recent losses on pf

Thanks for this thread, although it's terrible so many girls go through this it's also good to know we are not alone and we can all share our pain. Hugs to yOu all my heart is so broken at the moment And I know u ladies feel the same, such An awful thing
This is a great idea and would love to join you for the support and kindness.
I have had bleeding for a week and had two scans which showed baby was there with a heatbeat...i went back today and there is no heartbeat. I have been in limbo all week and it has been heartbreaking. We wanted this bubs so much but we understand it wasnt meant to be this time.
I have to wait to actually miscarry now and this feeling is horrible. I am scared of the pain and what I may see. I have a son and assumed before falling pregnant that pregnancy would be just as easy as it was with him but I have had an odd feeling all through this one that it wouldnt work out. I'm sad that I was right and just wish that i could of had a happy ending. xxx
Hi lisey, Im so sorry for ur loss and really do understand your pain :(

I am also waiting to mc, we had scan yesterday and told no heartbeat, im so sorry you had to go through so many scans to now have such sad news, I also believe this just wasnt our time....

Its horrible waiting for the eventable, every time I go to the toilet I worry what will be there but so far I have only had a little bit of blood, got an appointment next thurs unless I mc naturally between now and then, its the not knowing how and when it will happen is so horrible, sending u hugs xx
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So so sad to see all of the losses of here recently and my heart goes out to all of u :hugs: :hugs:

I agree with dysco without Hope and her support I would have never got through my mc, I am so grateful that they have been around to pull me up when I'm down and kick me up the bum to get myself sorted out by the hospital. Some ladies have come in here then vanished from PF, but we really do help each other.

So if any of the new ladies want to stick around u are more than welcome to join us, it's not under the most ideal circumstances but it truely is a lifesaver when u can't talk about it to any one else. I feel if I do mention it to my friends that it is something that I should talk about, even though it has taken over my life for the past 3 months, it hurts and it sucks but I can't keep it bottled up because it is a part of me and who I am now.

I have started to move on although I will never forget my little bean and how much they meant to me, and I would love to help every one through it like the other ladies on here have helped me, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
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Hi Lisey, you poor thing - it was the same with us - we had 4 scans, each time told to go away and come back but it wasn't looking hopeful. Had my D&C/ERPC on Monday but the waiting for the op was pretty grim. Sending lots of big hugs your way xxxxxxx
Thanks ladies xxx
I am the same, everytime I go to the toilet-i dread to think what I might see, I am getting some pains...kind of like period pains but nervous of how they may get. I have heard some horror stories. I'm not usually worried about pain but its because of what will be causing the pain.
I believe that PF will help me immensly, I'm not one to open up and talk to people face to face but find it easier when writing it down.
I also have an appointment next week for if it doesnt happen naturally but they seem to think it will happen as I have been bleeding already. I dont know how I feel-whether I want it to be natural or with a procedure...not that I have a choice anyway. xx
Again, thanks to all of you xxx
I'm pretty sure I'm miscarrying - I have to wait till Tuesday for confirmation, but don't have any doubts.

I'm bleeding, like a normal period, slightly less but have no pain at moment. Passing little clots (sorry if tmi) but thought you'd know what I'm experiencing at the moment to hopefully put your mind at rest x
lisey between all the girls on here we probably cover pretty much any mc scenario, so although in general we all know how you feel, if you have any specific questions someone will be able to chime in with some advice, or just words of comfort if they help. I'm so sad for you and your loss :hug: xxxx
Frankie, :hug: so sorry, hun, you are being so strong just to come on here and share what you are going through. xxx
How is everyone feeling today?

I have been looking at the website pregnancy loss which seems to cover every aspect of miscarriage and very informative.

