...July Testing Thread...7 BFP so far...

Bfn=big fat negative
Bfp=big fat positive
Cm=cervical mucus
Fmu=first morning urine
Poas=pee on a stick
Opk=ovulation predictor kits
Hope this helps.
On other news I poas and got a dud test this morning gonna dip tomorrow morning
Af means aunt flow... Basically when your cycle starts first day of period
Tina maybe you were just a little early to test? Id try again tomorrow if I were you. :dust:
Tina maybe you were just a little early to test? Id try again tomorrow if I were you. :dust:


Yeah...l I think I'm gonna leave it two days then perhaps try again.
Still no sign of af today either...

Just noticed your post...I too have had a positive opk when I didn't think I would... I honestly don't have a clue!
I'm completely in denial 4 days till af is due but this is the first ever that I've had two lines, I hope we have finally done it.


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Looks like a very faint positive to me Darcy. But a positive is a positive.
Congrats!! :stork: :bump:
That's what I thought it's still early days so I'm not getting my hopes up
Thanks cockermum I hope it's the real deal. This is the longest day ever waiting for hubby to finish work xx
Has anyone heard of the fact that thick / creamy white cm is an early sign of pregnancy? I've been noticing this all day and when I google'd it I found this could be a sign?
Af arrived for me for sure. Better look next time xxx
Hi Valentina92, I saw your post and just thought I would reply.

I noticed creamy white cm every day of the 2WW the cycle I got my BFP. Sadly it ended in miscarriage for me but I definitely noticed something was different that month. I didn't usually get much cm between O and AF so it made me suspicious. It will definitely be a sign for me if I see it before a BFP again!

Fx for you!!
Hi Elsa,

Thanks for your reply. I have never really noticed it before, so I thought it was odd. My opk was positive on Sunday, is this not too soon to be "seeing things"? With my last cycle I got tender nipples so I thought I was gonna get a BFP then too lol
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Well.. I got my BFP the same month I started properly taking multivitamins so I suppose it could have been those but it carried on until around the time I miscarried.

Mine was there from what I think was 1dpo (I don't use OPK but I have quite regular cycles and can pretty much tell O day by my cm). I didn't have any other 'symptoms' to speak of until at least 10dpo. I don't quite understand how it was there from 1dpo myself but I could have been a bit out on the days. I got my BFP at what I worked out to be 10dpo.

They weren't pregnacare ones, I didn't buy those until after I got my BFP. I've got pregnacare conception now for TTC but at the time I was only taking Asda multivitamins because I didn't know I could buy better ones. I was trying to get a supplement with both folic acid and vitamin b!

I'm completely in denial 4 days till af is due but this is the first ever that I've had two lines, I hope we have finally done it.

Oh wow, I was keeping my fingers crossed for you and kept checking back!! Come join us on the March babies Facebook group :lol:
Hey I'm not getting to excited just yet but will join when I do however I think estimated due date would be APRIL fools.

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