**** july mummies 2018 *****

BP maybe it is time to stop compromising? Just tell him straight how things are and how you feel. I don't blame you for wanting to spend your first christmas with DD at home. And honestly, what do you mean when you say you don't even get her back when she is screaming ?!?!?! I would go mental!!!!!! There is simply no room for compromising when it comes to my child x
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peanutbutter, I totally agree with what jemrose and khtw have just said.
hope youre ok
Like when she's hungry or over tired mil will try and sort it out and when she realises she can't she only ever asks hubby if he wants her to calm down. I'm used to it.
Hubby can think on his feet and I'm useless in an argument which is why he usually gets his way. I think next time I snap, I'm never usually this angry just thinking about it but I can't seem to get over it this time. X
Like when she's hungry or over tired mil will try and sort it out and when she realises she can't she only ever asks hubby if he wants her to calm down. I'm used to it.
Hubby can think on his feet and I'm useless in an argument which is why he usually gets his way. I think next time I snap, I'm never usually this angry just thinking about it but I can't seem to get over it this time. X

I would literally be like "excuse me I'm her mother. I'm the one she wants, I'll be dealing with her thank you" Lets face it. It IS you she's wanting.

My mil was like that, picking her up when she wanted me and waking her when she was sleeping for a cuddle, asking oh instead of me etc etc etc. And I had to say "what the hell do you think you're doing" basically. Told her she was my daughter not hers and if she didn't like it she could leave. Oh isn't helping either, like mine didn't at first.

Basically I was rude as fuck and made everything awkward. But you have to sometimes when it comes to things like this, if other options don't work. I think some women have trouble when the mother of their grandchildren is their sons partner, not their daughter. Especially if they don't have a bond with the daughter in law. Perhaps she doesn't realise, perhaps she does. But you need to put your foot down, why should you put up with it? Xx
Thanks. I'm a very quiet person, don't think I'll ever do it, sadly :(
Just fed up of it all :/
I've been constantly worrying today!
Had my booking in appointment yesterday and since I have had the date for my dating scan I have it playing in my head what if there is no baby there when I have my scan? Has anyone else got this in the back of their minds? I know I could pay to have an early scan but we are trying to save as much money as we can.
My breasts are still very tender and I am feeling a tad nauseas but apart from that nothing!
Is anyone else having the same worry? I don't know whats got into my head all of a sudden :(:(
I've been constantly worrying today!
Had my booking in appointment yesterday and since I have had the date for my dating scan I have it playing in my head what if there is no baby there when I have my scan? Has anyone else got this in the back of their minds? I know I could pay to have an early scan but we are trying to save as much money as we can.
My breasts are still very tender and I am feeling a tad nauseas but apart from that nothing!
Is anyone else having the same worry? I don't know whats got into my head all of a sudden :(:(

I'm lucky (well wasn't lucky because was bleeding and in pain) but I got an early reassurance scan, so I have seen a heartbeat and know there is something in there.

But otherwise, I'd be just like you!! I hate so much that you have to wait 12 weeks to see your baby and make sure there's something inside you. I think it's really unfair xx
I've been constantly worrying today!
Had my booking in appointment yesterday and since I have had the date for my dating scan I have it playing in my head what if there is no baby there when I have my scan? Has anyone else got this in the back of their minds? I know I could pay to have an early scan but we are trying to save as much money as we can.
My breasts are still very tender and I am feeling a tad nauseas but apart from that nothing!
Is anyone else having the same worry? I don't know whats got into my head all of a sudden :(:(

Me. I've been thinking about mine next Thursday. And I've been worrying the last few days about a mmc. It's normal to have worries I think. Until you actually See the baby and get reassurance everything is okay. When is your scan?
I've been constantly worrying today!
Had my booking in appointment yesterday and since I have had the date for my dating scan I have it playing in my head what if there is no baby there when I have my scan? Has anyone else got this in the back of their minds? I know I could pay to have an early scan but we are trying to save as much money as we can.
My breasts are still very tender and I am feeling a tad nauseas but apart from that nothing!
Is anyone else having the same worry? I don't know whats got into my head all of a sudden :(:(

Yes, totally this! My nausea has died down, boobs aren't as sore these days but still getting some cramps off an on. I think I'm more nervous than anything because we are telling OH's family this weekend (it's his mum's birthday and they'll be the first people we tell as we live away from both sides of the family) and I kind of feel like we're jumping the gun as we won't know everything is all ok until the 4th of January.

