Oh ladies I don't know what to do
I think my relationship might be over. I took yesterday off sick because I felt so awful, like I said my OH also told me too. But when he got home yesterday and I was laying on the sofa and the dishes hadn't been done, he went crazy and said I was lazy and he didn't want to be in a relationship with someone like me. Said that when the baby comes he expects it all to be done when he gets home from work and if it isn't then he will leave me. I had a bit of a panic attack (I have bad anxiety) and he just ignored me completely, I was really crying and trying to tell him that I just felt so bad today and I was so sorry. Since then we haven't spoken, he hasn't come near me, kissed me or touched me. I normally drop him to work on my way to work and this morning he's just left without saying a word to me. I've decided to not go in again today as I'm in such a bad place. I think he hates me and can't stand me, ever since I got pregnant. I don't know him anymore
I don't want you all to think bad of him because this isn't like him at all, I really don't know what's happening