****March 2016 Mummies****Final Round

That's good about your midwife Atlantis being able to support breech if need be .... Well we have our babies next month!! How peculiar .. I'm really excited to see what they all look like!! X
Well ladies, we officially have our babies next month :) or depending on my GD I could have mine this month. But I hope baby keeps cooking for as long as poss. How are you all today? Xxx
I feel quite organised now. Bags are packed, nursery is done, all the clothes are washed and the freezer is full of redone meals for us and for our daughter.

Had a horrible weekend. Because of previous prem baby, they recommended that I had steroid injections but as I have GD I had to be admitted into hospital for monitoring for 72 hours. It was vile. I had to have blood tests every hour, even over night and I also had the pleasure of listening to the screams various ladies in the throes of pushing which has now really stressed me out and terrified me.
Also I missed my baby girl like mad as I've never been away before and am so glad to get home!!
Oh that's awful MrsGriff. Having to listen to all that for 72 hours!! And bloods every hour overnight?!!

Hope you can rest up now and don't think about what you heard or went through this weekend.
Thanks Atlantis.
Had a nice relaxing day today and did nothing but get my hair cut and watch a bit of telly. LO was in nursery so had some time to myself for once. It was bliss and I feel much better for it.
Oh Mrsgriff that sounds horrible! You can't have had any rest! I bet you do feel better after today's rest but demand more! You deserve it. Have you got to go back in again?

Hope you all good! Can't believe it's so close to our babies'!

Found out today that my consultant was same consultant my mum had with me! With our due dates being the same too I just know she is going to arrive on my birthday!! Xx
Aw no Mrs griff! Glad it's all over for you!

6 more working days at work woo hoo! Really feeling it now as I've got quite a physical job. Afternoon of skiving for antenatal class today tho lol. Even tho it's my second I thought it would be good to go along - that and time off work haha!
I finally decided to book into antenatal, I wasn't going to bother- I feel like it might be cringey? But we shall see!

anyone else still working? Any office workers? My stomach keeps going rock hard which I assume is Braxton hicks? But its sooooo uncomfy to sit all day. Freaked out a bit yesterday as it was happening about every 7-15 minutes for a while. Feels like tensing achy abs all day so not exactly 'pain' just achy and sore.

ahh the joys. I have about 3.5 more weeks to work now. Cant wait to go!!

everyone doing OK?
I've been up all night with what I can only describe as mild contractions , they were painful enough low low down in my pelvis to wake me up , then frequent throughout from about 2:30 until 7am . Seem to have eased off now . They lasted around 40 seconds each time and about 10 mins apart .... Thank goodness they've eased off , I was getting worried x
I'm still working Mel, I'll be working till the end but it is getting hard to reach the keyboard which is making my back sore and generally with the braxton hix which I seem to get daily . I'm finding massages are working to ease my back pain a bit, it will be nice to stop when I have he baby, but I am not too bothered about not working before it comes cos I would probably just get bored , while I can work, why not.
I am starting to think I should maybe do hospital bag thou as I have a feeling this will be early for some reason
I'm still working - kind of in 2 jobs - work from home (desk job) at our own company, and in training for my new job as a pilates instructor (a bit theoretical at this stage!!) I'm actually extremely busy with both of these at the same time, and our own business is undergoing a major restructure inFeb so I'm particularly busy. Eeek...

It's tricky finding motivation to keep doing the normal everyday stuff isn't it? My trips to the Pilates studio keep me sane
I'm working 2 but 5 more days to go!! My jobs quite physical so it's hard going.

Aw no birdo!! Anything else since? What a panic :( x
They've been like it all day , and sharp pains up.my foof ... But I'm lying in bed now trying to get some sleep . Hopefully they go away and I'm not up all night . I think they're just strong BH , no signs of any show or waters so I'm positive x
hope your ok birdo that sounds awful!! My stomach is tensing most of the day its uncomfortable but I'm getting used to it.

anyone else's bump just sore? Mines mostly sore at the top. Already have the rib pain but this is like a constant dull/burning ache if that makes any sense?

it doesn't feel bad enough to do anything about but its constant and makes work pretty miserable. Kinda makes the skin feel weird too, like that numb sensation before pins and needles start? Dno maybe I'm going out of my mind!
anyone else's bump just sore? Mines mostly sore at the top. Already have the rib pain but this is like a constant dull/burning ache if that makes any sense?

it doesn't feel bad enough to do anything about but its constant and makes work pretty miserable. Kinda makes the skin feel weird too, like that numb sensation before pins and needles start? Dno maybe I'm going out of my mind!

I have the exact same thing Mel and have had it for quite a while. Mostly underneath my right boob. It's the oddest feeling when the numbness/pins & needles feeling is there. I find sitting back in a chair rather than leaning forward helps. Bit of a nightmare at work as I find myself leaning forward at my desk quite a lot. Midwife seemed to think tightening my bra straps to lift my boobs up a bit might help but didn't work for me.
yes definitely right side dominated! Thats where baby is and where the rib pain is so I don't know if its connected.

my poor posture doesn't help but I only seem to get complete relief by lying down. Not possible in the office - might get a few funny looks :P
Birdo, how are the Braxton Hicks contractions? are you still getting them?

Had a consultant appointment today. They want to induce me at 39 weeks so may only have a few weeks to go!
Had a scan today! Baby still breech, scan again in 2 weeks. Baby's growth has slowed too. Next discussion if baby hasn't turned is an ECV if that fails or baby doesn't turn it'll be an elective c section. No wonder I've been having pressure on my hips, babies feet are in the wrong place. So Fed up now!!! After my tidying at the weekend, I spend one day and night at my mums and OH hasn't kept the house as it was. So pissed off with it all now. Xx
Oh no twinkle . I think all my pains were baby engaging ... Because now she's so far down in getting the most awful stabbing pains in my cervix ... The tightening's have eased in pain and frequency .

That numbness pain sounds uncomfortable girls . And twinkle when you said where babies hiccups were I was going to say sounds breech still because mine ate in my pelvis ... I do hope baby turns and grrrr at your OH !! Men can be so insensitive at times

And mrs Griff ! 5 weeks. Exciting !! Xx
I want to avoid a c section as much as possible. But hearing ECV are 50\50. Most are fails :/ just feel so down now and I know I shouldn't because I do have a healthy baby. No change in the kidneys, ones still bigger than the other so their will be scans for baby when born as well as tests of the sugars. Baby is 100%a girl which is good as we have all girls stuff haha xxx

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