Jem, lovely, I will write more up later when I have a bit more time, but please, DO NOT let yourself feel in any way responsible for his moods.
If you were a friend close to me, I'd be at your door right now, to have a very serious and frank conversation with you about the pattern that even we "relative strangers on the internet" can see. I'm currently, with lots of other people, helping to support a friend who has very recently left her husband after finally admitting to herself that being treated that way wasn't right...and it was her young children asking her why Daddy doesn't like her that helped give her some clarity.
She's already said that the signs were there right at the beginning, but he only became truly verbally abusive after they were married and it only turned to physical violence after she had their first child.
It is always a gradual process and all women who are victims of controlling/abusive partners say the exact same thing...he was never like this at the beginning, it's just not like him.
I want to come and be there when he gets home from work to give him a piece of my mind as I absolutely abhor any person who will willingly act to make another person feel so bad.
You have done nothing wrong but I do agree with you that the relationship may be over. I say that because what you have is not a healthy relationship.
It could be something triggering his behaviour, but he will need to admit it and seek help. Just be aware of how manipulative some people can be as saying sorry and making false promises of changing can be all it takes to keep a partner from leaving. It's worth giving him a chance but I would very much have my eyes open from now on. The red flags of a potentially physically abusive relationship are at full mast because you are already in a verbally abusive one. Verbal/emotional abuse is also now punishable by law!
Put yourself first and ask yourself if this is what you want for your life and if this is how you want your child to see the world.
Huge hugs. I'm sorry if that was all a bit blunt but my friend said just a few days ago that although a few friends thought it at the beginning, nobody spelled it out to her, so I am. Get online, do some research. I bet if you read accounts of other women in this type of relationship, you'd notice loads of scary similarities.
It's not as uncommon as you'd think either.
Look after yourself and don't be a doormat when he comes home, but I would try not to be too confrontational either.