Sigh. We feel crap with symptoms and a different kind of crap without them! :wall2:
Thanks. I'm a very quiet person, don't think I'll ever do it, sadly :(
Just fed up of it all :/

Understandable hun. In that case perhaps speak to OH about how much this bothers you, how it makes you feel, and have him sort it. Its his mum after all making you fed up and your feelings should be the priority. Especially carrying his 2nd child :hugs: xx
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Malagueta, Sarah, I know how you feel.. I am feeling less nauseous now and having the occasional very light cramp... I’ve been fairly relaxed so far but now I’m just over 3 weeks to go before the scan I’ve suddenly started worrying about the same thing... will there be a baby there? I had a mmc last time and it’s definitely on my mind. I think at these times I just tend to take a deep breath and remind myself that this is a different pregnancy and has felt very different throughout.. I’ve got no reason to be nervous right now.

It’s not easy though! Roll on 29th December! :)
Glad I'm not the only one!! My scan is on 28th December so not too long to wait but it's going to be long enough!!
Roll on our first scans!!!! We are all scared a bit x
How long did you guys have to wait from booking appointment to get your first scan date.
wow loads to catch up on again

it seems theres a mix now of some of us starting to feel much better and a few stil battling through.

I've been doing well, apart from if I wake during the night it takes me hours to go back to sleep, I was so grumpy this morning because of it. I've got my ranitidine now so hoping my reflux will improve.

11 weeks tomorrow! eeek! people talking about announcing the news, we tend to just tell our friends and extended in person, I'm not keen on facebook announcements. if you're important to me I'll tell you if not you'll find out as and when, although a few older relatives up in Scotland will get a phone call as I don't see them often. my mum is planning an Xmas meal out with my nana and auntie son in excited to get the scan done and then I can tell them. my mil came round today and she was gobsmacked by my bump, it's not huge but it's noticeable and I just can't believe it's there

absolutely loving olives and slated crisps atm, I know salty is supposed to be a boy thing but I carved salty last time to
Shepherdess omg 11 weeks!!! Time is flying in! I wish I had a bump lol I just look fat and bloated :/ I'm with you on the sleeping thing . OH had his alarm go off at 4 this morning and that was me up. Didn't start work until 8 so I was pretty pissed off lol. I'm usually a good sleeper apart from when I'm pregnant. The insomnia in the third trimester can be so awful I'm not looking forward to that xx
Blimey Shep...11 weeks. That's amazing.

Apart from the back pain, I'm feeling really good. Very tired as been non-stop today and got two horses on box rest so loads of extra work and cleaning/redressing a pretty nasty wound. Today was the first day in the pub as well. Just a specials board for December to build up some cash to get some staff in to launch the full new menu in the New Year. The best thing has been the reactions to the food tonight. Took a burger out and 7 people at the bar took photo's of it, lol.

Brilliant feedback from every one and already covered my meat cost for the week. The pub is owned by the same chap who owns the abattoir and butcher at the end of the car park and it's so awesome to have such great produce next door but the people who've run the kitchen before have never capitalised on it. Stupid really.

So, anyway, apart from a few mild but reassuring cramps, it's just the back pain and tiredness now so I feel pretty good.

Just about to have some buttery crumpets so I can take my folic lol.

Hope you're all well and yes, even though I have pictures of baby and saw a heart beating...I'm still nervous about an mmc so really hope I see it again next wednesday. That's the rmc scan so I don't know if they'll do a picture for me, if not, Dan will take one with his phone. Just praying all is still well.

Feels slightly mental to be setting up in business when I'm pregnant but...all being well, it'll secure our future for us and baby.

Hope you're all getting a good nights sleep. Xxx
thanks for the advice ladies xx

has anyone decided yet how they're going to announce the baby news?
I wrapped (in Xmas paper) a wee baby suit which is white with wee red polka dots and says in silver writing on the front "my nanny gives the best cuddles". I got my mum and dad together and told mum I'd bought her a present but it was Xmasy and I wanted to give it early so she could use it over Xmas instead of packing it away til next year cuz Xmas is over by the time she gets it haha she screamed and cried haha xx

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