recent losses on pf

just wanted to say i have had 4 mc now 2 before i joined this site and 2 since i have been on here . each one has got harder to deal with and i dont think i would have got through it with out the girls on here. you have all been great always around to give advice or just listen to my moans. i wouldnt wish mc on any one but its nice to know am not alone and other people know how i feel. so big thank u girls xx
Just wanna say stay strong girls!! I got so low after my mc's I really didn't think I could even face trying again and then a month later I was pregnant again and this time fx so far all is well!
It feels like it will never happen and my heart breaks every time I see someone has lost!
You never get over it u just learn to go on! I will always be sad when I think of the obesity that weren't strong enough to make it but it does make this boy so precious it is over whelming! I wish u all the luck in the world on your journeys x

What a lovely thread hun - thankyou

Big hugs to all you ladies going through this at the moment or recently - I know it seesm to happen that you get little clutches of ladies that have Mc or loss at the same time, we had a group of it in march 2010 when I had one, and it's awful - no one should have to go through this, and I hate to see posts in Tri 1 about leaving because of MC etc

It's so common , and the worst bit is, until mine I didn't fully realise how many MC or MMC or losses there are.

Hang in there ladies X
You just made me cry reading the last three posts, I know I shouldnt give up. Thank you. x
i didnt realise how common it was until i came on here and it happened to me, i think i was a little naive thinking because i've got a gorgeous healthy daughter that having a second wouldnt be a problem and that it would be plain sailing like my first pregnancy, how wrong was i!!! But i have t admit its been a godsend been on PF with all you lovely ladies who know exactly how i feel and are or have been in the same situation! its just nice to talk about things to people who understand me! so thank u girlies ur all mega stars and we WILL get our super sticky beans sooner rather than later :) hugs xx
What stage are you at now Deedee, have you had a period yet? x
no going by when i had mc it should be next week, i have had ov pains though which is weird and lots of cm for around 3 days so i have no clue whats happening with my body at the mo! at least one thing i know is my hcg levels are back to normal xx
Aaarrrgghh I wish my appointment on the 21st would hurry up - I know it sounds callous but I just want what is left of this pregnancy removed so I can move on - so frustrating!
yeah i totally understand where your coming from annie, i was relieved when i got the final blood results that showed my hcg levels were falling and more so when i POAS and it was negative, it was like closure, i knew that everything had gone and i could get on with things! Deffo not callous at all hun xx
hi girls, lisey, twinkles i hope you are being well looked after and are finding it easier on a fresh day. its a slow process getting over this and i never appreciated just how long til i started going through it myself, annie as lisey says not callous at all, everyone copes and feels different and wanting to move on and get on with having an LO is so normal. i think are bodies are so cruel taking so long to deal with a failed pregnancy. these missed miscarriages are the so rubbish, no warning at all and just find out out at the scan is the biggest shock. big hugs girls :hug:
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Annie-its not callous at all, i feel the same, just want it over so that I can move on.
Deedee, how do you know when you will have a period after miscarriage, what is the usual time? I dont know anything about this at all xx
Lisey - I think the usual is anything from 4 - 7 wks. Last time I had mine after 5 wks.

Deedee - thats good news - you are nearly through it. For me last time I was never so pleased to see AF! I knew then that my body was back to normal!! I could start again.

Annie - I totally understand. How can you move on and let go when your baby is still inside you. Thats how I feel too.
Just waiting til its over tomorrow and I can let my angel go.
Can you not get another early scan?? Go in an wait? Get it confirmed sooner?

Dysco - sorry to hear your body not get back to normal yet hun, dont underestimate what an ordeal for you this is though. It may take a while for you to cover emotionally, hormonal etc. Just go with how your feeling. xxxx
hi lisey from what i've read on here the effects of mc on cycles etc vary quite a bit, i've been quite lucky and after a medical management was a few days later than my 5 week cycle would have predicted for first af. this cycle has felt a bit weird, so we'll see if af number 2 after mc is the same.
Hi not really on pf much since mc, I'm doing ok now ladies I've had my husband home the whole time, he leaves today and I'm back to work tomorrow, keeping my chin up and trying to move forward. We are ttc again, I'm scared but it's defo what we want xxx hugs to all you ladies xx
hugs to you mummy22b, they look so cute in your photo btw!! Good luck with TTC, let us know how you get on :hug: xxx
Aw thank you xx Im offically on my 2ww since mc. feeling nervous, but if it doesnt hapen this cycle I wont be dissapointed ill just look to the future xx
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Just thought I'd add myself to this thread as have just found out today that I've miscarried too :( Was expecting the news as never felt pregnant (despite 6 positive tests!) and have been bleeding lightly since Friday, but having it confirmed is still a shock and not what you want to hear. In a way though it's a relief as I was driving myself mad with worry. Guess we'll just have fun trying for another in the future :) Hope everyone's OK. It helps to know there are others going through it too xx
coruscating I had everything crossed when I saw your other posts, i'm so sorry to hear you have miscarried too. Welcome to this part of the forum, sadly there are quite a few of us here at the moment. everyone is v supportive xxxxx
Sorry to hear your news coruscating - big big hugs - like dysco says, there's a lot of us here at the moment - seems this Monday is a bit of a sh*t day too. How is your OH? xxxx

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