Im ok. Just so down to be posting here again. xxxx
It's very nice to have the support of people who genuinly understand what ur going through at a difficult time I'm lucky to have good feinds hubby and family outside of pf too for support but not eveyone does I feel less despairing this time as even if I can't ever concieve natrually Tom has admitted he would be ok with adoption if it came to that I thought he wouldnt want to consider it, of course we haven't given up yet but it may be the only way for us depending on what more we can find out I expect we will try one more time natrually and then if it doesn't work consider adopt this forum always brings me great comfort and hope I see women who ha e been thru so much some who have done and been thru more than I could cope with who have gone on to be strong and have children or tri offer advice and a hug in a time of need so I'd like to say a huge thank you to every member of pf no matter if you are mc have suffered a previous loss are long term ttc have had a healthy preg or have just gotten your bfp you all inspire me to never give up and you are all so deserving of motherhood I hope every one of you gets there xxxx
Here here k8,
just really nice to know I have a support group around me who understand, who 's pain is also raw. xx
Hi girls, hope ur all feeling better day by day,

I am having a crappy day, think because I havent stopped since finding out in Thurs it is now begining to sink in, I have just finished work for the day and my head is pounding, I began bleeding yesterday and today sorry if tmi but I am now passing clots, I really dont know what to expect each time I go to the loo....

I feel drained but reading your positivity does help, lots of love girls xx
Today has also been pretty rubbish for me. I have passed a couple of clots too and I am the same, just wondering what I will see each time I go to the toilet. I am trying to keep busy and occupied but its hard when I have pains, its a constant reminder. I just hope this is over quickly xx
Its horrible isnt it :(

I got a bit dizzy earlier, feels like a heavy preassure headache and I just want to get back to normal! Feel like a big cry but know I will feel worse, dont know what to do with myself now this afternoon.....

Sending hugs lisey its a comfort to know of others feeling the same pain, not that I wish it on anyone but it is a very lonely time, keep saying to every one that Im fine just because I dont want to be fussed or drag people down with being sad and upset! Crazy I know but I dont think anyone understands unless they have been through it too....xx
Twinkles-I'm the same, I am putting on a massive front, making out I'm ok but inside its a different story. I know what you mean about the comfort from knowing others understand what you're going thtough, this forum is a huge help.
I have had a little cry today, I tend to bottle things up and hold it in but I couldn't help it after the clots-it felt so real then.
Its absolutely rubbish and I am so concerned with how long this is going to last and how long it will take for my body to recover and get back to normal.
I have had dizzy feeling too, my head feels odd, so heavy that I will often just have to quickly lay down.
Sending you huge hugs too and I hope that this will soon be over for both of us and everyone going through it xxx
so sorry to hear that twinkles and lisey and what u are going through.
i still have no bleeding! no sign whatsoever would still be clueless if hadnt had that scan!
why wont my body let go?
ERPC Monday morn.
Twinkles - you shouldnt be working hun, this is way too stressful, you need to let yourself grieve too, this is a horrible horrible thing to go through and you need to let yourself feel your pain to be able to move on.
My eyes are red roar from crying!!
I bottled it up more last time and I felt very sad for a longtime - i dont want to do that this time,I want to cry it all.
Cry out the last 6 weeks of knowing and hopes and dreams, thoughts of names and plans. The nerves and worry.
Focus on something else - not sure yet but need something and just move on!! xxxx
I know your right I maybe shouldnt be working but ff now until monday, my best mate has been over to see me, we talked about my mc but also chatted as normal about my hol, her weekend away etc, had a little cry and hugs and feel alot better, my other friend is having a bbq which I had agreed to go to for a few hours, my mate has let the girls know for me so I know everyone who sees me wont be asking questions, only my closest friends new but there is about 7/8 of us! It is a relief to see everyone and actually if I want to talk about it I know I can but a hug is enough for me,ust want to have a normal afternoon and I think it will help me alot, lots of love for a nice weekend girls xxx
Aww guys big hugs I'm feeling ok today fairly positive and chatted for ages to my mum which was nice a freind is taking me n hubby to hers for dvd and dinner tonight to get us both out the house :) x
OH has just gone to tescos.
He is going to cook me a special dinner tonight.
Ah bless him.
Have a lovely weekend ladies. xxxxx

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