just told her to stop and let me clean up. I felt such a bitch. But she always thinks she's helping when really she isnt at all. I was really getting fed up. It happens almost every shopping trip and I've tried politely to tell OH. His nan needs hearing aids too and refuses to wear them, so we are literally shouting at her so she can hear. And she doesn't have memory problems but we always seem to have the same convo about 4 times in the space of a shopping trip.
Also I'm so fed up of OHs parent forcing LO to give kisses and cuddles. She knows what she wants and will lose her temper with them. And I really don't bloody blame her at all. MIL even went as far as forcing food and lo didn't want it. I dont believe in forcing kids to do things they don't want. It must be so awkward for them. They wind her up on purpose. They can't even control her if she stays overnight, LO always ends up coming home. Prefer LO home though lol. Rant over!!!

How is everyone's week so far? 4 weeks left here! Possible 3 if c section happens xx
My ex MIL and daughters nan is a nightmare twinkle ! If I told you some of the stuff you never believe me

One example .... She lent me a phone and when I looked at search history it was all about poos and poo type and all that stuff , then my daughter tells me her nanny sits and forces her to.poo so she can check there's nothing wrong

Also she is obsessed she's dying etc has been for years ..... She only had my daughter take detailed pictures of all her moles on her back ... My daughter was 8!!

I'm 34+5 and have a touchbof a virus ... DD has flu and is him from school today , stayed in my bed last night

I cant wait to see these babies start arriving . I check first thing now just in case xxx
Great news Birdo!

Yes I check for news too :) Wonder who will be first?

My last scan at 34+5 (their dates... mine are more like 33+6) estimated DD2 to be 5lb 8. That's a lot isn't it?! DD1 was 6lb2 when born!

But 11lb 7, OMG!!!

Consultant today...
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yes whose going to go first? Eek!

baby's on the move just in time for midwife today. He's been pretty exclusively on my right side although curled round. but it feels like he is moving to the middle eek!

maybe it will give my ribs a rest, I've been sore unless stood up or lying down for weeks on end.

id like to know his estimated weight but don't think I have any further scans due. They always say I'm small then measure the bump and go oh no your fine! So I wonder if ill still be on track today.
OMG Birdo what a nutter lol. In laws are wierd people. But my mum is totally different, she just leaves it if LO doesn't want kisses etc.

I have another scan next Wednesday to see if baby has turned. Doesn't feel like she has at all. Even OH felt my tummy and she still seems so high up. Hope she drops, I dont want to go through with a ECV if its not that effective, but don't want a c section either. I've tried some techniques from spinning babies.
oh me me me, I hope I go first!!! I should be getting booked in for induction sometime in the week before my due date. Think I'm worried and excited in equal measure at the moment. I think I've been very lucky though, I'm not too uncomfortable, my biggest problems are heartburn and needing the loo 3 times a night!! Baby was already at 5lb 14oz at 34 +5, got another scan next Thursday at which point I should be given a date for induction ekkkk :-)
Loving the chat on inlaws, why are everybody's inlaws nutters??!!! Mine do tons of little things that annoy me until I eventually I just tell OH to keep them away from me for a bit so I don't end up loosing my rag!
Last day at work tomorrow, really just sitting here trying to look busy lol
Hey all, it's officially countdown time! I saw consultant today, so we are planning for s VBAC and if it doesn't happen we will have a planned c section at 40+6 , excited now we have a plan.
She Sounds like a charmer birdo!!! Imagine checking your daughters poos!

I've had this bag feeling all along I'm going to go early. By the end of the weekend I should be way more prepared but I haven't even started babies room organising and clothes washing (using a lot of dd1's stuff) or any hospital bags etc.

Had some bleeding on wiping earlier which worried me but it was just spots of bright red and nothing since so god knows!

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