**** july mummies 2018 *****

No GG, I can't say I do, my nose is doing ok... Can you use a spray or something? Or maybe have a humidifier going at night? x
Had my scan! Still measuring 3 days behind so growing perfect :) it wasn't my dating scan, the midwife has to book that tomorrow and I have my booking appointment tomorrow x
View attachment 75637
Awww look at that little bean!! Beautiful x
Lol the woman scanning remembered me from Scarlett, she was a trainee and I was her first 20 week scan and she was so excited to see Scarlett aha.
Lol the woman scanning remembered me from Scarlett, she was a trainee and I was her first 20 week scan and she was so excited to see Scarlett aha.

Ah, that's lovely.

We now have a boys name decided as well.

If we have a boy, he will be called Kieran. This came from Dan. It's the name of my cousin, who has just flawed my family with how he's coped with life. When he was 11, he went to get his dad from garage to come in for dinner but found his dad in the car, dead. He'd gassed himself. When he was 19, his little sister 16 at the time, died after a short 6 months of anorexia. 3 years ago, his mum died of alcoholism.
He remains a happy person, he is a doctor now, got married to the most beautiful woman (inside and out) this year and he's just incredible. When I think of him, it both breaks and fills my heart.

Dan was absolute, he doesn't even want to consider any other name. No brainer for me. Kieran it is if it's a little boy in there.
GG Kieran is a lovely name! And my God what a brave, life-loving person your cousin must be!! x
My scan is on 4th January!!!!!!!! Such long wait :( I will be 13+4 as well... a bit late x
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Khtw is a bit late, they must be super busy by you!
I'm reassured now so idc when I have mine. X
Khtw is a bit late, they must be super busy by you!
I'm reassured now so idc when I have mine. X

Yeah our maternity hospital and scanning dept are always busy! I am a bit worried that it may be too late for some of the tests... I will ask my MW tomorrow when I see her for bloods but I can already hear her say ' anytime between 11 and 14 is fine' meh! :(
We have two options for where I can give birth either at our local hospital which is a midwife led unit or at a hospital 30 minutes away which is a full birthing centre.
I opted for the midwife led unit when I had my appoinment on Monday but I have since been reading and they dont offer epidurals!!!! Oh my life, what if I want one, I will then have to be transferred to the hospital by ambulance!
I think I'm going to change my mind on location!!
I'm definitely going for the hospital one with doctors, I'm just so unlucky with things I know I'll end up needing a doctor!

Took the day off sick today, woke up and just burst into tears. So tired and run down just feel awful. My OH actually told me to stay off work, when before the pregnancy it wouldn't matter if I puked everywhere he'd tell me to go in and give it a go. So I must be pretty shit today lol xx
I didn't get the Edwards test last time cos was too late for blood as I was changing hospitals we moved at 13 weeks already had my 12 week scan, but couldn't see new midwife till 16 weeks. I got the downs though.
Sarah, I would choose the other hospital! You never know what might happen and might need the Drs. I wanted to go to the midwife lead birthing suite, but I wasn't allowed as I had developed GD and im so so glad I never went there with what happend with my birth x
We have two options for where I can give birth either at our local hospital which is a midwife led unit or at a hospital 30 minutes away which is a full birthing centre.
I opted for the midwife led unit when I had my appoinment on Monday but I have since been reading and they dont offer epidurals!!!! Oh my life, what if I want one, I will then have to be transferred to the hospital by ambulance!
I think I'm going to change my mind on location!!

Epidural is amazing. You may not need it but it's nice to have the option, especially that you can NEVER know how the birth is going to go x
I think I'm definately changing my mind! I'd like the option to be there if I want it.
i chose a midwife led unit last time, I had complications so was blue lighted to the hospital 30 mins away and begged for an epi as soon as I got there.

I'm really hoping not to need one this time but I guess I'll go with the flow. I'm also going to look into hypnobirthing. my friend had a horrible labour first time but recently used hypnobirthing with her second and said it was amazing and empowering

edited to add lovely name choice GG, it's not the kind of name I'd go for but wow the story behind it is so meaningfull
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Hey ladies. Hope you're all ok today.
I've got my first booking in appointment tomorrow with the midwife, I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow. What are these early tests you can have?
We have two options for where I can give birth either at our local hospital which is a midwife led unit or at a hospital 30 minutes away which is a full birthing centre.
I opted for the midwife led unit when I had my appoinment on Monday but I have since been reading and they dont offer epidurals!!!! Oh my life, what if I want one, I will then have to be transferred to the hospital by ambulance!
I think I'm going to change my mind on location!!

TBH I didn't want an epidural and gas and air was enough. I had a spontaneous quick labour and got to 10cm at home and didn't realise until I went through my transition. Got to the hospital pushing so was too late for me to have one. I did ask for one out of panic lol. Gas and air is magic. So is the birthing pool. Also midwife units are fantastic and have everything you both need if anything goes wrong. If you'd like a midwife unit don't let that change your mind. But if your set on hospital then for sure change it. Everyone's different.

Edit: GG that's a beautiful name and a amazing person to name your baby after! xx
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