**** july mummies 2018 *****

I also cried my eyes out about how nuts my mum can be but also how nice and if she could just be her nice mood self all the time life could be so good but u spend your life waiting for her to get in a bad mood again or snap or shout. It's like flicking a switch :(

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Just read back a little at your posts. I can second that the 1st trimester is a piece of crap. Give it a few weeks. The hormones are rubbish though. This is my second and I'm still having mood swings despite doing it before. Got off the phone with my mum about her dog and sobbed my heart out because she's getting old and doesn't like to play with other dogs anymore :/ I seriously acted like she'd died.

Also lost my shit with OH because he didn't help make a Sunday roast today. While he was laying out literally our entire new downstairs floor, hall, living room, downstairs toilet, other hall and kitchen diner. But I was so mad I had to do mash potatoes myself. Completely unfair and irrational of me but that's pregnacy for you lol.

It's fine to feel like you're emotionally drained and like there's nothing positive about it. 1st trimester is fine for some but really not for others. You honestly do start to feel emotionally and physically better soon though. Especially when you start to feel tiny little baby movements and show a little. You start to feel more pregnant and connected to the baby, than just feeling like shit lol. :hugs:
How dare he not mash the potato hahaha I swear I've had every struggle going this tri 1. Thank goodness finally tri 2 today! So excited to be moving on a step closer. Haha

I feel like a total nut at the moment. I'm surprised my husband is even sticking around with a crying vomiting irrational crazy person loose, wide eyed from lack of sleep and popping pills!! Haha Ive lost my mind lately and it's a struggle to find it

At least physically the sickness has eased to the point I can kinda function and only constant nausea.. Fun times haha can get through work without throwing up tho so that's total progress in my mind. Still completely reliant on anti sickness meds tho xx

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Around about the 24th of July but I haven't been to any scans so
Not really sure.

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