kay126 labour watch!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Well ladies, two weeks ago I went to hospital because I thought my waters were leaking, after two speculums by two different midwives I was told they could see no leak or waters only discharge and said to go home and unless a pad soaked through in an hour or discharge was unusual colour then nothing to worry about. So today went to 40 week antenatal check and told midwife this morning I had some spotting, she wanted this checked out so sent me to hospital where I came 2 weeks ago and I had another speculum- turns out my hind waters HAD broken two weeks ago that I was 2cm dilated and I should have been induced on the 11th november! So straight away they did blood tests for infection as I should never have been left so long and those tests come back fine, doctor explained I wouldn't be allowed out of hospital until 24 hrs after baby born and that she was going to do a sweep. This hapened about 2 hours ago, the blood tests came back clear but I have to stay in, If the sweep hasn't kick started anything then I have to have my front waters broke in the morning then go on a drip and monitor straight away for whole of labour :-( not ideal as my birth plan was a home hypnobirth! Then once baby is born I have to stay in for another 24 hrs :-( so looks like I will have my baby by end of tomorrow! Just wish they had listened to me 2 weeks ago when I insisted my waters were leaking!xxx
aww hun thats terrible of them but good luck and at least baby will be here soon x
Good luck! Use the hypnobirthing techniques to your advantage whilst in hospital x x hope baby arrives quickly for you x
Oh no how annoying that they didn't sort you out two weeks ago, but YAY that all is well and you'll get to see bubs soon!! Keep us updated X
What a mistake by the midwives! Good luck tho hon and u will be meet8ing ur little one so soon now x x x
Shocking, after you got checked out too!

Well good job there are no infections then , phew , good luck for the birth, baby will be here soon X
Wow good luck.

They didn't believe me either. My waters broke and I was induced 3 days later. Hypnobirthing made it all bearable that I didn't get my lovely birthing suite xx
good luck hun, its a bloody shame they dont believe us sometimes, after all it is OUR bodies!!

n cant wait to see your little addition 2mo :)

Good luck - sorry to hear about their mistake and that you wont get the birth you wanted but I'm sure that will all seem like nothing once your holding your LO.
Hopefully your little one is here with you now. Good luck xxx
Hi ladies, just a quick update, managed to catch a few hours kip, getting horrid cramps but I'm rubbish at timings so couldn't say how regular, they're not too bad at all so nothing to worry midwives over, had a huge bloody show before bed and only waters leaking since so looks like they're gonna have to break my forewaters themselves after all in the morning xxx

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