**** july mummies 2018 *****

Omg girls I can't get a grip on myself. I can't stop crying I'm so upset and I don't know why. Phoned the NHS referral place for my back and they think I have UTI so told me to get an appointment asap to check before Theyll finish my referral. Well obviously I can't go in cause I'm working but I've been crying my eyes out OVER NOTHING. I wasn't this bad last time. Think my hormone have arrived in style

GG good to hear it xx

KHTW flip sake! You should be okay if you did, and shouldn't get it anyway but fingers crossed you don't! And the little one gets better soon. Xx
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Omg girls I can't get a grip on myself. I can't stop crying I'm so upset and I don't know why. Phoned the NHS referral place for my back and they think I have UTI so told me to get an appointment asap to check before Theyll finish my referral. Well obviously I can't go in cause I'm working but I've been crying my eyes out OVER NOTHING. I wasn't this bad last time. Think my hormone have arrived in style

GG good to hear it xx

KHTW flip sake! You should be okay if you did, and shouldn't get it anyway but fingers crossed you don't! And the little one gets better soon. Xx

Oh no!! UTI is the worst, I hate it! Hope you feel better soon x

I really hope I don't get it but I feel god damn awfull! x
Had to go give a sample at the doctors after work earlier. Ugh. Receptionist never gets off her seat at the back of the booth so had to shout and let everyone know that I would be peeing in a bottle. Then walking past all of them with said pee, while they all watched me, to put in the sample box. So over this day I swear to god.

Hope all you ladies are doing okay

KHTW me too, hopefully you just feel awful cause you're pregnant ? ( lol sorry i know that's not helpful) wishing your dd a speedy recovery anyway hun. xx
haha shanivy I hate Drs receptionists

I had my flu jab today so asked the nurse for a bottle as I knew the midwife will want a sample at my booking in app next week so I figured I'd rather be prepared and take one then have to walk through the reception mid app to the toilet
GG I bled for a night with Scarlett. Bright red blood, then pink and finally brown. Hope your doing OK... Blood doesn't always mean the worst x

KHTW hope your daughter gets well soon, fx you don't catch it.

Shan I hate when everyone knows your going to pee and walk back with it! Lol

I have my scan at 9am tomorrow my belly keeps turning when I think about it :( expect the worst hope for the best!
Had to go give a sample at the doctors after work earlier. Ugh. Receptionist never gets off her seat at the back of the booth so had to shout and let everyone know that I would be peeing in a bottle. Then walking past all of them with said pee, while they all watched me, to put in the sample box. So over this day I swear to god.

Hope all you ladies are doing okay

KHTW me too, hopefully you just feel awful cause you're pregnant ? ( lol sorry i know that's not helpful) wishing your dd a speedy recovery anyway hun. xx

Does sound like a nightmare!!!!! The day is nearly over tho yey!

It is the fever that has me feeling so shit. Thank god the little one is feeling ok and playing nicely while mummy is on the sofa under a blanket. I think I will take 1 paracetamol before going to bed x
GG I bled for a night with Scarlett. Bright red blood, then pink and finally brown. Hope your doing OK... Blood doesn't always mean the worst x

KHTW hope your daughter gets well soon, fx you don't catch it.

Shan I hate when everyone knows your going to pee and walk back with it! Lol

I have my scan at 9am tomorrow my belly keeps turning when I think about it :( expect the worst hope for the best!

Fingers crossed for tomorrow, all will be fine xxx
Should I be worried that my temp is not coming down, it lingers at 37.7 so not too bad. Of course I went on google and read some horrible things! Stupid stupid stupid... should've known better :cry:
Shepherdess me and DD have flu jabs tomorrow morning too. Sick of looking at my doctors xx

PeanutButter good luck for your scan tomorrow!! Xx
KHTW I have slight temp too, assuming it is a uti, hoping it hasn't turned into a kidney infection.

I'd just keep an eye on it, if it gets any higher or you're worried give 111 a call and see what they say. Dr google can't be trusted hun. Glad dd is feeling fine. Typical eh? xx
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Everyone is having flu jabs... Do you need one? With Scarlett I was preg in the Dec and midwife said I don't need one... If so how do I get one without having to pay for it? X
Hope all you ladies are better soon.

All is good here, very reassured it's just excess vitamins so expecting it again in a few hours.

Mw appointment is at 2.20 on Monday. Scan should be in the next week but I don't mind waiting longer as I'll just be able to see more the later it is :) xxx
Everyone is having flu jabs... Do you need one? With Scarlett I was preg in the Dec and midwife said I don't need one... If so how do I get one without having to pay for it? X

PeanutButter I'm asthmatic so I get it free usually. Being pregnant you will be free too as you're classed as the "vulnerable" Flu is supposed to be bad this year I'd def get it. Just in case. I've had it for years with no side effects whatsoever. Dd is getting it too. Xx
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GG that's so good all is normal. I honestly wasn't worried for you but I'm glad you've been reassured. The worry just never ends. First tri is hard!! But that little bean is coming in July!! Can't wait to see your scan pic eek!! Xx
GG that's so good all is normal. I honestly wasn't worried for you but I'm glad you've been reassured. The worry just never ends. First tri is hard!! But that little bean is coming in July!! Can't wait to see your scan pic eek!! Xx

Ah, thank you. I guess that's what four losses does to you...easy to hit the panic button. I had today off and totally put my feet up for the whole day.
I'm starting to get used to the little sensations down there as everything is busy doing stuff to make room for baby.

How are you doing?
Of course and completely natural to feel that way too after everything you've went through. Good for you lol

After my meltdown today (and it really was a shocker lol I pretty much got through work and that was it) OH took care of DD dinner etc and I had a sleep. Think it was well needed. I wasn't like this last time so I think Im just run down a little. Currently on my 2nd wind trying to convince myself it's time to go back to sleep.

But I'm feeling good enough now thanks xx

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