Mys sisters waters gone @ 32 weeks

Hope your sis is ok, Zoe. Best wishes to her and little 'un x
Hi Zoe, have only just seen this, just wanted to say i hope your sis is ok babes :hug:
Been visiting tonight...good news tonight.

Doctor saw her @ 6pm, he wants to get her to 37 weeks :shock: . They will keep her in hozzie for now, possibly let her home if there are no signs of infection, but she would have to go to hozzie every day to be monitored....She is on anti biotics daily is breech and unlikely to turn due to fluids gone so this will mean a planned c section 37 weeks unless they are concerned for er or baby before then, and it will be an emergency c real chance of a natural birth they think

She is very positive, not too happy about c section and worrying about housework and hubby making a mess :rotfl: so she must be feeling better!!!!

Thanks again for all your kind wishes, hopefully I will sleep better tonight now I am not worrying too much xxx
hun its good that she can hold off a little longer, and it seems she's getting alot of support and help! I wish my sis was like you lol!!
Hope she feels better soon hun and bubs turns!! :hug:
Glad that everything is well with your sister and her baby, it must have been a big shock for her.

It's incredible how things vary from region to region though. My waters broke at 34+2 weeks and there's no way that I was allowed home from hospital due to the risk of infection. If I was 37 weeks plus I would have been allowed but not before that.

I was induced at 35 weeks.
My waters broke when I was 35+1 weeks and they wanted to keep me in and gave me anti biotics but I started having contactions that night and had him the following morning :)
awww bless her glad she is feeling more positive if she is worried bout her OH n house work ull have to go to hers n help lol
That's great news Zoe! Her OH should be on his hands and knees scrubbing the place till it's gleaming!
Im glad she is feeling better Zoe and I hope she can go as long as possible until she needs to have a section.

What a frantic 48 hours for you though, hope you and Lee and baby are ok :hug:
That's great news Zoe, glad that your sister is feeling a bit more like her old self. Make sure you are taking care of yourself as well.
glad to hear the news Zoe, keep us updated xxx
Wow, what a mad few days you and your family have had!! :shock: :shock:

Give my love to your sis and heres hoping she gets bambino to 37 wks with no probs.

Take care,
Bev x x
Update on sis..

She rang me last night @ 11pm in tears, was trying to sign herself out of hozzie :shock: She was so fed up, and confused and missing home....Managed to talk her into staying in overnight until doc saw her

Docs been today and is prepared to let her go home this affy, she has to be on anti biotics, and mointored twice a week back at hozzie. They are going to try and get her to 37 weeks before her planned c section...

Fingers crossed she is ok until then

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