kylie labour watch :)

ooooooooh whoop whoop, look 4ward to seeing baby Jack, good luck :) xxx
sorry kylie i was in town when you texted!!
she was sent home in tears because her contractions are to far apart and only 3cm dialated! but waters have gone!! midwife was very horrible and she couldnt help but get upset!

:hugs:big hugs lovely hope things start picking up again really soon x
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thats awful theres no need for them to be so rude, hope shes ok xx
What a shame they should have kept her there being 3 having contractions and her waters gone! What's the nhs coming to these days?!?

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What a shame they should have kept her there being 3 having contractions and her waters gone! What's the nhs coming to these days?!?

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i know i thought they would.
really feel for her, she did say she would come on here when she felt up to it, havnt heard anymore bless. you wait all this time for your waters too go or things to happen and then they just send you home x
god id be so pissed off if i got sent home! hope shes ok! didnt think they sent you home if you were 3 cms or over? x
Aw bless u, thats awful! Hope things get going more soon hun! :hugs: x x
good luck hun sorry you have a rude midwife - not helpfull is it!! look forward to hearing updates xx
Oh no, poor thing, that midwife sounds nice! hang in their kylie, whings will pick up soon X

whats the rulings nowadays on whether they keep you in girls eg the 3cm thing, as I have no idea? Or does it depend on how busy etc?
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