Ladies who suffered a MMC that went on to have a healthy pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I wasn't sure where to post this, so feel free to move it.

I'm interested in hearing from those ladies who've suffered a missed miscarriage and have gone on to have a healthy pregnancy afterwards...

How did you cope with having your 12 week scan? Mine is in 3 weeks, and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with it, all those memories will come flooding back from the last time I was there, I'll probably be a complete wreck in the waiting room and may not even be able to bring myself to go in there for fear of it happening again. It was easily the most horrific and worst day of my life, waiting 12 weeks excitedly for the scan and being told our baby had died.

How did you cope with your scans second time around, in your healthy pregnancies?
Hi hon. Firstly I'm sorry for your loss x
I had a mmc at 10 weeks and found out at 12 week scan. When I fell ph again I was relaxed until I was coming up to 10 weeks. I received a scan date for when I would be 12 weeks but I was getting myself so stressed out and worked up about the baby dying again at 10 weeks and me carrying a dead baby (so sorry) for two weeks again that my midwife suggested a scan at 10 weeks would be the more sensible option. The day of the scan I was fine getting to the hospital and sitting in the waiting room but the instant I got into the scan room I started crying and shaking. I was lay on the bed really panicking and crying so hard. The sonographer turned the screen away from me after we'd explained why I was so upset and the first words out of her mouth were 'there's a heartbeat' and she turned the screen for us to see. She spent ages letting us watch the heart beating. The instant she said it I started crying again-with relief! It was scary but worth it and now my son is 3 months old! I think I'll still be the same everytime though x good luck
Hi Lulu,

I had a MMC at 11 plus 5 in march 2010. I found the whole thing really upseting and as soon as me and OH looked at the screen we knew something wasn't right as it all looked a funny shape.

When I got pregnant again, I never took any thing for granted , I was lucky enougth to be offered a 8 plus 6 week scan and then got taken a week back in dates , then got a 10 week scan too as that was still before my last loss gestation, soo it hadn't reassured me much (as soon as I left the hosp I was worried again) and ended up having a panic when I had spotting again at about 9 weeks and took my pregnancy ticker off and assumed the worst in my head ! Had the 10 week scan all ok and I cried when the heart beat was there. Then again as soon as I walked out, worried that the HB would stop still! Had 12 week scan and got given my week dates back so was 13 weeks ish. I had high risk results back at 14 weeks 1 in 9 , so just kept panicing, had a cvs, waited 2 weeks for results etc, so I don't think it's easy to relax in a pregnancy after a loss, hope you can. It did take me to 20 weeks to start relaxing into it and believeing it was going to happen and then the rest of my pregnancy went so quickly then! I now have a beautiful baby boy - Devon and he is 10 days old now, and it was all so worth it X

Good luck for your scan, I will be watchign out for your beautful scan piccys X
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Hey Lulu....

First of all, sorry to hear about your MMC, it's such a horrid thing to go through! :hugs:

I had a MMC where baby died at around 7 weeks they think, and I didn't bleed until I was almost at my 12 week scan.
As I had started bleeding, they sent me home to miscarry naturally, but it was quite horrific, and I ended up having a D&C a few weeks later anyway.

When I fell PG after my MMC, I was so worried, I think I almost panicked myself into a meltdown.
Unfortunately, that ended in a loss as well, as a MC in the 5th week, though, and not a MMC.

This pregnancy, my 3rd time lucky, I found out just before 5 weeks.
I was given scans at 5, 7, 9, 12, 20, 24, and 28 weeks, all on the NHS.
[although the first one was to date me, as I was admitted to hospital with a kidney infection/UTI, and the last two were because of needing to travel, I moved country, so they had to do a full check when I left and arrived!]

If you are too worried to wait for your 12week scan, ask your midwife / GP / EPAU for an earlier one - explain your history,and I'm sure they'll do their best to get you one.

To be honest with you, there is nothing in the world that can make you feel calmer before you go in and look at that screen, and I cried tears of joy and relief every single time I saw my babies heart beating.
You just have to take it one day at a time, and keep telling yourself that everything will be okay.

