Losing weight.... who's joining me?

rach said:
hi jenna are you following a diet hun or just cutting down on everything? do you know its like 23 weeks till xmas and if you lose just 1 pound a week thats nearly 2 stone and 2 dress sizes :D oh my god im starting to sound like my slimming world consultant :oops: got to go weigh 2moro :pray: hope ive lost some weight this week xxxxxxxxxx

im just eating vege soup for tea and having slim fast milkshakes for dinner, drinking water, going to the gym 3/4 times a week and also going for an hours walk at the week end.
I wasnt weighing myself before but i think im going to start too. I feel loads better. Hopefully seeing the pounds go down will make me a little more motivated as the last few weeks iv been lazy but pushing myself when i do go and excercise (sp?) :dance:
weighing is good as you can 'see' the loss
also measure yourself. I never did, wish I had, but Rach has lost inches which is also very motivating! Good luck :D
hi all how are we all doing???
i went SW on tuesday and lost 4 and a half pounds :cheer: so nearly all the 5 pounds i put on on my birthday and holiday :D ive now lost 17 and a half pounds :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
are you weighing in today misslarue? good luck hun xxxxxxxxx
Hows everyone doing? :hug:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Well done Rach, that is soooooo good!! Go on girl. How did you get on this week??

I went back today, first time in 4 weeks. As you know I had put some weight on as I had been quite naughty. But I lost 2.5lbs so was really chuffed. I didn't go last week as it was my birthday and man did I treat myself!! Lots of drinking and eating. It was very nice :D
So really happy. Got my club 10 and now have lost 23.5 lbs :D

I've have just eaten the best dinner. Make burgers using low fat mince, garlic onions etc but put a light mini baby bell in the middle and bake in the oven. Yummy yummy yummy!! Cheesy burgers! 3 baby bells are 1 A choice and the rest is free!! lovely!
well done misslarue you are doing brilliant hun :clap: :clap: i didnt go again this week as we had visitors from london and spain :D so i ended up having a few bad days but am back on track and hoping i lose something by next tuesday :pray: xxxxxxxx
hi all...

can i gate crash ? im planning to joing SW as soon as we move as we dont have one where we live at the mo. we move in a week so not to long to go.
here my info:

had a big baby last year 10lbs 14.5oz :shock:
put loadsa weight on WAS 10st SIZE 12 NOW 15st :shock:

want to get back to 10 stone before TTC number 2.

do u get to exercise in SW classes ???? how much are they ? are they supportive ?

i plan to beging eating healthy until i can join

BREAKFAST : cereal
LUNCH : cereal or soup
TEA : healthy food or cereal or soup depending what OH has
SNACKS : Yougurt/fruit

that sound okay for now ?

help would be great thanks :hug: :hug:
Can I join in with this thread?

Been doing SW at home since last Wednesday. Need to lose near enough 4 stones :shock:

I do mainly green days....love my pasta LOL.

I'm not going to a class, I bought an E-Book and bought the food directory from SW. Did it about 3 yrs ago and lost 2 stone so know it works, even if you do stuff you face with pasta etc. I always amazes me LOL
Hey skairdykat and rhian85 :wave:
The more the merrier!!

I love SW, everyone is lovely and no one finds out how much you weight. You don't have to exercise you will still lose weight, but obvioulsy you will speed it up if you do. I think its £5 to join and then £5 a week.

Until you can join I would try and spice up your diet as from what you have put you will get bored very easily. Maybe try something like this

Breakfast: Fresh fruit and low fat yoghurt
Lunch: Tuna salad/baked potato
Dinner: Tomato pasta bake

Whenever I did my own diets I always found that if I stuck to 4grams of fat per 100g of food, I would lose weight.
ie Fish, chicken, turkey, fruit and veg, rice, soups pasta etc etc
Try and use low fat/low sugar options, for example you can make a really nice pasta sauce using campbells fat free condensed mushroom soup, mix in some wafer thin turkey ham with pasta and its a low fat carbonara (sort off!)

