**** july mummies 2018 *****

Hi ladies, can i join this group? :)

Bit scared to move over to the First trimester group since i had a mc in April but could use the support.

This is my second baby ( have a 15 months at home ) and due date is 18th of July so only 4 weeks! Xx
Just realised if this pregnancy lasts baby will be born very close to my daughters birthday 30th of July!
PB keeping everything crossed for you hun. You've been here before and you know your body so you probably won't appreciate me telling you you're wrong. But I am so so hoping everything works out. I was a week behind at my 12 week with dd. You carried your daughter full term so there's always hope. How did you measure with dd? Xxx
Hi ladies, can i join this group? :)

Bit scared to move over to the First trimester group since i had a mc in April but could use the support.

This is my second baby ( have a 15 months at home ) and due date is 18th of July so only 4 weeks! Xx

Of course you can hun. Congrats. I think I saw your post.

I'm having my 2nd too. Had a mc at 9weeks before my dd. And there are mums in our group have had the same as you so we can support each other. Welcome to July mummies x
She was infrount all the way through. She didnt have a heartbeat at 6 weeks but was there by 7 weeks. Dont even have pregnancy symptoms pretty sure I did with dd by now. Ah well.

Congratulations mariaisabella. Fx for a H&H pregnancy x
Just got dd out of nursery. So I'm sitting in cafe with dd (below the doctors) and doctors phoned and gave me an appointment for 3. Then phoned me back and said actually can you come now. Wtf think maybe it's a kidney infection not a uti
Oh I hope not shan! They can get painful. Will be OK if it is though xx
PB I've got my fingers crossed for you that this is just a blip and everything will be fine xxx
PB I have everything crossed for you, i hope in 2 weeks you get to see a healthy and happy baby X

JemRose congrats on your milestone and let the next one roll on!! X

Welcome MariaIsabela! X

Shanivy let us know how the appointment went, hope it is just an uti x
Had my scan. There was a heartbeat but was measuring a week behind what it's supposed to. We've been here a few times before... So I'm expecting to miscarry. Have a scan again in 2 weeks as when this happens usually miscarry at 8 weeks.
My husband is hoping they measured wrong but who are we kidding?! Just have to wait now. X

I'm thread jumping again... don't lose hope pb, at beginning of my pregnancy I was pushed back a week and I had it it my head I was guna lose it especially with all the bad cramps I had when they rescanned me I was actuallly on track and then when I had 12 week scan they pushed me forward almost a week, they did explain to me that in the first 12 weeks the babies size differs so much that's why you can't get a proper reading till 12 week scan it's really good news you saw a heart beat xxx

Ikno it can be off, but this is usually how they start. Theyve had heartbeats before which apparently means the chance of mc drops dramatically .. Doesn't with me. Probably sounds dramatic but meh.
They've said I was 5+3 which means I wold have for a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks not even wjgh a early detection test. And I would have got 3+ digi when I was bearly 4 weeks.
Tried explaing to them hwk my mcs go but they just ignored me like IDK what I'm talking about. Lol

PB...I won't lose hope for you but I do understand how you know yourself. I've known when I've been losing. It's just a sense, so whilst I truly hope that's not what this is for you, I do totally get how you feel and why.

Big hugs xxx
PB I hope you’re doing ok. I can totally sympathise with you as I’ve seen HB on previous early scans and then gone on to miscarry so it’s impossible not to think the worst. But I’ve also had early scans when I’ve measured behind and then a week later caught up to where I should be so you just never know. Fx for you babe xxx
PeanutButter every pregnancy is different. Having symptoms with dd now doesn't mean you would with this one. We're all sending you good luck for this next scan either way. I understand you know yourself best but ill be thinking of you xx

Shepherdess thanks for that. She's too stubborn. Elsa herself could come in to give her it and she'd still pass. Too like me. Xx

KHTW how's you and the little one holding up? Xx

Oh and Fucking kidney infection. :wall2:

Blood pressure high, ketones in urine but no sugar. Gave another sample and same result.

Finger pricked for diabetes too but I think she was being careful as she said I'm not likely to get gestational diabetes. But they'll keep an eye cause of the ketones. Said the symptoms were probably masked by the disk last week/week before. Gave me antibiotics and have check up on Wednesday . Gave me nitrofurantoin said it's safe for pregnancy so I'm trying not to google the side effects as I'm a medicine drama queen.