Hope that helped a bit! :hugs:
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Thank you for your answers girls. Unfortunately I have been told I am not allowed an early scan, and I'm not sure I've got it in me to call them and beg for one, even though I wish I could. I think I'm just going to have to cope with the panic and try to deal with it somehow :(
Hi the doctor said i had a MMC but i was only 4 week and a few days and they were no signs of pregnancy...had an awful time in the hospital room when she said she couldn't see anything as stupid me had already told people. It was a nightmare and the woman was a bitch...this time round i was TERRIFIED the same would happen and i would hear them say we can't see anything again, it was horrible but i waited nervously. The worst bit was when the woman was looking about making sure everything was ok before telling me. Then the relief when she said theres the heartbeat :) It was are gonna worry...its normal but not long to wait and you baby will be just fine! Try not stressing though, easier said than done xxx
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If I DO decide to call them and ask for an early scan, what do you think would be the best thing to say? Just basically explain how much of a nervous wreck I am all the time? Also, if I get one, does that mean they cancel the 12 week scan?
If you can, try and get in touch with EPAU - ring your local hospital switchboard, and ask to be put through to them.
If you just explain that you've had a previous loss, and that you're out of your mind with worry, then they should see you whenever they have their next scan day.
AND it should NOT effect your 12 week scan in any way, you should still get that. x
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Thank you Heulyn, I have decided to call them tomorrow. x
Hi lulu :wave:

I would definitely give them a call. I m/c in November last year at 10 weeks. I had to go to the EPAU for blood tests to make sure my PG hormone level were decreasing. When I was discharged they said that when I get PG again just call them and I can book in for a reassurance scan whenever I like to put my mind at rest!

They should offer that to you hun its not fair letting you worry. x
Hi Lulu,

I had a MMC in May, the usual story, went to 12 week scan only to be told baby had died at 9ish weeks. This time around I just told the midwife at my booking in visit that I couldn't cope with the thought that it could be dead inside me again and she told me to phone the EPU so I would do that.

With scans, I still get so nervous that I will be told bad news but the sonographers are usually really good and if you tell them you had a MMC they will turn off the screens until they can see if everything is ok and will ask you if you want them to talk while they check or keep quiet - whatever you want really.

I'm sure everyone who has been through this half expects it to happen again but there are so many happy stories on here (including mine) that hopefully you will be a able to relax a bit soon and start enjoying it.

Good luck with the EPU, I'm sure they will give you an early scan, it's what there are for


I had a MMC at just over 6 weeks last April found out at 8 weeks as had pain so went to a &e and was scanned was told sac was smaller than should be and had to go back a week later for another scan - in the meantime i started bleeding so knew it was over before the 2nd scan. Ill never forget the room them saying what they did and what during this miscarriage happened - hence why when i experienced pain at just over 8 weeks this time i totally lost it and was convinced it was happening again- went to local EPU who scanned me for that reason and found the heartbeat - was still nervous at the 12 week and 20 week scan but now 33 week and all is well - we never forget our angels but we learn to get threw milestones ill never stop appreciating that we have been given this 2nd chance to be parents. loads of love xoxo
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Hi hon. Firstly I'm sorry for your loss x
I had a mmc at 10 weeks and found out at 12 week scan. When I fell ph again I was relaxed until I was coming up to 10 weeks. I received a scan date for when I would be 12 weeks but I was getting myself so stressed out and worked up about the baby dying again at 10 weeks and me carrying a dead baby (so sorry) for two weeks again that my midwife suggested a scan at 10 weeks would be the more sensible option. The day of the scan I was fine getting to the hospital and sitting in the waiting room but the instant I got into the scan room I started crying and shaking. I was lay on the bed really panicking and crying so hard. The sonographer turned the screen away from me after we'd explained why I was so upset and the first words out of her mouth were 'there's a heartbeat' and she turned the screen for us to see. She spent ages letting us watch the heart beating. The instant she said it I started crying again-with relief! It was scary but worth it and now my son is 3 months old! I think I'll still be the same everytime though x good luck

wow, way to get my tear ducts flowing!

lol, bless you ! what a lovely ending to a tragic story :)
Did you call EPAU today hun? xx

Yes, I did, and although they said they're very busy and they just couldn't get me in this week (as I have no pain or bleeding, so its understandable) they did fit me in for next Tuesday, which I am happy about. Thanks so much for all your support ladies xx

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