Hey Rach :wave:
Hope did you get on this week hun??

good luck everyone :D
not joined this thread never noticed it.
but i have been on a diet for a bit now i have lost 10lb in 2 weeks wooooooo hooooooo
mainly as im stressed though :roll:
i have been doing cerial diet i love cerials so its easy for me - then a proper meal for dinner time
hi all and welcome to new joiners good luck :D
misslarue ive not been again :oops: ive had the flu all week so not been out the door but am definately going tuesday so still stuck on 17 and a half pound off at the moment :( am going to try and be really good and stick to it all week and hopefully lose something by tuesday :pray:
Hey Dionne :wave:
10lbs in 2 weeks is awesome! Well done :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
How did you do it?? (think I might try it!)

Hey Rach :wave:
Wish I never went this week myself! I put on 1lb :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I cannot believe it. I did put on a few lbs a few weeks ago, but that was on my scales and not at SW. This is the first time I have gained since I joined. I'm not happy!
I've been working out so hard (30k a week on my cross trainer) so I can't understand it. Hoping its muscle :? It's my mums birthday dinner tomorrow so going to drink a bottle of wine to compensate! :lol: :lol:

Good luck next week hun...........17.5 lbs is 17.5 lbs. 17.5 reasons to be proud :D
Misslarue said:
Hey Dionne :wave:
10lbs in 2 weeks is awesome! Well done :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
How did you do it?? (think I might try it!)
im a cheat i use appetite suppressants, i just have such a big appetite i need something to take the edge of eating all time.
im now eating
cerial for breakfast with cuppa T
salad and quorn chicken / jacket spud and beans for lunch
cerial before bed.
im planning on being strick for a fewmore weeks then once im down to what i want to be il just stop taking appetite suppressants but really watch what i eat :)

every one is doing really well :)
hi all :wave: well im ashamed to say i have put on a pound this week and dont even know what went wrong i thought id been really good :oops: :oops: :oops:
period is here perhaps thats why heres hoping for a better week this week :(
hows everyone else doing??? xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Rach :wave:

Don't be too hard on yourself hun, we have all been there! I have had a terrible last 6 weeks :shock:
I didn't go this week, lost 2 the week before but put on the week before that!! I'm so good in the week, but the weekends alway bring lots of social occasions!

Here's hoping for us both this week :hug:
Good luck hun, I'll let you know how I got on this Friday :D
:cheer: :cheer:


Hows everyone else doing, Jenna, Dionne???
:( well i let the side down again this week and maintained but i think my head is back on straight and im ready to go for it this week i dont seem to have been able to get back on track since my holiday :oops:
good luck for friday misslarue xxxxxxxxxx
wheres everyone gone from this thread :( misslarue have you deserted me????
well i went to SW this week and am finally back on track and lost 2 pound :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: 1st time ive lost weight in 2 months
have now lost 18 and a half pound :dance: :dance: :dance:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Well done Rach, thats so good :cheer:
Of course I haven't deserted you...........mmmmmm dessert! :wink:

Right got to be honest, although I have been exercising like crazy, I haven't been as strict on plan as I could have. I've been back on 100% the last 3 weeks and I am finally losing weight again. Lost 27.5lbs for me now...........but I've been going since the end of April so that's just over 1lb a week, not as quick as I would like. But I've got class tomorrow, had a really good week, so I better have lost!! (hopefully I'll get my 2 stone sticker!! :cheer: )
wheres everyone gone from this thread :( misslarue have you deserted me????
well i went to SW this week and am finally back on track and lost 2 pound :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: 1st time ive lost weight in 2 months
have now lost 18 and a half pound :dance: :dance: :dance:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Well done Rach, thats so good :cheer:
Of course I haven't deserted you...........mmmmmm dessert! :wink:

Right got to be honest, although I have been exercising like crazy, I haven't been as strict on plan as I could have. I've been back on 100% the last 3 weeks and I am finally losing weight again. Lost 27.5lbs for me now...........but I've been going since the end of April so that's just over 1lb a week, not as quick as I would like. But I've got class tomorrow, had a really good week, so I better have lost!! (hopefully I'll get my 2 stone sticker!! :cheer: )
well done you :clap: :clap: hope you get that 2 stone sticker im still going for my 1 and a half :( xxxxxx

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