Had to take Ivy in with me cause she'd came out of nursery and doc was like pregnant, pregnancy, baby, pregnant,. Had to cough and be like ahem can we be discreet? I know she's 3 but she misses nothing lol
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PeanutButter every pregnancy is different. Having symptoms with dd now doesn't mean you would with this one. We're all sending you good luck for this next scan either way. I understand you know yourself best but ill be thinking of you xx

Shepherdess thanks for that. She's too stubborn. Elsa herself could come in to give her it and she'd still pass. Too like me. Xx

KHTW how's you and the little one holding up? Xx

Oh and Fucking kidney infection. :wall2:

Blood pressure high, ketones in urine but no sugar. Gave another sample and same result.

Finger pricked for diabetes too but I think she was being careful as she said I'm not likely to get gestational diabetes. But they'll keep an eye cause of the ketones. Said the symptoms were probably masked by the disk last week/week before. Gave me antibiotics and have check up on Wednesday . Gave me nitrofurantoin said it's safe for pregnancy so I'm trying not to google the side effects as I'm a medicine drama queen.

Had to take Ivy in with me cause she'd came out of nursery and doc was like pregnant, pregnancy, baby, pregnant,. Had to cough and be like ahem can we be discreet? I know she's 3 but she misses nothing lol

Oh Shan what an ordeal for you!!! As if being pregnant doesn't make you feel crappy enough. Your body must have it in for you :( hope you're better soon x
Right I am confused as anything!!!!

My first midwife appointment was booked for 6th December, I'll be 9 and a half weeks by then and GP told me to be seen at 8 weeks. I just worked out dates and rang to change the appointment for the week before. I get told by the receptionist that the midwife won't see me until 16 weeks. I said to her but the doctor told me 8 weeks and she said no midwife definitely won't see you until 16!!

What about my scan? I'm not waiting until 16 weeks. I have no idea what she's talking about!!! She gave me a number for a nearby hospital if I have any complications in the meantime. Might just ring them and try and work out what on earth is going on?!

Has anyone heard of this? 16 weeks for booking appointment?? Why would GP say 8 weeks and then receptionist dismisses that and says no 16 weeks?! I work in a GP surgery and have never heard of the receptionists here being allowed to do anything without checking with the doctor. If doctor says 8 weeks they should have checked before booking me in at 16 weeks surely?!
Right I am confused as anything!!!!

My first midwife appointment was booked for 6th December, I'll be 9 and a half weeks by then and GP told me to be seen at 8 weeks. I just worked out dates and rang to change the appointment for the week before. I get told by the receptionist that the midwife won't see me until 16 weeks. I said to her but the doctor told me 8 weeks and she said no midwife definitely won't see you until 16!!

What about my scan? I'm not waiting until 16 weeks. I have no idea what she's talking about!!! She gave me a number for a nearby hospital if I have any complications in the meantime. Might just ring them and try and work out what on earth is going on?!

Has anyone heard of this? 16 weeks for booking appointment?? Why would GP say 8 weeks and then receptionist dismisses that and says no 16 weeks?! I work in a GP surgery and have never heard of the receptionists here being allowed to do anything without checking with the doctor. If doctor says 8 weeks they should have checked before booking me in at 16 weeks surely?!

Ohhh let me try and remember this. Your booking appointment can usually be up to 10 weeks. Everywhere is different. Mine was 10weeks with dd. Never made it to booking with 1st one. I'm at 7 this time with a different surgery. They'll prob not care what gp said tbh. Or they could be really busy and have pushed you back.

Your 1st scan should be done at hospital which won't be with a midwife and usually sent out by the hospital. Mine was. At 12 weeks normally. Sometime the midwives do it depending where you live, and if they have the equipment, but usually you're referred to the hospital.

Then I think the next midwife appointment (AFTER booking and 12 week scan) will prob be 16 weeks which is maybe what she meant. She wasn't very clear by the sound of it xx

P.s thanks I'm actually feeling okay with it.
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Jem 16 weeks is ridiculous! Your supposed to be seen between 8-10 weeks because you need your 12 week scan and blood testing. 16 weeks is the second appointment when they search for a heartbeat with Doppler. X
I dunno she said I won't be seen until 16 weeks. so confused! I might just ring the hospital and find out from them xx
Jem 16 weeks is ridiculous! Your supposed to be seen between 8-10 weeks because you need your 12 week scan and blood testing. 16 weeks is the second appointment when they search for a heartbeat with Doppler. X

that's what I thought, the whole thing giving me a headache! x
PB don't you get your bloods done at the booking, then scan, then 16 week appointment with hb, urine etc

JR yes ring them to get it clarified. I'm sure she meant 9 week booking, 12 week scan, then 16 week. If not then certainly kick up shit! xx
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